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engleg last won the day on November 10 2021

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About engleg

  • Birthday 08/01/1955

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    Denver, Colorado

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  1. Happy Birthday engleg!

  2. Happy Birthday engleg!

  3. Happy Birthday engleg!

  4. Hopefully you are not syncing notes and instead meant beat markers in your title, as this is a poor way to chart a custom. I wasn't going to share this because I'm just a beginning charter myself, but another member of this forum is also just starting his first custom, so I made this for him. I'm sure I've left some important info out. And this only applies to the song he is working on. Hope it helps somewhat. https://www.dropbox.com/s/95nud6hkkzix82g/Beat%20Marker%20Syncing.pptx?dl=0
  5. Thanks! Tomorrow I will fire up EoF and see if I can figure out what you just explained. Pictures would probably be most helpful.
  6. I guess I'm getting use to ignition, though I agree it's not a huge improvement over the old search. It's the last page I check out before signing out, but there is no sign out button on the page that I can find. I have to go to yet another page in order to sign out. Not a big deal, just one extra step that I didn't have to do in the old search.
  7. Ran your specs over at Game Debate. Your setup satisfied the minimum requirement, but not the recommended requirements. CPU is fine. GPU is under powered. You might have to tweak a couple of settings if you notice any lag. Read the RocksmithConfiguration.pdf file located in the Rocksmith2014 folder to explain all of the setting in your Rocksmith.ini file. http://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=8090&game=Rocksmith+2014&p_make=Intel&p_deriv=Core+2+Quad+Q8200+2.33GHz&gc_make=Nvidia&gc_deriv=Quadro+FX+1800&ram=2&checkSubmit=#systemRequirements
  8. I only briefly read this topic, so this might have been brought up already. Another option would be to start listing simple new program ideas that you would like to see added (as new software) that in someway would benefit people in the RS community. Hopefully a Dev might see a requested idea that he would want to work on. His finished program could be released as a freeware program with voluntary PayPal donations accepted. I have donated to well written, good quality freeware programs in the past..
  9. Sounded good. I've always really liked three piece bands.
  10. If you only viewed & downloaded the song, then I think your out of luck. If you left a comment thanking the charter, then in the submitted CDLC (BETA) section any song you left comments on will have a star instead of a dot in front of the listing.
  11. I don't know anything about a Mac. The RS2014Injector.app.zip you downloaded is compressed in a common file format used on the PC. I"m guessing that there should be a freeware program for the Mac OS that will uncompress zip files. Once uncompressed you can install it.
  12. Here is a video that @@SkepticSquid made on how to use wwise.
  13. Read everything in this topic: http://customsforge.com/topic/901-how-to-use-custom-dlcs-in-rs2014/ You can also watch this video: http://customsforge.com/topic/4776-video-guide-how-to-use-cdlc-in-rocksmith-2014-pc/
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