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Everything posted by RSjeffH

  1. Beginner Rythym http://i.imgur.com/iKZJOK4.jpg
  2. This one too. http://i.imgur.com/NxbrnSE.jpg
  3. Getting There: http://i.imgur.com/cRQc5pF.jpg
  4. Beginner lead, it seems that I am obligated to miss one chord after the interlude. http://i.imgur.com/SbJEf2L.jpg
  5. Beginner Rhythm - Spooky Tooth :lol: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7IQOHx1RFYpd0pCNjBzbTNmc3M
  6. Beginner lead done. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7IQOHx1RFYpaFF2SU95bEM0aW8
  7. Can't seem to figure out score attack. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7IQOHx1RFYpUjkxcnI1VUp1cjg
  8. Same % but a higher score. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7IQOHx1RFYpdlBBRGFVQVBvcUU
  9. Best effort so far: Beginner Junge. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7IQOHx1RFYpeEo3ald3Ti1DV2M So what image extension am I allowed to post to this forum?
  10. I took lessons from a teacher that was also a working musician. I learned a lot over about a year of weekly lessons, however I reached a plateau. I really needed my teacher to go beyond the basics but it was easier for him to teach new players that didn't really require him to do anything except write out some tab and play songs. I stopped taking lessons and looked for a new teacher. My next teach was a total flop from my perspective. I started using online lessons like JustinGuitar, Marty, etc. I played pretty much every day until I eventual got bored and frustrated and then I stopped playing completely. After several months of not playing, I started picking up the guitar and playing parts of songs that I could remember and I learned a could of new songs on Guitartricks, but I still wasn't really satisfied. I decided to give Rocksmith a try, at this point I've had the game open for 43 hours. I'm still learning how to learn using Rocksmith but I think it is keeping my motivated and it is keeping me playing. The interactive nature and the riff repeater is much better than watching a video, stopping, rewinding, watching over and over again because you can't tell what the guy is doing. I think that CustomForge has made Rocksmith much better for me for two reasons. First, there are a lot of songs available to download. My first thought about CustomForge was that I could download songs that I like and see if Rocksmith is really for me. I found something even better however, and that is the second reason the Rocksmith Championships. This is only my second week and the Championship challenge not only gets me learning new songs and songs that are new to me, but it gives me a bit of a purpose to continue learning songs and to learn the songs using better technique and accuracy.
  11. I'm new to both Rocksmith and the Championship. Here's my first post to the beginner song. I can't seem to find the right touch for the muted chords that have muted open strings. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7IQOHx1RFYpOFhlTUQ3bWx1UHc/view?usp=sharing
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