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Everything posted by Wepeel

  1. Yup, you need the disc import tool. It's required to transfer/update the licenses to RS2014.
  2. Already posted over a month ago in this thread: http://customsforge.com/topic/10547-how-to-add-custom-songs-on-mac/
  3. Nice to see you back. I look forward to seeing what you've got to upload :)
  4. This one is pretty close: http://web.archive.org/web/20050215204436/http://bktabs.xtracrispy.com/ill%20be%20your%20man.txt Just a note though, to all the bass players wanting this song, there is no bass track. It's just drums and guitar. Thanks for the ACL link too. I have this on my PVR, but now I can rip it and add it to my collection.
  5. I agree with SmellyOrc, strings aren't really meant to last that long. I change mine every 30-45 days, but I play every day. As far as good strings though, I use NYXL regulars (10-46) and they bend really well and hold up to lots of abuse. Some people think they're too expensive ($9.99 vs $7.99 for "regular" strings) but I think they're worth the extra $2. They sound better, feel better, and hold up better than any other strings I've used. They're also engineered to withstand extreme tremolo and bends Also, you should make sure you're cleaning your strings regularly if you want to get the most out of them.
  6. I'm not a Brad Paisley fan and have no idea what the quality of these are like, but a quick google search produced this link: http://www.countrytabs.com/band/Brad_Paisley_59/
  7. Use the version of 3.10 that I posted above. 3.8 won't work. Neither does the normal version of 3.10. The version posted above is the version I have installed, and it works fine. Just remember to uninstall any previous versions first, reboot, and then install the new version.
  8. There's a new version of Mono 3.10 that works fine with Yosemite. Not sure about Mavericks because I've upgraded. Here's the converted version of the song: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lwhgqmskat0wxoi/Dire_Straits-Brothers-in-Arms_v1_m.psarc?dl=0
  9. Might be something wrong with either your Toolkit (make sure you have the latest version), your installation of Mono, or your copy of that song (try redownloading). I just downloaded it and converted it without problems.
  10. Yeah, the tech notes implies slapping or tapping... with nothing about the harmonic... I'm wondering if they just didn't have any in-game notation for the technique and didn't know what to do with it. I'm not sure if that's something that can be changed with a game update. Did you notice in the video how he slides around the harmonic on the third fret too?
  11. This might help you out: I'm not sure what you would call it....
  12. I just wanted to add a note for new users: RSInjector won't launch Rocksmith if you have the current Steam Beta installed (the one with broadcasting capability). It will open Rocksmith, however the game will just hang unresponsive and will require a Force Quit to close.
  13. Yeah, I can confirm that the RS Toolkit works without any problems on OS X. I've got it running on Yosemite with this version of Mono that @@wfaulk posted: wfaulk, on 25 Nov 2014 - 01:46 AM, said: As to the Converter, Xamarin has been shipping a known-broken version of Mono (v3.10.0) for a month or so now. (See http://stackoverflow.com/a/26685351/147202) There's a fixed version available for download here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wrjnv7p8zj1rh5u/MonoFramework-MDK- (linked indirectly on the StackOverflow page). Installing this version of Mono allowed me to run RocksmithCustomSongToolkit.app. When I was running Mavericks, I was using version 3.4.0 of Mono which worked with no problems. You need to make sure that you've got third-party apps enabled (it won't even open without that) and that your user account is an admin account.
  14. It's not BS at all. If you buy a t-shirt from Walmart that doesn't mean you can go to Target and get the same t-shirt for free. DLC purchased for PS3 (for example) is licensed for use with that console, and that console alone. Ubisoft had to make special arrangements to allow PS3 and Xbox 360 dlc to be transferred to the new-gen consoles. That's why dlc you purchase on PS3/Xbox can be downloaded on PS4/XB1 for free, but not the other way around. If you buy DLC on a PS4 system you can't download it on a PS3. It's an incentive for users to upgrade. Purchases made on consoles don't transfer over to PC/Mac because they aren't the same "ecosystem". DLC purchased through Steam is licensed for use on computers, not consoles.
  15. I would assume it's because he's playing on Xbox 360 and likely doesn't want to mod it.
  16. There's no app for it. It's a framework that gives Mac a working implementation of Microsoft's .NET framework for Windows. It's not a piece of software that a user can run. So it's not something you need to open to use the RS Toolkit. The toolkit needs it to function, that's all. Once it's installed all you have to do is run the Toolkit. If you had a previous version of Mono installed, you need to uninstall it first before installing the new version. Rebooting is always a good idea as well. **Edit** You can find information on how to uninstall Mono here: http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/supported-platforms/osx/
  17. Just search the forum for "Dynamic Difficulty Creator" and/or "DDC".
  18. The CDLC 2 Tab function in the Toolkit is for extracting the guitar tab from the custom file, and has no use inside the actual game. What you want is Dynamic Difficulty, which all official songs have, and most custom songs have as well. When you're playing the game just load up the song you want to play and hit the space bar to open up what is called Riff Repeater. There you can select the difficulty level (0.1- 100%) and the speed level (same range). If the custom has been done properly you can also select individual sections of the song that you want to work on. If a custom song doesn't have Dynamic Difficulty there are tutorials on this forum to help you add it yourself.
  19. You don't need the wineskin version. Just use this version of Mono: It works perfectly on Yosemite.
  20. That's just the pc version of the dlc. It shouldn't make any difference whether you delete it or not. I'm pretty sure I had deleted it as well when I first installed the game. Any time you buy official DLC Steam downloads both the PC and Mac versions. I get a crash pop-up almost every time I quit RS, regardless of how I do it. It's never been a problem. The most important thing to make sure of is that you let the game finish auto-saving before quitting. It auto-saves every time you return to the main menu, no matter what you were doing. You can tell when it's doing it because a little reel-to-reel tape machine pops up in the middle of the screen on the right side. Have you tried removing all cDLC and launching the game without any customs, quitting, and then adding them back in? That will force the game to re-enumerate the list without any customs and then to do it again with the customs added back. Maybe also try just adding customs that you know aren't showing up (or randomly disappearing) without anything else. You might have a bad custom or some kind of conflict.
  21. How are you quitting the game? Are you hitting cmd-Q to quit, or are you using one of the two "official" ways to quit the game? The official ways are to either go back to the main menu and hit the "X" in the top right corner, or hit escape from the main menu and then again from the start menu. And are you running Steam in normal online mode, or in offline mode? Also, just to confirm, are the cDLC's that are disappearing in the game still in the dlc folder before you re-copy the entire folder?
  22. Thanks for posting that link. The Toolkit now works great on Yosemite using that build of Mono.
  23. I too am stuck on this problem, on my mac, running RS2014 on mavericks OS. I have followed any and all instructions that I have found and nothing has worked. Has anyone posted a clear answer to resolving this issue? Are you sure you're following the steps correctly? You need the RSInjector app (it can be put anywhere, but for ease of use I would suggest your apps folder). Then make sure you open Steam first, but don't run Rocksmith from within Steam. Just open Steam, and then launch RSInjector. You also need to make sure you've purchased an official DLC (Cherub Rock is the recommended one) and make sure it's actually been downloaded into your dlc folder. If you bought something else, you have to update the AppID using the RS Toolkit to whatever official DLC you purchased.
  24. Glad you got it figured out :) Yeah, I usually add songs 3-5 at a time. That way if there's a conflict it's easier to figure out what custom is causing it. I've also started keeping a smaller amount of customs in my dlc folder at any one time. I used to have about 340ish, but there were a bunch I wasn't playing and others that I simply just forgot I had because the list was so long, so I trimmed it down to about 100. Rocksmith remembers your score and mastery level even when they're moved out of the folder so I just move them back and forth as I need to.
  25. Sometimes it's just random "gremlins" that cause problems with the customs.... For converted songs that don't show up, try re-downloading and converting again (make sure you have the most current Toolkit) and/or re-applying the Cherub Rock AppID with the Toolkit. If you bought something other than Cherub Rock, use the AppID for whatever official DLC you purchased. For songs that sometimes show up and sometimes disappear, there are several possible causes. One possible cause could be that you have other songs with the same song title or package id. I think there is a list on the forum somewhere that has a list of conflicting songs. You can verify by removing all of the cDLC except the one(s) that won't show up and see if that remedies the problem. If it shows up, slowly add songs back to your dlc folder until you find something causing problems. Another cause is that sometimes, especially with large amounts of cDLC in the folder, the game takes a while to enumerate the list completely. Make sure you wait at the main menu for the "enumerating list" pop-up (top right corner) to disappear before you go into the Learn A Song menu. Even then, sometimes it still takes a few extra moments for everything to show up. Also make sure that all of the filenames in the dlc folder are proper. They must end in "_m.psarc" with nothing except that at the end of the filename. Sometimes Mac appends a "(2)" or "copy" or something similar to files with the same file name. I've also noticed that when I play on my laptop anywhere where I don't have internet, and therefor run Steam in Offline mode, I have songs that don't show up in the list. Even official songs and DLC. I have no idea what might cause this, except that maybe the game can't verify the license. I hope that helps...
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