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RS1 to RS2014 file conversion so I can open them in tonelib jam or guitar pro

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Hello, apologies if this has been asked - I did search at first.

I'm butting heads with some of the rs1 dlc I have with respect to the ridiculous huge loop markers - so I'd like to open the files in tonelib jam (or possibly guitar pro) for some better looping, but they are unlabelled .dat files?

Is there a way to convert rs1 dlc to 2014 format so I can get them converted into gpro or into tonelib jam


On 12/12/2021 at 12:01 PM, rj326 said:

Hello, apologies if this has been asked - I did search at first.

I'm butting heads with some of the rs1 dlc I have with respect to the ridiculous huge loop markers - so I'd like to open the files in tonelib jam (or possibly guitar pro) for some better looping, but they are unlabelled .dat files?

Is there a way to convert rs1 dlc to 2014 format so I can get them converted into gpro or into tonelib jam

Toolkit can convert from rs1 to 2014 but you need wwise v2010.3.3 for the audio.

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Utsu-P Discography                                           Modding thread (dead)                                        1000 songs hype

  • 2 weeks later...

Just want  to update this topic, just in case someone else new to toolkit stumbles upon it.

I got it working and I won't say this is the way you should do it (surely there are easier ways?), but this is the way that worked (ish) for me. 

install wwise 2010.3.3 as instructed, also install a wwise that works for rocksmith 2014, mine is a 2017.  Here's the important bit, it doesn't appear that you can select two wwise's in rstoolkit, so this is a 2 step process as far as I can tell.  You can only use 2010 to import the 2012 rocksmith file.   You import package, as instructed and then you switch confing wwise that does 2014 and you generate the cdlc. 

I would suggest to the rstoolkit makers that a second wwise 2010 config entry would make things smoother but how many people are trying to do what I'm doing?  Hardly anybody, I imagine.  I just can't get over how bad the loop markers are in the game, so I need to use tonelib jam to figure out some parts.  Anyway, I digress.

Extract rocksmith dat phase

In the configuration, set the wwise to be 2010.3.3, path to should be something like:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise v2010.3.3 build 3773\Authoring\x64\Release\bin

Click the convert radio button in the CDLC creator tab as instructed and import the DAT file (import package button at bottom) for the rocksmith original content file. 

My rocksmith content is in D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Rocksmith\Content, yours will probably be in program files x86/steam etc

The dat files aren't labelled with track name, but I did find a quicker way to figure out what was what (and probably if I'd have googled hard enough, I'd have found a list - or maybe in the software).  The APP ID thing doesn't seem to match the dat file naming convention though. 

It might prompt you for a place to put the directory, I'd suggest leaving it at the content directory of rocksmith original for the moment.   There will now be a directory with a "template" .

ie directory called RS001SONG0000038_RS2012_Pc (I should note that this is painkiller and painkiller did NOT extract out, it's the only one that gave me an error - unfortunate, as this is a prickly track and being able to loop it would be good)

I suggest you import all your packages (ie, create the extracted directory) first.  Don't worry, the import made a directory - you can reload what you've done after.

Generate rocksmith2014 cdlc phase:

Switch to wwise config that works for 2014.  IE:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2017.1.9.6501\Authoring\x64\Release\bin

Select rocksmith 2014 in the game version option in the CDLC Creator tab.

Click Load Template down the bottom and go into a directory for whichever rocksmith dat you previously imported.  You will go into the directory and see a .dlc file with a sane filename, ie

ie for me


Click generate

Now, this may fail with something to do with versions as it packages up.  It appears to be a problem with the arrangements.  I suggest fooling with the gameplay path settings (that is, in the arrangement section, pick an arrangement and click edit).  It seems like a lot of them come in with settings that don't look right for 2014.  Most of the time, I just adjusted the first one to default and lead,  second to rhythm and default and if there was a third, made it an alt lead.  I don't know exactly which one is the correct one but since you're not doing this to play in game, it hardly matters - you can select whatever and find the correct arrangement in tonelib or guitar pro if you're just wanting to get something that you can extract to a guitar pro track

Also had problems with hangar18 due to the fixed ogg, seems like there might be a byte count expectation failing.  I would imagine if you go hard enough, you might be able to extract the ogg yourself and then feed the wav file in and maybe get it out.

Figuring out which track is which dat, laboriously:

To figure out which dat was which, I dragged the rocksmith content directory onto "convert2012.exe" in the rstookit directory.  It didn't fully succeed but what it did was make directories of somewhat extracted templates (but not good enough to convert to 2014) in the content directory.  At this point, you have better filenames and you can go into the directories and figure out what song it is.  I made a list.  (Ie, it made RS001SONG0000001_RS2012_Pc directory, which when you go into, it's clearly freebird).

  • Like 1
  • 11 months later...

Bizarre that I happen to randomly check this forum and see this post

No, sorry I did not manage to do hangar 18

But here's the weird thing.  Somehow, I don't know how, I managed to get the rocksmith to tab extracted.  I have no memory of how I did it either.  I do not have the generated 2014 style dlc for it.  I cannot open it in tonelib, yet somehow, I got the tab.


  • 1 year later...

I'm wondering if anything like this exist for the Mac, I'm trying to learn Always with Me Always with you and having it in toneLib/Guitar pro would be great for me.

Thank you all 🙂

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