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About Jorzef

  • Birthday 09/15/1997

Contact Methods

  • Zefas97#0311

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  • Guitar
    Epiphone Special I Worn Black Limited Edition | Harley Benton HB-35 BK Vintage Series
  • Bass
    Harley Benton MM-84A SB Deluxe Series
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. The player alone worked fine for me, when will we see some kind of release for testing on the standalone app?
  2. Looking foward for the new version! If you need a beta tester count on me!
  3. Happy Birthday Jorzef!

  4. Happy Birthday Jorzef!

  5. Fixed issues with Tattoo, Was Ich Liebe and fixing Zeig Dich chart is next on my list!

  6. Starting work on Tattoo, should be done today!

  7. Update - tried the yass lyrics editor and i had the UI problems too, i solved that using and older version the program, now i just need to try to get the syllabes right
  8. Also just read all of your post coldrampage, I'll let you know about the second option, the tabs i'm making are a transcription by hand from ultimate guitar official tabs, they all have lyrics included
  9. Hello i know this is a almost dead post, any way you share the tool, thanks!!!
  10. Thank you for all the replies I'll try to do all the suggestions tonight!
  11. Hello everyone, i'm trying to do a custom and i have the lyrics with the notes on guitar pro that I saved as midi. I've tried to import the notes into EOF but it says "No lyrics detected". Now i've used the foflyricsconverter but when i import the lyrics they don't get synced with the tempo map that I already did. Any way you can help me? And sorry if this looks confusing :( . Thanks!
  12. Working on Ausländer and Hallomann from Rammstein, waiting for lyrics syncing, should release tomorrow ;)

  13. try the cable on pc if you have one, connect it and test it on windows you don't need the game
  14. Sorry for taking so long, erm "<artist>\\<album>\\<title>_<version>"
  15. I mean that the program renames and puts the songs in directories using \\ and in my case the log says renamer took 0 seconds and the files are still in the root dlc directory
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