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Everything posted by BluesMcGroove

  1. Nah, man I'm nothing special. With that one I got lucky there was a guitar pro file with the bass already tabbed out and sounded really accurate. As for tips, there's already a couple really well documented tips on the forums already by firekorn, iminashi, and Berneer. As for my tips, just practice listening to the songs and listening for the particular instrument. And practice with EoF (Editor on Fire). I've made a couple CDLCs of my own and started real small, but I've done musical charting in the past both by hand and with software, so probably don't take my path as "I can do this just as easy!" cause it might be a slightly different journey =p Really, jump into EOF with a band you like, if you have Guitar Pro (I really recommend it) you can find stuff people may have already tabbed out to make the EoF part easy, and fiddle with stuff. Break things, make mistakes, and learn about what's going on
  2. Okay, found a different bass GP file for it, I can have it up pretty soon
  3. Y'know what, this might take more work than I thought, there's some really oddly out of sync off time parts even with the changes. Might be worth it to choose another bass song for Intermediate this week
  4. Alright, I'll fix up the bass part and reply to here as well when I'm done
  5. Pulled open the EOF on it, seems the first 3 notes were jumbled up on each other for Bass. The measure were off a bit too. I could fix it if you still want to use the track, it'd just take a bit
  6. Playing through Asian Kung Fu Generation and the bass chart at least isn't synced right. Got to a point where the hits are off by quite a bit
  7. I forgot to post my entries this week! Only got a single play through, this was a weird week. I need to get my bass tweaked, I keep "missing" open strings cause the pickups stink, lol. Freakin Rush, always have crazy bass lines.
  8. Dude I spent probably 40-50 minutes JUST practicing the walking part. Super fun, but was real dang hard to get.
  9. Phew, fun championship week. Figured I'd finally join one. I may come back to Astronomy cause man that was a fun one. Can't believe I hadn't listened to it before. I also need to practice the walking section on Mr Blue Sky cause that's a lot of fun once I was able to mostly get it.
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