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Everything posted by Telboy

  1. High all, it looks as if my beginner rhythm score has been put in the bass column as well...... haven’t been on the bass this week as yet Thanks
  2. As for the rest....... i won't be singing this around the campfire on my Acoustic, my wrists hated this as much as my ears :lol: could do better, needs work also needs work me thinks nighty night all
  3. Liking the Beginner songs more than the rest of them for the last few weeks, and my wrist likes them better too, Always good to get the 100% on the first hit eh @@MaZtoR but even better to get the Master Mode as well the lead caught me out though
  4. A lot of my wrist pain actually got better after I took up guitar. Maybe a different type of movement from the keyboard? I'm not sure. I do try to remind myself to fret softly however. unfortunately i don't have a job which requires much keyboard action, i got my condition from constantly cutting, facing off, welding and polishing high purity pipework for the silicon industry......... just gotta take it easy for a while playing the guitar only hurts if i play for too long so until my hands fall off or i go for the operation i'll carry on regardless ;) having said that i might ease up on the bass as that seems to hurt a bit more than the 6 string. anyway i got an improvement which i never thought i'd get, i can do all the bits now.....just not in the same run :mellow:
  5. friday nights improvements.... i keep missing the e string 11th fret first note :angry: i put a lot of work into this one, cos i like it, sometimes i get it sometimes it turns to shit, but getting there. shouldn't be playing really the Doc has told me that i have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and shouldn't be putting my hands, wrists, thumbs etc through any unnecessary strain......... if he could see me now :rolleyes:
  6. Hi, it seems that my Coheed Rhythm score has been put in the Lead column by mistake........... not up to master class just yet :-)
  7. oh and the songs in my class.... wouldn't last 10 seconds on either of these in Master mode :huh:
  8. Evening all, as my Master Mode attempt didn't put my name in Red Letters i thought i'd have another go, night night all
  9. Managed a quick go on the Beginner tune, not quite the 100% first go @@MaZtoR but then i had a go at the Rhythm Still not quite there but why not have a go on @ Master Mode..... just hope i get time this week to improve on these ;) night night all
  10. I'm back, it seems that i used the wrong patch....... a little improvement and i just couldn't leave the Monkeys, Grandad duties today and tomorrow but see ya next week
  11. @@firekorn I think I reapplied the patch but not sure if I did it right...... been a while since I have done it. I have 3 files in the patch zip file so I was a bit unsure which one to use and how to do it...... plus it is an old file. I’ll have another go tomorrow. Thank you I just had to have another go, got a newer patch and it has worked, thanks again.
  12. It looks like I can play the official dlcs but nothing else, It’s a waiting game for us Mac users :-) Thanks for everyone who is working on a solution.
  13. steam updated my Mac..... now i can't get the downloaded songs to work so it looks like i'm out for a while :(
  14. some lazy Sunday scores ......... love the Monkeys so i had to play R / L and B but can only submit the Rhythm more to come on this one i feel..... next Danko Jones which i have never heard before but was great fun to play. now to my progress on Scorpions..... 1st try...... 2nd, 3rd..... ready for SA..... well almost 4th, Now i need a week on RR to get the fiddly bit :huh:
  15. late again....... not time to concentrate on any of the songs other than Hammerfall slight plus but very hard to get any better for me and a plus on bass
  16. Here we go......... all going swimmingly well followed by wildly stabbing the fretboard hoping to hit some right notes :huh: Bass was ok though i would have never got through this a year ago still can't SA the rhythm yet
  17. bit late to the party but just had to get some scores in i played this one a lot to get good score....not a beginner song not my cup of tea this one isn't either
  18. I GOT IT ......... 100% Master Mode thanks for the kick up the arse @@Anwyn
  19. couple of scores after dragging myself away from the Muffs,
  20. Nice Score @@Anwyn ....... however Never underestimate an old man with a guitar ;) Tried the lead as well but struggling, as always, with the single string bit, now i must try the others at some point
  21. I saw this weeks song choices whilst in an Irish pub in Denmark, and i just wanted to grab a guitar and try them out but i had to wait....... 2 days past and i was looking forward to playing more and more then Boom !!! i got another Beautiful Granddaughter born on Wednesday, so with trips to the the hospital etc i never go a bloody chance to play any of the songs........ until now :D this was the ear worm i had since Sunday...... Kids In America, i had grown up with the Kim Wilde version so i had never heard this one, but i was not dissapointed ..... first go was 99.5% in LAS but with a little time ..... then i remembered @@Anwyn ........ and the master challenge so i thought hey why not....... over to you Mr @@Anwyn :P i better try some of the other songs now :huh:
  22. Last and only slight improvement for the week..........off to Copenhagen tomorrow for a well deserved break....followed by a trip to Sweden i know i could fro so much better on the Def Leppard song but with the pain in both wrists and no bloody time this will have to do more time next week i hope
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