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Everything posted by raynebc

  1. I had found a cause for that and fixed it. It was because of the 3D rendering logic I'd added to allow the tail from an off-screen crazy note to display even if the seek position is after the note it precedes and overlaps, which is kind of a niche issue for the performance hit it causes. I could probably make it work much faster, but it would convolute the 3D drawing code.
  2. Here's the 2-20-2019 hotfix: http://ignition.customsforge.com/eof/download/306 Here's the 5-2-2019 hotfix: http://ignition.customsforge.com/eof/download/327
  3. What version of Windows are you using? What model of laptop is this? Did any previous build of EOF work normally on this laptop?
  4. Probably not without hacking your PS4. It's much easier to do this on PC and doesn't risk bricking a multiple hundred dollar game console.
  5. Then there's something exotic about your keyboard or the software that it runs with, just how high polling resolution mice don't work well in programs that use Allegro (a game development library EOF uses). When you press keys, do you see any activity on the line int he Information Panel that says: CTRL: ALT: SHIFT: CODE: ASCII: If you try a cheap USB keyboard, let me know if it works differently. Otherwise there's probably not much else I can suggest.
  6. Do ANY other input fields in other dialogs (ie. Song>Properties) accept input? Does keyboard input work outside of the menus (ie. left and right arrow keys to seek)? There may be something unusual about the laptop, but if you had a cheap USB keyboard around you could give that a try.
  7. There's probably no easy way to do this for EOF. Are you able to input or import Japanese lyrics, and if so, what do they look like in EOF (ie. provide a screen capture or a .eof project file)?
  8. Traditionally the results of these kinds of programs haven't been considered very good for recordings where multiple instruments were playing at the same time, or perhaps even for a single instrument with lots of effects modelling.
  9. Adding four beats generally does what you're looking for. Be aware that the third party stream copy option (using a program called OggCat) doesn't always work, so you may have to use the re-encode option when adding leading silence (which I don't really ever see fail to work). If something isn't working, I'll need files (audio, .eof project) so I can test with your files specifically.
  10. Hi, folks. The latest hotfix (6-12-2019) is in the first post. Changes are as follows: *Removed the creation of the ghwt_drum.array.txt file written during save (if. GH file export is enabled) and instead updated EOF to write a proper array.txt file that should have correct expert drum note data that can be used with QueenBee. *Fixed a crash that would occur during MIDI import if the chart being imported had more than 1000 slider phrases. *Improved the detection of open strum text events in Feedback import. *Corrected the application of HOPO status to chords during Feedback import so that even if a toggle HOPO or slider marker is defined in between the chord's gems, those gems are recognized to be a chord. *Corrected Feedback import to ensure notes that start at the end of a star power phrase do not have star power applied to them, regardless of whether the phrase ends on a beat marker. *Corrected Feedback import to not apply disjointed status to a chord when it has a slider marker with a different length than the chord. *Fixed a bug with MIDI import where section names for slider markers (which are not currently used) weren't made into empty strings and could save to project or track clone to clipboard with junk data. *Updated the piano roll comparison function to also compare notes' accent statuses. *Added a "File>Import>Queen Bee" function that imports an array.txt formatted file, as is how Queen Bee exports the raw notes for a track difficulty (ie. SONGNAME_song_Expert) or the beat positions (SONGNAME_fretbars section). *Made the tempo map validation logic less susceptible to number rounding errors, which can be introduced by very specific tempo maps and even compiler optimizations. *Updated the save logic to not write a WAV format copy of the chart audio (used for Rocksmith authoring) if there are no pro guitar notes or tech notes. *Updated Guitar Hero and Queen Bee imports to detect GH3/GHA note format, which defines each note with 12 bytes instead of 8 bytes as with newer formats, allowing earlier GH charts to be imported properly. Since this GH format uses a distance threshold to determine HOPO status, EOF will ask you to choose whether to use 66/192 or 100/192 as the HOPO threshold, since it can supposedly vary from chart to chart even within the same game. *Updated the leading silence failure message to suggest using the re-encode option if the stream copy option was being attempted when the process failed. *Improved the GH import logic to offer to import the aux guitar notes into PART BASS if the rhythm track is populated but the bass track is empty. *Improved QB format Guitar Hero import to handle star battle mode phrases. If a track has both normal and battle SP phrases, EOF will prompt which of the two types to import or both. Any track that has only one kind of SP phrase will have those phrases imported regardless of the prompt. *Improved GH import to shorten SP phrases as needed to ensure they don't include notes that start at the end position of an SP phrase, as it is done in Guitar Hero. *Added the ability to display a background.pcx image from EOF's "resources" folder in place of the normal solid gray coloring. *Renamed the "Save FoF/Phase Shift files" export preference to "Save FoF/CH/Phase Shift files" to reflect that this saves appropriate files for Clone Hero as well. *Updated 3D render logic so that its optimization logic (to stop drawing notes that would all be off-screen) doesn't prevent crazy notes' tails from rendering appropriately when the seek position is past a note but the prior note extends beyond it.
  11. I don't think it will be feasible to rebuild EOF and all of its dependencies as 64 bit. There are consequences caused by Apple's progress for the sake of "progress" instead of actual need. You might be able to run it in a VM or something, presumably there will be lots of Apple users who still want to run 32 bit software.
  12. I was following along in Guitar Pro 5 how EOF was unwrapping all the repeats and alternate endings, but then Guitar Pro gave the "Erreur de verification d'etendue" error, which means the Guitar Pro file was corrupt. My guess is that this is a botched conversion from a newer Guitar Pro format, which is not an uncommon problem with Guitar Pro 6 and newer. EOF can't be blamed for a broken GP5 file. Up to the point where Guitar Pro complained about the file being corrupt, the only possible issue I see (and this would require a person strongly familiar with music notation to confirm) is that after the Da Segno marker at the end of measure 56 causes the song to seek to the segno marker at measure 31, whether measures 39 and 40 are supposed to be played again (as EOF does during the import) or if they should be skipped because those alternate ending measures were already played.
  13. EOF has supported repeats and alternate endings for years and nobody has said it isn't working until now. Make sure you're using the latest hotfix, because the unpatched 1.8RC12 release of EOF wouldn't have years of fixes. If you send me the Guitar Pro file, I'll check it. Until then, I'll assume the latest EOF imports it correctly.
  14. The Guitar Pro file probably has measure repeats, where the transcription was authored to intentionally repeat measures. If you provide me the GP file in question I can confirm if this is the case.
  15. Have you tried using EOF's "Note>Lyrics>Import GP style lyric text" function? It will leave the existing lyric notes where they are and would instead replace the lyric text with the contents of a text file. This text file should be a copy/paste of how the lyrics are defined in Guitar Pro (at least in Guitar Pro 5's format).
  16. The graphics library EOF is using doesn't seem to offer a simple, multi-platform way of using the maximize window control. I could add a different button to click on but that would be counter-intuitive. It also doesn't make the content larger as was requested, it just makes the program window larger.
  17. You can use the "File>Display>x2 zoom" feature if you don't mind the main menu displaying kind of glitchy until the menu is opened. Otherwise you'd need to lower the resolution in the operating system itself, which has the effect of making everything appear larger inside EOF and outside.
  18. I haven't added that yet, the to-do list is ever growing. I'll add it to the top of the list though so I can try to work on it soon.
  19. False positives are common with antivirus programs, especially niche ones that aren't common worldwide. If you want many second opinions you can scan a file or URL (for the file download) here: https://www.virustotal.com
  20. If you're not using a mouse/trackpad with a scroll wheel, you can use the [ and ] keys. Help>Keys and the other documentation in the Help menu have lots of other information.
  21. Hi, folks. The latest hotfix (5-2-2019) is in the first post. Changes are as follows: *Implements an eof_lyric_gap_multiplier config file setting (can be manually edited while EOF isn't running) that will affect lyrics when they are placed or have their lengths altered with the [ or ] keys or the scroll wheel, by enforcing a gap around affected lyrics. This gap is equal to the current grid snap setting multiplied by the eof_lyric_gap_multiplier value, which is meant to be a number greater than 0 and less than 1, ie. 0.5. *Fixed a RS import bug that could prevent tech notes from being parsed correctly. *Adds a minor efficiency improvement to pro guitar MIDI export by omitting repeated root notes when the same chord is authored repeatedly, as suggested by Ruggy. *Changed the Feedback import menu function name to include "(.chart)" to clarify the file type in question. *Added a "File>Default INI settings" function where you can define song.ini entries to be automatically added to new charts. *Changed the "Load OGG" dialog to initialize itself to the current project's folder, since EOF doesn't allow loading an OGG file from someplace else. *Fixed a bug where drum rolls wouldn't import correctly for QB format Guitar Hero files (ie. Guitar Hero Smash Hits). *Changed the length threshold for drum rolls in GH import to 140ms, since some official charts used drum lengths as long as 138ms even though they don't display as drum fills in-game. Drum notes that meet this length threshold are given crazy status so that they will also export to MIDI with sustain. *Allowed disjointed and crazy statuses to be applied to drum notes, since some Guitar Hero charts author this (ie. drum swells overlapping bass drum notes). A "Disjointed" submenu was added to Note>Drums. *Updated GH import to read accent notes and disjointed chords. When accent status is found during GH import, EOF will prompt whether it's from one of a list of specific games, which define accent notes in a different lane order. Some types of ghost notes (ie. from Warriors of Rock) are read and interpreted as snare notes and will be highlighted during import, but the definition of drum chords that include ghost notes on red/orange is unknown. *Changed MIDI export to allow drum notes to export with sustain if they have crazy status (which disjointed notes are given automatically during GH import). *Changed the accent status behavior so that a note can have different accent status for a given gem than that of the note at that position in another difficulty, as is done in some Guitar Hero charts. *Removed the logic that tracks the chart's MIDI delay separately per OGG file, since this isn't handled well by the undo/redo logic and is probably more harmful than helpful to most people. *Changed MIDI export and import to use a velocity of 127 to define accented drum notes, for future use in Phase Shift. When accented drum notes are present, "drum_accent_threshold = 127" is written to the project's song.ini file. *Added a prompt to the Mac build suggesting the default song folder (for new projects) to be defined if it isn't already, since the default location is the program's parent folder, which in OS X is inside the application bundle and is more awkward to access. *Fixed a bug with QB GH file import where the section events would be deleted after the prompt about whether they were in the desired language. *Improved GH import so that if the "song_aux" instrument sections are reached and there were no notes imported from the "song_rhythmcoop" sections, EOF prompts whether to import the aux notes into PART RHYTHM instead of PART KEYS. *Added a "Don't write INI file" export preference that will prevent EOF from writing a song.ini file during save even if MIDI files are written. *Allowed open notes to have crazy status so they can overlap other notes, since this is used in at least one GHWT chart and is supported by Clone Hero.
  22. raynebc


    That's probably it. If you manually define any fret hand positions for a track in EOF, it won't generate them automatically. Then if you make changes that no longer suit the FHPs, the "width" of an anchor (ie. how many frets wide the chord window is) can end up having to be unusually large in order to work in-game. Try deleting the fret hand positions and letting EOF generate them again, and if that doesn't help, try without DDC just to rule that out as a contributor to any problems.
  23. In the past day or so, Mediafire counted dozens of new downloads for RC12. If it's still not working for you, try restarting your browser and possibly clearing its cache and cookies in case it's trying to use a retired Mediafire server or something. If it still doesn't work, let me know and I can contact Mediafire support to ask why their servers are having problems.
  24. I tested it yesterday and whichever server Mediafire was hosting this on timed out. I tried the link just now and it downloaded fine. It was an outage on Mediafire's end.
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