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About Wormweed

  • Birthday 10/27/1984

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    ESP LTD H-1001nt. Hagstrøm Ultra Swede. Morgan Legend

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  1. Happy Birthday Wormweed!

  2. Not much else to say, topic covers it all. It's much faster than going there manually. I used it quite often.
  3. Happy Birthday Wormweed!

  4. One problem is that people that upload cdlc isn't automatically following their own cdlc page, so they don't see it if you leave feedback. I wouldn't go back and check for comments on my uploaded cdlc if i didn't follow them either, i would just forget. I follow all my own uploads, and all the cdlc i download. I have left constructive feedback on certain uploaders cdlc many times, but i have never had a reply, i don't know if it's because they like to upload subpar cdlc full of mistakes, if their ego is too big to fix mistakes on it, or if they just don't know i have posted suggestions on how to improve the cdlc. Having the charter rate their own cdlc shouldn't be necessary imo, i wouln't uppload my own cdlc if i rated it poorly, because then i know what's wrong with it and would fix it, or abandon the entire thing. Would it be a lot of work to make uploaders follow their own cdlc by default? Well, i´ve done ~75 CDLCs and i´ve got ~25000 downloads...... and i have gotten about 5 (!!!!) comments with constructive feedback (or any feedback more than "thx - sooo cool") ..... So responsibility here is on the players, not the charters i fear - noone cares to go back and try to make the thing better. Making the charter autofollow yes, +1 but it´s only one click and i do it automatically when checking the songs post after upload. I aggree with the self-rating by the charter - there will be only 5 (and some 4 stars), and as noone comes back that is gonna be it i fear. I have thought about it yesterday for long - 2 of my customs i would have rated 3 stars because of some errors in the solos i just cannot chart myself to perfection, but when a song is gonna be marked 3 stars - i fear that scream for help is gonna go up in smoke and will lead to just the cdlc being avoided for poor quality :( - but i will try. I don't have many comments on my cdlc either. But i messaged a guy about his cdlc, and he didn't know he had to follow his cdlc to see the comments. So i thought maybe there are more like him. Most of my frustration comes from people that don't take the time to add tone changes, riff repeater sections, palm mutes or sync their cdlc properly.
  5. One problem is that people that upload cdlc isn't automatically following their own cdlc page, so they don't see it if you leave feedback. I wouldn't go back and check for comments on my uploaded cdlc if i didn't follow them either, i would just forget. I follow all my own uploads, and all the cdlc i download. I have left constructive feedback on certain uploaders cdlc many times, but i have never had a reply, i don't know if it's because they like to upload subpar cdlc full of mistakes, if their ego is too big to fix mistakes on it, or if they just don't know i have posted suggestions on how to improve the cdlc. Having the charter rate their own cdlc shouldn't be necessary imo, i wouln't uppload my own cdlc if i rated it poorly, because then i know what's wrong with it and would fix it, or abandon the entire thing. Would it be a lot of work to make uploaders follow their own cdlc by default?
  6. I always keep the cdlc browse page in a tab, and just check all the newly released cdlc for anything interesting. Have it set to sort by last modified. It's not that many songs uploaded a day, so it's really fast to look through the new cdlc. For offical dlc i just check steam from time to time, and sort by date.
  7. I don't feel like not adding tone changes for clean parts is a fuck up, it has to be a deliberate decision. I have made some cdlc, and i tried to do my best at the time, and i will take a look at them again if someone finds mistakes. But i just don't see the lack of tone changes a mistake. When you are in EoF you can clearly hear the guitar changes to clean when you are syncing it up, so why not add a tone change there? I can edit a tone i don't like, so i have no problems with tones that are a little off, but i can't easily add a tone change. The cdlc i have made has been songs i like and want to play. I have made 1 cdlc on request, but it wasn't as good as id like it to be, so i didn't upload it here, i just emailed it to the guy who wanted it. and he seems to like it. But i just don't want it up here with my name on it when i don't think the cdlc is as good as i could make it. I don't get money or fame from my cdlc either, nor do i want any. People don't have to thank me for making it either. All i want is for people to let me know if there are problems with it, so i can fix it. Honest feedback is always a good thing, and you should question yourself the moment you are too proud to take constructive negative feedback.
  8. Why are some people too lazy to add tone changes when they are in EoF allready? I'm not asking for perfectly matched tones, but please just add the tone changes and a generic clean tone, so it's possible to just edit the tone, without having to fix the song in EoF and add the tone changes there. I know it doesn't take that much extra time to do it while you are in there syncing it etc. I tried asking 2 of the people that make cdlc like that, but they didnt bother replying. The rest of their cdlc is usually good, so i tried to ask nicely if they could add tone changes in the future, but no.
  9. Yeah, you are probably right. I didnt know about the midi import part before you told me, and that does exactly what i wanted. Trying to sync before importing is quite hard with all the compressed music out there. I strive to get all my music in lossless high quality, but some of it is just made terrible, like Death Magnetic. Edit: yeah idk, this song sucks to sync up either way. Doesnt even look like they played the song in time when they recorded it
  10. I didnt know the repeated parts counted different, didnt think about that. How come its not intended to import tempo changes? I know it's gonna take some minor syncing, but would be many times quicker than to find the correct markers and manually change the bpm, then fine tune it after. I tried the midi export/import, and that does indeed import tempo changes, and it did so while couning the repeating parts. So it changed tempo at marker 17. So thats very helpful, thanks for that tip, i didnt know that worked.
  11. Sure, ill mail it to you. just pm me your email Edit: The download works just fine https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byr2EKgrEKameXVRTmNxN3FlZEk/view
  12. Just the first beat, then ignores all the other bpm changes from the gp files. The beat markers numbering is also off compared to the gp files. So i cant even look at the gp file beat marker numbers and just go there in EoF and change the bpm, since its off. I was hoping this was fixed, as i was getting bored having to spend ages having to sync the song, instead of it just importing the way it is written, then just minor sync adjustments if needed. Using latest EoF hotfix, and this gp file https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/l/lord_belial/forlorn_in_silence_guitar_pro.htm But i remember this is why i stopped making cdlc some time ago, so its not just this tab thats the problem.
  13. The txt file has a lot of dead space in it, far between the rows, and the notes are very far apart. Take Gary Moore - The Loner, 3 notes on the first row, then its another 3 on the next one. And it makes it a terrible pain to try to watch it on a phone for example, play 3 notes, then swipe down to see the next row of 3 notes. I don't have a printer, but i think it would be just as annoying to print a song that takes up 10 pages, with 75% of it being empty space. I have the ultimate guitar tabs app, but they are often different to the cdlc, and i don't want to play the same song in 2 different ways. The tabs on that app are much easier to read on the phone though. Any chance of a change to this?
  14. I have noticed a lot of cdlc without tones, or with terrible/wrong tones. So i think it would be pretty helpful if there were a few tones uploaded to this site, in an easy to see part on the site, so its easy for new charters to see where to get them. Most of the time a good tone will work just fine, even though it might not be 100% acurate for the song. I noticed this a lot on cdlc with clean guitars, where they dont add a tone at all, or just use a random distortion tone. Doesn't have to be too many, a good clean tone, a couple of good distortion, maybe a few others too, i dont know. But i think 4-5 tones would be good, wouldnt be too many to chose from that way.
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