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Update Songs


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31 minutes ago, dblbogey1 said:

Is there a function to update ones downloaded CDLC's with it's latest version using Customs Forge Song Manager or some other tool?

That would require cfsm to be able to download songs in the first place and given the variety of different filehosts used here it's unlikely to happen as it would be fairly unreliable and would probably break each time a host updated their site/api.

Even a simple file version check could fail if the version in ignition is different to the one in the filename and it would require for the charter name field in the psarc to be accurate to check between different peoples charts of the same song. All this checking would put quite a bit of extra load on the site just for this one feature.

Since there are no tools to download songs from this site there is no tool to update songs automatically.

If a song in your collection gets updated you should get a notification though.

Ea3cCUQ.png                                                                   「愛こそすべて ,ギルティキス」                                         Gh59blB.png

Utsu-P Discography                                           Modding thread (dead)                                        1000 songs hype

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