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Everything posted by cozy1

  1. cozy1

    Skins in RS

    I haven't done any work with Amp mods. Sry
  2. How many songs? If over 1000 it could take awhile, depending on you processor and OS, but shouldn't take more than 20 minutes. When you ran repair do you receive any new error messages? If not this is good. Next you should run Sync since you removed a corrupt song. This will repackage your user profile and optimize it for the songs that you do have. If you are still having problems you can try the advanced repair options. Check one box at a time and retry Repair and then test the user profile in the game. Do this until you have all of the advanced repair boxes checked. Stop repair once the user profile is working in the game. If you are still having trouble you can PM me the link to your rar/zip user profile that you post on either Google or Dropbox.
  3. It has been confirmed that the XML that you posted is not EOF original ... so there is high probability the toolkit output is not going to be valid. Maybe it is time for you to take up C# coding and make a contribution to the toolkit if you think it is not complicated. Then maybe you will see it.
  4. @@raynebc I seem to recall that EOF does not insert tone id elements into the XML. Is that correct? If so then this XML has already been edited with the toolkit. @SmellyOrc This is an important point because once you edit the tone with the toolkit it inserts the XML tone id elements. If you make a mistake in tone naming then you must start over with the original EOF XML that has no tone id elements. If you don't use an original EOF XML there are likely to be all kinds of issues because the toolkit has no way of fixing the early error in tone naming.
  5. @SmellyOrc Sorry to hear you are still having tone issues. "The fix would probably be to change the name of "clean" and "distortion" in to reflect the names as defined in tonebase/tonea/toneb etc." When toolkit Creator GUI, Tones "Edit" button is pressed the "Edit Tone" form pops up. Change Tone Information (top left) from "Acoustic" to "Clean_Reverb" and press "OK". The toolkit does above fix. I just tested latest beta 15e1a63 and toolkit produces expected results. @@raynebc Is above screenshot of EOF "Rocksmith tone changes(2)" consistent with the screenshot of EOF XML output, i.e. should EOF XML output also have "Distortion" tone at 17.6 seconds?
  6. @@TimeIsFading Are you trying to use CGT on an Apple computer? Is your IP Address set correctly? According to the error message your IP Address is set to IP address range to is reserved for Apple computers. CGT may not run properly on Apple computers.
  7. @TimeIsFading I think the answer to you question is that Latest Release Build - (rev 4174fc7b) is the current official stable release. The current Beta Build 84f9df1c0b could still have bugs which are unacceptable to some users. Once the current beta is determined by testing and use to be stable it may become the "Latest Release Build". I think a new official "Latest Release Build" could happen soon. I'm sure @@Alex360 and @@fabianosan can add more to this.
  8. "The only things i don't understand is why my save even if i create a new one is still getting corrupted even if the cdlc got remove" Make sure you completely rename/delete or move the localprofiles.json and all *_prfldb files if you are going to go this route. Also be sure to run the CGT, CDLC Manager option to find any remaining corrupt CDLC that may not have been found by the Repair option.
  9. @Itachi CDLC that has GUID ending with D67E41 has corrupted your game save by inserting garbage (extra text) into your save profile. If you search your CDLC folder using "Statalog" and do not find any CDLC ending with D67E41 then the corrupt CDLC has already been removed by CGT or yourself. You may find a new folder "Corrupt CDLC" in your root directory or in the CGT "statalog/quarantined" subfolder (depending on which version of CGT you are using) that contains the culprit. I have developed a custom repair feature for CGT Game Save Gigbox for just such a case as yours but it is still in Beta test. I will PM you more details.
  10. Attention all you Fretlight owners ... EOF r1424 can now produce Fretlight M-Player compatible midi files as part of the normal RS XML authoring process. The process is exactly the same as authoring a song for RS2014. Be sure to check the box "Save separate musical Midi file" in EOF Preferences. Then next time when you press File and Save (F2), EOF will also generate a new "notes_fretlight.mid" file that can be played with the Fretlight M-Player software which controls the LEDs on the guitar. Thanks @@raynebc for adding this support.
  11. @@raynebc Regarding @Aquilae issue here ... I can add a tone time checker and resorting algo to Toolkit if you would prefer. Let me know if you will add fix in EOF or if you would like me to check and fix in Toolkit. EDIT: Looks like you may have already fixed. "*Fixed a bug with RS1 and RS2 export where tone changes could be written out of chronological order." Nice.
  12. This is really old toolkit from Apr 19, 2014. Give the new beta a try.
  13. Here is something else to try in case the above doesn't solve a game hang after tuning. Recently I was working on a showlights arrangement. Turns out if the *_showlights.xml is not valid it will also cause hang right after tuning not matter what else you try to fix. You can turn off showlights generation in the latest beta toolkit release. Just look for the showlights checkbox and uncheck it before generation. Make sure you manually delete/rename any *_showlights.xml file that may be in your project folders. If the song plays then you know showlights was responsible for the hang.
  14. @@firekorn, @Aquila, et.al. Found a compatibility issues that was causing old Save Package (Templates) to not load fully and implemented fix to auto correct and load them. This was similar to the problem with "Load Tone". For the fix to work ... all of your project files must be in the same folder or in subfolders below the template file *.dlc.xml The latest beta rev change log: Fixed "Load Package" compatibility issue. Added "Quick Add" button to Creator GUI to allow multiple arrangements to be selected quickly. Added new tooltips and popups to make the CDLC creation process more user friendly. Changed bass tuning behavior popup to be more user friendly.
  15. @Aquilae "Load Tone" and "Save Tone" issues are fixed in latest beta. "I recently updated the toolkit and now whenever I load any of my old project files the tones are all gone" If you are trying to use "Load Package" and your system/project folder structure has changed then the package may not load correctly. Just use "Import Package" to load the *.psarc file and all should be good. EDIT: I will take a look at the code to see if it is possible to get older save packages to load properly.
  16. @@Alex360 It was not clear to me how @@DeadlyPower prepared the Vocal xml file so I didn't consider any change to toolkit. This is the first that I have heard of such an error so it seems minor. If DeadlyPower wants to expand here how he prepared vocals that contained the error that would be great. Then you can decide how to proceed.
  17. So for the communities benefit, @@firekorn and I have been PMing about his project issues. Happily the project builds with the Toolkit and plays in game with no errors. Here is my workflow which firekorn and I have agreed to share: Project Summary Artist: aaa (Edited these to protect real identity of project) Song: bbb Album: ccc Arrangement Type Guitar (EOF XML): PART REAL_BASS_22_RS2_unmod.xml (multi tone Disto, Acoustic) Lead selected by EOF PART REAL_GUITAR_22_RS2_unmod.xml (multi tone Distortion, Acoustic) Lead selected by Toolkit PART REAL_GUITAR_RS2_unmod.xml (multi tone Disto, Acoustic) Rhythm selected by Toolkit Note: EOF does not always provide arrangement information so Toolkit assigns initial arrangement Note: Arrangement Name (Lead or Rhythm) can be changed, using Arrangements Edit Arrangement Type Bass (EOF XML): PART REAL_BASS_RS2_unmod.xml (contains no EOF tone information so Toolkit defaults to single tone) Bass selected by EOF CRITICAL Note: Must Add tone in Toolkit and then use Arrangements Edit, Tone Selector to assign correct bass tone Custom Tones: Bass.tone2014.xml (use for Bass tone parts) ifOldrhythm.tone2014.xml (will be used for Disto and Distortion tone parts) acousticIF.tone2014.xml (use for Acoustic tone parts) Note: Disto and Distortion are assumed to use the same tone since only three custom tones were provided for the four arrangements. Note: Interchangeable use of Disto and Distortion could be a point of confusion (it was for me) Initialize Project in Toolkit: 1. Open Toolkit Select Creator menu tab Select Arrangements, Add button 2. Add 4 original EOF project arrangement files *.xml (add Bass arrangement first) CRITICAL NOTE: Add the Bass arrangement first in Toolkit because if it contains no tone information (like this project) then Toolkit will assign Bass arrangement a Default tone. If bass is added after other arrangements Toolkit will assign it an already used existing tone which then MUST be Edited later. EOF Bass tuning does not import correctly into Toolkit because strings 4,5 are zeroed. RS2014 expects full guitar tuning information for bass arrangements. Toolkit Quick Fix: When tuning editor form pops up, click X (to close form). In the Add Arrangement form, Select desired bass tuning from combobox (D-standard for this project). 3. Add 1 vocal *.xml file 4. Add 1 Album Artwork *.jpg 5. Add 1 Audio *.wem NOTE: make sure *_preview.wem is in same project folder with main audio *.wem file Assigning Custom Tones: Note: Need to be careful because once a Tone is changed the Toolkit patches the XML file (always save a copy of original EOF XML files) Toolkit establishes a link between tone names and tone IDs. Need to reload the original EOF XML files if you make a mistake in selecting custom tones. 6. Select Tones, Add button Click "Load Tone" Select "Bass.tone2014.xml" Click "OK" Toolkit adds "bassstandard" custom tone to Tones list Highlight (select) Bass in the Arrangements list Select Arrangements, Edit button In Tone Selector, Bass, select "bassstandard" Click "OK" Toolkit updates tone information Highlight (select) "Default" in the Tones list and delete it 7. Select (highlight) tone "Disto" Click "Edit", Click "Load Tone" Select "ifOldrhythm.tone2014.xml" Click "OK" Toolkit updates tone information 8. Select (highlight) tone "Distortion" Click "Edit", Click "Load Tone" Select "ifOldrhythm.tone2014.xml" Click "OK" Toolkit updates tone information 9. Select (highlight) tone "Acoustic" Click "Edit", Click "Load Tone" Select "acousticIF.tone2014.xml" Click "OK" Toolkit updates tone information Highlight (select) the first "ifOldrhythm" in the Tones list and delete it 10. Final Steps Enter Song Information, Version Number "1" if not already filled in Click "Generate" and "Save" Conlcusion The project builds and plays in game (confirmed by testing xxxx_xxxx_xxx_p.psarc) Just use/follow the above work flow to find joy. EndNote: This project was initially hard to follow because it uses three custom tones for four arrangements and one arrangement (bass) contains no EOF tone designation. Further complicated by the use of Disto and Distortion in EOF to designate custom tones.
  18. For the communities benefit the error was caused by a xml element error. According to DeadlyPower, the vocals xml file contained an inadvertent symbol, "ETB"
  19. @@firekorn Never uncheck the box and I am waiting for your project files. EDIT: NVM think I got them.
  20. @@firekorn et al Most of the problems associate with tones occur with arrangements that use multiple tones. The toolkit alerts you of this potential issue. In the Add/Edit Arrangement form there is a checkbox "If checked, tone slots are disabled to prevent auto-tone failure". Auto-tone actually refers to the presence of "multiple tones". If the arrangement has multiple tones then this checkbox should/will be checked. The toolkit does not have the ability to add (the image area in the red circle) multiple tone and time information. This is done only by EOF. The associated tone name is initialized by EOF. When you ADD an arrangement the Tones automatically populate. If you subsequently change the tone names using ADD Tones this will cause errors as shown in the above images. If you EDIT the tones the toolkit will update the tone names accordingly. Only use the Tones EDIT button ... now I sound like a broken record ;) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4cUtRaobva6Wk1hVlhkR25Vb2s/view Just released beta toolkit update that: Improved RS1->RS2 CDLC conversions with actual tone mapping and improved conversion algos. Revised showLight generator made compatible with RS1->RS2 conversions. Added Showlights checkbox for on/off/debugging (if CDLC is causing in game hangs try unchecking this box and regenerate the CDLC without showlights). Implement auto correction of RS1->RS2 Section Times that are bad (poorly placed Section Times cause in game hangs). @@comp U2 converts properly now. Revised Edit Tone form Load Tone to allow poorly formed Tone2014 files to be read (Load Package and Save Package work again). Fixed bug in Edit Tone form Save Tone so that tone files can be properly named.
  21. PM me link to your EOF project files along with the custom tones that you are using and I will take a look.
  22. @@Kaijin maybe @Chlipouni can give us some input on this. As long as you are not using "Add" Arrangements or "Add" Tones then the toolkit will not change the tones names the way you are showing above. If you can confirm you are not using "Add" buttons in toolkit Creator GUI then it could be how DDC handles tones or something else. I will be glad to investigate after we hear from Chlipouni.
  23. Thanks. To confirm channel numbering, velocity and track name prefix are as shown in sample above. I will test when released.
  24. Open up the xml file in notepad++ and look at line 206, column 61. There maybe formatting error with XML element. Copy and paste that line here if you need additional help.
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