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Delisted DLC : how to buy/get them ?



Hi everyone !

With my wife, we used to play Rocksmith together : she sings, I play guitar. But since months, many songs was removed from the list. After some research, we found that Ubisoft "delisted" some songs. But, how can I buy them or get them ? For example, My wife love to sing "My Sharona" from the Knack but I can't buy it on Steam anymore and I can't download it from customforge.


Many thanks 🙂

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3 hours ago, r4cc00n said:

Hi everyone !

With my wife, we used to play Rocksmith together : she sings, I play guitar. But since months, many songs was removed from the list. After some research, we found that Ubisoft "delisted" some songs. But, how can I buy them or get them ? For example, My wife love to sing "My Sharona" from the Knack but I can't buy it on Steam anymore and I can't download it from customforge.

Many thanks 🙂

Purchase them before they delist. Sounds cold and harsh, but that is the reality of it. As of for now, Once they are gone, they are gone. Any discussion of how to share or otherwise is a violation of this sites piracy rules. You can see if someone uploaded a play through on youtube and play along with that as someone else suggested and as I have done. The songs were available for 10 years. I myself was not aware Ubi was pulling them and missed a couple.

This has been answered several times already. Please read this:

And check out Riff Repeater's list that lists all the songs that Ubi is going to list and see what is there, what songs you will want before they are unobtainable:


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