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Rocksmith Championship Organizer
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Everything posted by Rodman

  1. -= weekly leaderboard update =- leader changes: @@Telboy - Int Lead GREAT PLAYING EVERYONE, GONGRATS! http://up.picr.de/28486871gl.jpg Let´s Rock, let´s Rock today!
  2. no, i didn´t! http://up.picr.de/28475811mx.jpg
  3. i missed one ? http://up.picr.de/28475739yt.jpg just you wait!!!
  4. another great attempt adv lead... still in 4th - cool scores, boys!!! http://up.picr.de/28448215qh.jpg
  5. @@papillon - can you please declare if you wanna officially be set to int or adv lead. Thx
  6. @@missis sumner - indeed ;) Congratulations! Usually i check all the paths mid-week for potential up levellers when doing leaderboard update... unless noone has screamed till then. I hate that you leave adv... but i fear you belong up there ...
  7. If Motivation is a problem because of lack of fitting songs - as said above - really give the Championship a try... not only check out the songs, but join in and fight for the weeks win and a few points in the leaderboard. You get served only excellent quality cdlcs every week, and loads of them. Like me there are a lot of players over there that did not miss one in over 100 weeks after joining! Give it a shot, it´s good for you!
  8. Yo, it is 99.5+ bass (99+ guitar) on a song with the highest diff on a class (so 3 for beg, 5 for int and 7 for adv). If you reach that level still you can beg and throw your whole unworthyness in the pot to stay in your old class if your classmates and the orgas agree. If you are unworthy :P and do not reach 99.5%+ (or 99% guitar) you still anytime can call Scotty (or one of us) to beam you up. oups - didn't know that (ignored reading any rulese ;)) and just posted scores without being in any class :D Yes.No. ;) No - you can start in any class you like in every path. It would really be bad to make all players start from beg and steal the wins for several weeks till they end up where they belong ;) As usual - everything is good.
  9. Congratulations! Bad news: sleep is over now. Good news: you won´t care that much :)
  10. That is the spirit, man! ;) I´ll fight hard. For the songs played. My Spotify CS playlist needs to be updated (memo to myself) Look here ... and search for the song you wanna know if it has been played (Ctrl-F)
  11. Yo, it is 99.5+ bass (99+ guitar) on a song with the highest diff on a class (so 3 for beg, 5 for int and 7 for adv). If you reach that level still you can beg and throw your whole unworthyness in the pot to stay in your old class if your classmates and the orgas agree. If you are unworthy :P and do not reach 99.5%+ (or 99% guitar) you still anytime can call Scotty (or one of us) to beam you up.
  12. @@missis sumner - fat fat fat!!!! excellent work. +, lead http://up.picr.de/28438927xf.jpg @@MonstaS4 - cool playing, m8 ..... btw you know there is a beatable 5er in INT? ;) - c´mon kick it and hop over to ADV where you belong!
  13. Steam has added for different people a temporary ban for uploading screenshots of customs - the days accumulate depending on the number of posted screenshots. Some have deleted all their uploads - I've not heard that they've closed an account, but I would not test it out. Yup, i think @@Mortalo got banned for a couple of days for a Led Zep screener or something once!!!! Fast easy stringless pic upload for example: picr.de - you instantly get the line for the post There are loads of services like that by now, no need for steam here
  14. Why don´t you put it into Song Selection List. rate the 3 paths, and in few weeks - we all enjoy it ;)
  15. and that was my first on Ghost Rhy - significantly harder than the lead part http://up.picr.de/28428584ja.jpg
  16. and that´s already ok :) Mill, no x, and it rocks http://up.picr.de/28428513on.jpg
  17. @frippo - thx +, lead man, does that rock! http://up.picr.de/28428372jn.jpg
  18. some scores from testing... http://up.picr.de/28428048nc.jpg http://up.picr.de/28428007tk.jpg http://up.picr.de/28428008qj.jpg http://up.picr.de/28428009ap.jpg http://up.picr.de/28428011ip.jpg http://up.picr.de/28428012oo.jpg http://up.picr.de/28428013pq.jpg http://up.picr.de/28428014fx.jpg http://up.picr.de/28428015ew.jpg http://up.picr.de/28428016hp.jpg http://up.picr.de/28428017ab.jpg
  19. @@Molice - the In Flames tune sounded ok over here, but never trust my ears... @@fripponomic - man wit the freqometer ears - can you give that one a go and tell if it needs fixing, should be no problem as we have one quality charter serving us that tune.
  20. @@JokerTheAnarchist - thx for the hint, ;) better now
  21. Now that was one trying selection week.... after playing a lot of songs from the SSL, rating all the paths and adding comments SSL "somehow" got corrupted, everything i did was gone and yipiiieeee i had to start basically from scratch, and today ;) finally my ISP is on the edge of usability, but who cares... it´s done and i think RNG was nice - we got a fine selection: In Flames - one of my fav bands back in the days, and that one is a great short beginner lead track Ghost - really punchy Int/Adv track - cool to listen and play Monstertruck - Very nice rocking tune with fast fills and the solo makes it just a spot harder than Ghost Aria - not that its bad, no its a nice song, the problem with not only that Aria song for the CS is the solos on lead and rhy are straight MC, the rest is not. Fits into MC but MC players will also wanna look into: Exodus - Great and completely outa my league ENJOY!!!
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