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Everything posted by nlbsmglsk

  1. @ It Happens1 @ Bottledpat12 @ avastreg Since you guys missed it, here's a gem from week 418 that traumatized me: LINK Give it a shot if you have time, and if you do let me know what you think.
  2. You made it in time just fine. Impressive score. I'm gonna give up now.
  3. Depending on how much time we have I might still make it.
  4. I'm gonna do the lead part once I get the lower hanging fruit in the riffs down.
  5. I wouldn't call myself a master, but I'm gonna still answer. I play it all without tapping, but the stretch is certainly uncomfortable (the 9-14 one mostly), especially since you need to keep the b string fretted. If you're sure of your tapping skills, then it's definitely a valid strategy. I've seen guys tapping much shorter intervals just for the extra speed and rhythmic precision it provides, regardless of their reach. So it's mostly personal preference imo, do what feels better as long as it sounds good. Second attempt, just so I can procrastinate on learning the mc song a bit longer. Last time Galneryus was on here it gave me ptsd.
  6. You can post a score for every class, however you can only win in the class you're competing in. Since you're new you aren't assigned to a class yet and you need to choose one.
  7. ouch... it's a 9. Really fun to play. If the level of competition from last weeks keeps up I'm in for A LOT of RRing. Looking forward to it. PS. I'm pretty drunk rn, so don't look at these scores as a benchmark.
  8. Ok, here's what I got: Beck's Bolero - L 5, R 2, B 3, was already played on week 314, the ratings are from there, highly recommended. Cause We've Ended As Lovers - 6/6/3 - my ratings, lead v. similar to rhythm, the CDLC is a bit too quiet but usable imo People Get Ready - 6/4.5/1.5 - my ratings Superstition - x/x/8 - my ratings, bass only, from I've heard Jeff Beck co-wrote this with Stevie Wonder (who's version is also pretty sick) So, since all the bonus slots are open, I'd recommend using the following: lead int - bolero lead adv - Cause... rhythm beg - bolero rhythm int - people... bass beg - bolero bass mc - superstition Of course it's your call, feel free to do as you see fit. I didn't take the week because I wasn't sure I was going to be available. I didn't want to risk bailing out in the last minute.
  9. There's only 3 CDLC with all paths on ignition rn. I'll give them a whirl tonight and get back to you.
  10. 1. How was the lag situation on linux? 2. If you paste a direct link to an image (as in the url ends in .jpg or similar) it should inline the pic automatically. Works with most filehosts.
  11. Yeah, switching tones is a small problem, I just use the pc keyboard for that. I don't use any pedals or anything with RS, just the official cable. Not even an interface. I do have some amps and pedals, but I don't use them with RS, the cable works fine for me. The only problem is I have to replace it every couple of months.
  12. Yeah, I found a one that I can live with and I use it on almost everything with even a hint of distortion. In most cases it's an improvement over the tone included with the song imo.
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