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Everything posted by BluesMcGroove

  1. The DLL is updated and working for the new update. You'll just need to redo the steps to get it working:
  2. Not sure, I'm not one of the devs on anything, but here's a post from one of the devs of RSMods. Seemingly not much
  3. The approved solution by CF is probably to use the DLL as has always been the case. The issue had been that people needed time to update it. Well it's been updated. What you're suggesting by downloading an exe is probably not something that'll be supported by CF, and likely to get a DMCA if ubisoft finds their executable able to be downloaded for free. TL;DR: CF has updated the DLL. That's the fix.
  4. Well I got my sight reads in this week, everything but Sheela Na Gig. For anyone else struggling with the audio of Sheela Na Gig on bass I made some edits to the tone and volume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wd0Kl2-mcyuVMoA0y4hM8f7Srs01cmf4/view?usp=sharing Beginner: Fun song! I was jamming to it, nice way to warm up Intermediate: Always love me some Yellowcard. I might go back and fix the chart to have the tracked downbeat match the song though Advanced: Chart needs some tone/volume fixes, but a really fun track Masterclass: Wooooooo that was some good chugging
  5. The DLL has already been patched for the newest update, and RSMods is in progress. The update, if designed to break everything, would have done so. Worth a read before people continue their doom mongering
  6. https://old.reddit.com/r/rocksmith/comments/xa49mq/important_update_coming_to_rocksmith_2014/ Opt in to beta branch
  7. https://old.reddit.com/r/rocksmith/comments/xa49mq/important_update_coming_to_rocksmith_2014/ Gotta use the "beta" version, and you may need to redo the DLL
  8. Well now it works and I look like a fool XD Yeah not sure why it only loaded the JSON add to collection toast message
  9. Seems like the link for Caluj Mnie might be broken, it only loads the toast JSON not the mediafire link. But, the MF link is still valid. https://www.mediafire.com/file/h2fj2gzu7pw5g4h/Pawel-Kukiz_Caluj-Mnie_v12_p.psarc
  10. From the reddit post linked by biscuit: In our testing we noticed that some players who use Rocksmith 2014 with other programs may experience stability issues. For those players we've added a temporary legacy branch on Steam that can be accessed with the password "JustInCaseWeNeedIt". We only recommend using this branch if you experience issues after this latest update. Once those stability issues are resolved, we'll phase out this branch." Opt in to the beta and use the previous version until the DLL is fixed
  11. That's exactly what a Mason or Illuminati would say...
  12. Life still wild, but I managed to get some sight reads in at least this week. Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Masterclass: (aka: Geddy calm the fuck down...but also don't)
  13. I'm not really a dev in any way, but I'm assuming it's likely to have a ton of issues due to the x86/ARM incompatibilities. If someone wanted to try to build out a custom version targeting ARM instructions instead of x86_64 you'd likely have better luck
  14. Charting songs is a long process, but if you want things named right you'll probably want to dive in real hard and learn to hate love EOF.
  15. Alright, it's been quite a while since I've been in here, but life has been crazy. Anyway, here's my first attempts at this week. (Couldn't get bloodhound gang to load, but I'm pretty sure I was in Advanced. And that Cannibal Corpse riff right at the verse? My fingers went limp just hearing it, I doubt I'll be able to play it XD) Intermediate: Advanced:
  16. I didn't realize I wasn't replying to the newest week. Either way, looking forward to competing again!
  17. Hoo, what a few months it's been. Looking to play some of these bass tracks before the weeks end! The low B is unfortunately too low for either of my setups
  18. Whoops, I knew I forgot something. This weekend was not at all what I was anticipating, lol. I'll be sure to remember this! Google Docs is blocked for me at work, so if it hasn't been done yet I'll get that today Leaderboard is ready for this week.
  19. Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship! -= Week 414 =- FAQ: => How and Why join the Championships? => Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules Last week's winners Lead: Beginner: @ kayteck Intermediate: @ TarpMada Advanced: @ Mikson Masterclass: @ nlbsmglsk Rhythm: Beginner: @ Mattscall Intermediate: @ kayteck Advanced: @ diceslinger Masterclass: @ nlbsmglsk Bass: Beginner: @ illuminaughty Intermediate: @ ShankD Advanced: @ cmclicker Masterclass: @ Hyphema Congrats to all winners. Well done! Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard This week's songs are: Lead Path: Beginner: Elan by Nightwish (3) by @ Mikson Intermediate: Back Pocket by Vulfpeck (5) by @ jellisjenius Advanced: My Will by Dream (8) by @ Snakewizard Masterclass: Echoless Chamber (9) by @ Snakewizard . Rhythm Path: Beginner: Elan by Nightwish (3) Intermediate: My Will by Dream (5) Advanced: Back Pocket by Vulfpeck (6) Masterclass: Echoless Chamber (9) . Bass Path: Beginner: Elan by Nightwish (3) Intermediate: My Will by Dream (4) Advanced: Back Pocket by Vulfpeck (5.5) Masterclass: Echoless Chamber (8) . You can submit your song suggestions for the championship here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HzgY90kLwyGqzJ-R64v8lmpeQMMhhxwGwUlenepIgms/edit#gid=6 . Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10). . Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police: 2groggy Let us know your opinions on the accuracy of the difficulty scores (1-10) for this weeks songs. (Sorry for the late post, it's been a weird day!)
  20. Props on Stargazer, man. My fingers can't seem to figure out the little walkdown riff even at about 80% speed. I've been practicing and practicing but it just eludes me
  21. Sounds about right from my experience the last couple weeks
  22. I'll look into this one, that would definitely be fun to play
  23. Alright, my sight reads for the week. Had to do Mastodon a second time cause I forgot to catch a screenshot, lol. Rammstein, nice and easy Asian Kung-Fu Generation was a really fun one, the bass in the first link was probably more intermediate than what was in the fixed version, but it still seems to fit nicely Rainbow. Solid mid 70s song, I'll want to come back to this one again, the 8 and a half minutes really started to ache cause I didn't properly warm up. OOF Mastodon. The bass lick isn't hard to grasp, but the speed makes my fingers go stupid
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