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Everything posted by Argh1992

  1. Got hit with covid this weekend, so it was nice to come back and be able to actually play. Happy 10 years to the challenge! I wanted to get a couple scores up just in case I miss the deadline. Hold me back was a lot of fun to play, I just started fumbling because it goes on forever. efore the cut off. Unrelated, I came back to the "Hotel California" solo I determined was out of my reach like a year ago, and now I can play the first like 20 seconds baby steps. This challenge has definitely kept me up with a practice habit even if it's not as frequent as I should be. *update: ended up getting a wicked little blister from this practice session. I flew too close to the sun.
  2. Minor lead improvement. I can play almost every part of karma chameleon in fragments, but then I tried to play all the way through and immediately got hand cramps. That speed is no joke.
  3. Well I definitely have to play the song I selected. Feels like I'm hitting a plateau with guitar and starting to go back in ability. Rough.
  4. Back into the swing of things. I can tell I've lost some skills unfortunately. Ok I might be the only one, but as much as I love listening to PF and this song, I thought it was super boring to play. Also RS wasn't registering the little solo bits correctly even when I had them slowly on lock, so I just got bored of it. This will prob be my only entry since I'm just too bored to try to get better at it.
  5. I'm still around, but I'm about to travel for the holidays so going to be gone a few weeks again. On the plus side, I learned pinch harmonics
  6. Woo that one measure was sloppy, but apparently the game thinks I did well.
  7. Woo! I probably could have tried harder on rhythm, but I've been practicing that lead solo for a couple days now and am just over it hah. I'm still too slow, but I'm satisfied how well I could finally get the rest of the song down.
  8. Even if we didn't need them, I spent the night staying up late testing some CDLC out and suggesting songs. Wow that takes forever and not much to show for it. Respect to those who test songs! I was just going through my spotify to see if anyone made CDLC for things I listen to, but apparently my taste is...eclectic.
  9. ok I think I figured out how to finally link images. This first one was weird, felt like I hate to play behind the beat for rocksmith to say I was hitting notes. Also this song said I was missing stuff when I was playing it, and that 0 delay intro was tough. Oh well. Fun song! Super cool the band is on the forum. Gutes Lied
  10. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Rubyrube/screenshot/2006971743778463038/ Ok um. Trying the link to screenshot. Coincidentally I have been trying to learn the tame impala song before this week, but I am not good enough to try for a score attack yet.
  11. Also, this forum is limiting me on my upload sizes? I had to get this screenshot under 100 kB (what??), so I just kept taking worse and worse screen shots. I won't be around consistently enough to play int. category, but I'm having a lot of fun trying them out and not failing immediately am I...improving?? My pinky finger blisters might be worth it.
  12. Woo just one night of practice. Ez song. I wish rocksmith told me fingering/strum patterns. I get it's subjective, but I'm getting to the point where that's what I need to slow down and practice the most optimal finger/strum configuration to maintain speed. Hard to self teach! I hope I am not picking up horrible habits.
  13. Trying intermediate since it was lower rated, and I was too lazy to retune my guitar. When I first heard this, I was like man whoever wrote this totally copied Runescape. Low and behold! It was actually fun to play with the string crossings/alternate picking, something I'm very bad at. I see you fellow Runescape fan. That game had a grip on my middle school experience. Now I just watch people play on youtube every now and then so I can spend my freetime practicing guitar instead of grinding
  14. What a test of endurance on this song, hah. Please don't raise me to intermediate! Also barely had time to practice at all with work these days.
  15. Well I spent about 10 mins of practice and just yolo'd for a score attack since I am short on time! I am traveling the next few weeks, so I won't be able to participate in the next challenges.
  16. I don't own a capo, so I thought let me try the intermediate song. I am just now learning its supposed to be finger picked from this thread lol! Yeah I got bored of practicing the solo bits over and over when they are just way out of my speed wheelhouse right now.
  17. Fun, just didn't have enough practice time to really get the speed down.
  18. Imma be honest with you guys in that my practice has been slacking. I just got back from the bar and basically sight read these (altho I couldn't change the difficulty on the Dres song but notes still showed up, not sure what that's about). I couldn't not participate in week 500!
  19. ok I honed in my tuning by just taking some more time on it, but the game wouldn't register the low chords I couldn't get through score attack, and I don't like the song enough to be arsed to get a higher score.
  20. Hi, it's me the beginner having an adventure with tuning. How do I make it not sound like ass ? I got the open strings tuned, but to my previous band nerd ears, when I'm actually playing up the neck it is not good. It's more of an issue on the low strings. I'm on a fender strat with 9-42 strings, should I just accept this song is going to sound like ass? I don't want to change anything else in my setup since I'm worried it'll throw other settings off for when I'm in standard tuning.
  21. I'll take my win last week even though I'm pretty sure I might have been the only beginner. I took a stab at rhythm as well for fun, but I didn't dedicate much time since I spent so much practice on lead only. Also it's definitely time for me to change out my strings for the first time, they're super loose.
  22. Ok after some practice I managed to get this, but got progressively worse after each try :C. This is best I got.
  23. Not a winning score here, but for some reason I kept getting streaks broken when I was hitting every note? I'm not sure if the track just isn't timed to the song or what but it hated my playing.
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