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Everything posted by diceslinger

  1. I've never quite been clear on how this works when there are two tracks. From what I have seen I think only the first track counts, but I would like to hear the official word on it.
  2. Me too. I was wondering, after all of the talk of playing the open A on A5 instead, maybe it is easier to go from the C# (6th fret on the G) at the end of the solo to the open A played with the first finger instead of the A5. I may try that tonight.
  3. @@meelo, There are a few with the artist name spelled P!nk. They don't have a rhythm part either. The one I requested for the championship was charted by @@pegase84 and didn't have a rhythm path. That is the one linked to for this week. @@Hughmonty, do you know who charted the one you have?
  4. A bit of headway, I'm hoping the practice pays off after I sleep on it. And I tried the intermediate song. At least there is room for improvement.
  5. Worked on the first part of So What for an hour or so in RR. Slowing it down made me realize how sloppy I was playing it. My hand is dead now!
  6. I was making a joke, because "I'm gonna start a fight" is a line from the song. I wasn't trying to belittle your point. The laughing emoji perhaps didn't convey that. I don't really get the transposition yet, so I really didn't have anything to add. However, I ran through it a couple times and after hearing that the open A was the same as the A on the 5th fret I tried it a few times and yes, I agree. It makes it much easier to play. I like the open high e ringing out a bit better with the open E chord, but the other is easier to play and keep the flow of the hand movement smoother. So, thanks for posting this and getting me to try something new. My apologies for my flippant joke on a topic you care about. I've seen quite a few songs where the charts are far from optimal and just transpose them in my mind when I can... I am genuinely interested, as a beginner guitar player, about the topic. Are there real differences about the places you play (unless your guitar is poorly set up and the open strings are the only notes in tune) ? Sustain depends on the vibrating length, but are there other factors ? For example, on 2'23, in Black Sabbath - N.I.B. Guitar Lesson, he states that E5 sounds darker played on E12th fret than on A 7th fret. It's true for his guitar because the neck pickup location has less high harmonics on the 12th fret than on the 7th (I guess) but if he played on a strat or a 24 frets, I don't think his statement would still be true, would it ? In the end, regarding how to play a song, are the only factors to take into account hard constraints, like slide from one note to the other on the same string and everything else is based on personal preference and convenience ? The same topics arise with "Sex on fire" where one of the bass chart was easier to play despite the notes being the same. If it is the case, I should invest times now to know my fret board and try to play parts in different locations... It's just I had the impression it was more an advanced topic.
  7. Ran through So What a few times on bass. And on lead. Wow, 2 strikes. Ouch.
  8. I got obsessed with the rhythm part of What's Up trying to clean up my messy strumming. It paid off. It was a trainwreck on my hollow bodied guitar, couldn't hear the music while I was playing. Switched to my squire, since I brought my strat to get restrung and setup. Had better luck when muting the strings a bit before the chord changes than just letting them ring. So then I had to try it on master mode a few times. Very happy with the result! I may actually be learning to play this thing!
  9. "I just keep tryin' ta get a little better a little better than before"
  10. @@Rodman, I think I'm getting credit for someone elses skills. My highest on Oasis bass is this 98.76%, and the spreadsheet has me at 99.75%. I think that 99.75% belongs to @@Telboy.
  11. And small improvement on lead. I think I missed every double string bend. And the other bends. I suck at bends.
  12. Lots of RR on What's Up rhythm. It was driving me nuts cause I was missing so many, then when I slowed it down I saw how much I was "mumbling" my chords. Cheating one to get to the next, skipping the open strums, etc.
  13. I somehow missed a What's Up rhythm screenshot. I feel like this should be easy but I seem to miss chords at random.
  14. This was a pretty fun bass part. I got two strikes right off the bat and was sweating it the whole song!
  15. A little What's up....I love this song. Lead, 92%. My son played with me on bass. My son love Eye of the Tiger by survivor...he loved playing this on bass too. I did less well on rhythm with 89%.
  16. I think I forgot to post my try on advanced bass. Pretty enjoyable to be honest. Hope I don't have to explain the lyrics to the kids.
  17. Spent a bunch of time in RR and this seems to be about the best I can do. Y'all make it look too easy!
  18. Took a stab at Int. Lead. RS guy says excellent performance, but I'm bringing up the rear with an 85%.
  19. Supposedly the Navaho always make one mistake in every rug, because perfection would invite the god's anger. I'm certainly in the clear!
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