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NullP last won the day on October 15 2020

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  1. Hey Zot, I'd be happy to help with your 2600 article. I'm not a RS Customs author, but I'm quite familiar with the hacks involved in using non-Rocksmith USB interfaces. It's probably 1-2 paragraphs of information, not a ton to say but fairly "meaty", I think. Let me know how I can help.
  2. I haven't read 2600 in like 20 years BUT from what I recall, you really should include the fact that you can use your own (and superior!) USB Guitar Interface instead of the crappy realtone cables. You simply replace the realtone USB VID/PID with your own device's VID/PID and it works! I've used a Line6 interface and a Lexicon Alpha interface. It's a better quality sound, and they dont break as easily.
  3. I've burned through 5 cables in a couple of years. I live in a cold climate and the dry winter months leads to a lot of static electricity which kills the cables really quickly. The solution I've found is using my own Lexicon USB guitar input, and hacking the game to use my Lexicon USB VID/PID instead of the official realtone cable one. The overall quality is better in every way. Search for the No Cable Mod (but please do not pirate this fantastic game, the developers deserve our support). It's a bit tricky to get working but if you're technically inclined you'll figure it out.
  4. I'd pay $100 for a version that supported ASIO. I keep burning through their crappy cables. I'm on my fourth one! Just as a test, I managed to get RS to load up my Line6 usb interface (tricked it into thinking it was the RS cable) and it worked just fine. I think it's 100% just an anti-piracy play but it's now costing me a fortune and I've legitimately bought the game 4 times (2 RS2012 and 2 RS2014). Punishing their customers.... Sorry for the rant, it's just really frustrating to keep having to buy these cables.
  5. Warren DeMarJake E Lee

  6. Gladly just donated! Rocksmith CDLC is the best thing to ever happen to the interwebs ;) Congrats on the job, and happy birthday! Null
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