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Everything posted by cozy1

  1. @Alex360 "I can extend this auto preview generator based on sections, like get first chorus section and start cut preview from there or if there is no chorus or it out of bounds use first "non count*" section etc," This is technically possible with the current code. Just need to set start, and end times based on above variables.
  2. So, lot's of speculation with little accurate information. The new Wem converter takes either an Ogg or a Wav audio file and converts it to a Wem file. Wem convert feature is designed, tested and working for Wwise build 4828 if installed. The auto convert to Wem also makes a 30 second preview WEM auido file, starting at 4 seconds into and ending at 34 seconds into the full length audio. If *.wem and *_preview.wem are provided by user, the toolkit will use these instead of generating them. If only main audio Wem is provided then toolkit will regenerate both main audio Wem and _preview.wem for the selected audio quality. @@droxid you always had the option to provide a *_preview.wem, you just had to provide it and have it in the same folder with the main auidio *.wem folder and the toolkit would select it automatically. I wrote the converter code so this is accurate. @@droxid check that your wav/ogg file is at least 35 seconds long. If it is and it plays then send me link to it and I will analyze the error further.
  3. @@III_Demon The latest version of the toolkit does update the XML file(s) if the user make any changes to song information, e.g. title, date, tuning, tones, etc. This is the expected behavior and gives greater flexibility to the user to make last minute changes or revisions to existing CDLC songs from within the toolkit. I am seeing the data you referenced after the "song" end tag. Only seems to occur with XML from EOF. No fix is need since the latest version takes away user changes to XML. Edit: Re enabled Xml updating after user edits for testing. End tag issue is fixed.
  4. Scroll speed is just inconsistent and will be fixed in future release. About Wwise conversion, if you only provide main auido WEM then toolkit will regenerate main audio WEM and also prepare preview WEM. You must provide both main auido and preview WEM files in order for the toolkit to not regenerate the audio. This is the expected behavior. EDIT: Alex360 tells me that giri giri chop has a 0.9 scroll speed, so that is reason for scroll speed minimum changed.
  5. Fixes for tuning, including bass tuning are here. Edit: now available in binary release (*.exe).
  6. Ok fixed. Changing platforms selection will not blank out tones or audio file location in the next toolkit release. Please keep in mind that the new Wwise auido automatic converter feature will probably only work with PC versions for now. You will have to continue to use the Wwise GUI to produce audio for other platforms just like you have been doing in the past.
  7. What, you want bass to work too. JK I will look into it. Did you test guitar tuning?
  8. Good to know. But looks like that build has also been taken down.
  9. Ok. Fixed toolkit bugs. Tuning and tones should now save properly after editing. Please test and PM feedback. Latest build is here.
  10. Brand new feature added to toolkit. From the tab menu Creator, select radio button "Convert". Click button "Import Package". Select 2012 CDLC *.dat file. Click button "Generate". Has only been tested with PC game versions so may not work yet for other game versions. You need to have installed Audiokinect Wwise 2013.2.2 build 4828 for "Convert" feature to work properly. Must be this exact build. EDIT: Several users have reported success using the Wwise auto converter with any of the build series in Audiokinect Wwise v2013.2.x build 48xx
  11. Ok, you guys are using a work around for now but the toolkit needs to be fixed. Please report issues like this here so Devs can make real fixes. Thanks
  12. Ok. I reproduced the issue. Will investigate for you.
  13. The new feature in toolkit currently only works with Wwise 2013.2.2 build 4828. I am working on getting newer versions of Wwise to work with the toolkit too, but don't have it up and running yet. The toolkit will produce the preview audio file too if you have the correct version of Wwise. Now to the delema. Audiokinect recently took down the link to the 4828 build of Wwise so you will have to find it somewhere else. (See EDIT update below) If there is a lawyer amongst us here on CF, I would appreciate an interpretation of Audiokinect's EULA Legal Notice. It does talk about "redistribution" of binary. So is it ok to post links that "redistribute Audiokinect's binary" for build 4828 here on CF? Now that should make for an interesting discussion. EDIT: Several users have reported success using the Wwise auto converter with any of the build series in Audiokinect Wwise v2013.2.x build 48xx
  14. Did you remember to edit the Arrangement ID's before you repackaged. If you didn't the game may pick up old tuning from your game save from the old Arrangement ID. Also remember to use CGT Game Save Gigbox, sync tool to remove old Arrangement IDs from your game save. A toolkit revision can be made to automatically issue new ID's if user makes changes to tones or arrangements. EDIT: The latest release of toolkit will issue new ID's when changes are made. Give it a try and let me know if it solves your problem. PM me if it doesn't fix.
  15. @PcPlum hit it. "The main problems I encounter with tech notes are lots of them squashed together at the start of the bend and tech notes which affect the succeeding note (which may or may not need tech)." If you take a look at the Song2014 Xml from @AtreidesGhola many of the BendValues have the same start time as the note being bent and have end times that are equal to the next note. I don't know if this is acceptable or not, just that I have not seen it before. I have not tried removing the overlap of time but this is what I suspect is causing the freeze. My comment about bent chords is that I have not seen them before and I really am raising a question about whether it is acceptable. Again I see the same issue in the Xml where bent chords are starting and ending in overlapping (equal) times. Maybe change the BendValues start times by a +0.001 and stop times by -0.001 in EOF Xml generation and the problem could go away.
  16. Lots of things can cause CDLC crashes. Lookie here, here and elsewhere. Without knowing a lot more detail about your problem, it could be a Wem audio issue. Here's how you can check it. Take your Wem audio files and convert them with the toolkit to Ogg format (tab menu item "OGG" and second browse button) and try to listen to the "*_fixed.ogg" files with your audio player. Can you hear audio, if Yes then the Wem are good and you have some other problem like a bad XML file. If No, then redo the Wem. The latest version of the toolkit will automatically make working Wem files for you from your Wav or Ogg files if you have Wwise 2013.2.2.4828 installed. Just use tab menu item "Creator" and pick your Wav or Ogg audio file. The new version of the toolkit will also make the "*_preview.wem" file for you. PM me if you are still having trouble.
  17. Looks like you are trying to use CGT on RS1 game save. You should be selecting the 221680 folder. Also you should be using Net 4.0.30319 Correct these two things and it should work.
  18. Yes. Custom tones will have to be created. Otherwise Default tone is used. Not anymore. I included automatic tone conversion in the new release and tones are fully editable.
  19. Actually corrupt CDLC are just like a virus. Eventually the corrupt CDLC will corrupt your game save or cause game crashes and/or game hangs. You are playing hot potato, time bomb or what ever else you would like to call it. Good luck. The answer to your last question is No.
  20. CDLC can be corrupt for any number of reasons. The toolkit loads the CDLC into memory and checks that all arrangements (bass, lead, rhythm, vocals) are valid. It checks the audio, art and other files that are in the CDLC and anything else that could cause hangs or crashes. You said that you played a CDLC that was tag as corrupt without any problems, basically you got lucky and have not played the corrupt part yet. Maybe you only play bass and never play lead or something else like that. The toolkit should not have crashed after finding corrupt CDLC. You do however have to resync after it finds corrupt CDLC. This is normal and even indicated by a popup message you should have seen. Did you have the game running, a folder open, or some other activity that may have prevented CGT from finishing the job (antivirus auto update or such)? Make sure everything is closed first and shut down and then rerun CGT and sync again. CGT will even tell you how much space it saves you when finished. And yes your game save will load faster. PM me if you are still having trouble. EDIT: FOR EVERYONE ... Most important. Always backup your game save first.
  21. @@Frack I think @@CommandoAir figured it out here. I have never played with left handed guitar inlays or any bass inlays. Just tossing around ideas here. So is the template different for lefties (according to report from CommandoAir it seems to be)? Is this template different for bass or guitar? I will include them on the templates page once we have it nailed down. Good work.
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