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Starting a topic just to share the SP songs I'm working on, as I plan on doing several & maybe this will help avoid any cross-work.

Also including some CDLC by other members in the list below, which will be continually updated to reflect the best SP CDLC currently available.


Snail new chart https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/75403
Rhinoceros new chart https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/68652
Siva redone tone/chart update https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/58897
Crush https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/59202
Daydream https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/59277
Daydream Billy Solo Version https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/59296
Suffer https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/59381
Window Paine https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/59526


Pisces Iscariot



Siamese Dream
Geek USA
Mayonaise https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/56220
Soma https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/60117
Hummer https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/60169
Quiet https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/67659
Luna https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/69306


Here Is No Why 
Bodies https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/67792
Stumbleine https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/56364
Porcelina of the Vast Oceans https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/58856
Fuck You (An Ode to No One) https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/73165
X.Y.U. https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/72497


Ava Adore https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/58875
For Martha (bass only currently) https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/75266
Shame https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/75138

Stand Inside Your Love
The Everlasting Gaze https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/74913


Machina 2


Drown https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/58432
Cherry https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/68419
Ugly https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/74754
Aeroplane Flies High (Rhythm only) https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/74588


Monuments to an Elegy
Monuments (Rhythm only)  https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/74426
Tiberius (Rhythm only)  https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/74412
One and All (Rhythm only)  https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/74167


The Colour Of Love (bass only)


Beguiled https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/74830
Beyond The Vale https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/74774
Empires https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/75047




Songs I've either partially completed or plan on doing eventually if no one else does:

Cash Car Star
Zwan (Billy Corgan's former project)- Jesus I Mary Star of the Sea
Hello Kitty Kat
To Sheila
Tales of a Scorched Earth
Blank Page
Glass Theme
In My Body
SPeed Kills
Frail & Bedazzled
Marquis In Spades


  • 2 weeks later...

Started doing a new CDLC for Geek USA from scratch. The current one starts out alright but gets way off from what is played after the first 1.5 minute marker. Its also missing the bass arrangement which I will add, along with better tones.

Porcelina is getting close to finished (for version 1 anyway) but it turned out to be a major effort, so I'm taking my time before first upload

  • 2 months later...

Don't think anyone reads these topics but should have Geek USA finished soon hopefully

Became short on spare time recently but will try to sort this one out this week


Well, for what its worth, I happened upon this....and I personally think there should be a lot more quality Pumpkins stuff out there.  I would love a better version of Soma as well.   I also can believe that Siva is not uploaded anymore.  I cut my guitar teeth playing along to the first few Pumpkin albums and its always been somewhat disappointing that the stuff out there for RS is limited or not the best tabs/tones.  

Appreciate the effort!

  • Like 1

Thanks @dt7667!

Yeah, I agree.. that's why I had to redo Mayonaise, being one of their best ever songs.

I will have a look at Soma and see what I think. If you have any other particular songs, let me know. If anyone else wants to take over working on a song, post it up and feel free since I won't necessarily being doing any of these super fast.

I checked & I have the old Siva. I can reupload but I don't remember what the quality is like. I only have it stored on my backup drive, not in my game folder so it may not be too great. Will maybe check it out again before uploading cus if its not good, then may as well hold off


Oh, I will maybe also redo Hummer. Had a quick glance and seems like it can use some improvements on the chart


Finished up the chart for Geek USA today. I just need to work on the tones a bit now and some final touches. If anyone happens to have good tones for this song feel free to share them, probably going to give my ears a rest a bit for now


The siva upload would be great.  Its a fun song to play...if the tones are bad, sometimes I redo them for my copy.  

Hummer was a bit off.  The clean bridge part seemed off from what I recall.  I think Ugly would be a good one.  Nothing complicated with the song, but I've always liked it.  Alot of those b-sides were really good in general.  

I think Quiet could be better too..I think the lead and rhythm parts are mixed together.   Bodies could be better too.   Tales of a Scorched Earth and XYU would be good additions.   But I understand this stuff is time consuming.  I appreciate anything people put out knowing the work it takes.  


Had a look at the old Siva chart and its playable but has some issues. I will go ahead and redo that one with a better tab, but may go ahead and upload the old one as a placeholder for now cus it looks like its good enough to play along with.

Same thing with Ava Adore.. have an old CDLC that isn't here any more and it looks playable but has some things that need corrected


Should have Ava Adore posted tomorrow

Was a pretty quick one to make and its sounding good. Thought I had it done tonight but there's a section of the bass tab that is all wrong and I will have to figure that part out myself first


Ava Adore is now up:


Beat map is completed for Perfect but I will need to arrange the guitar parts. Tab looks good but there are 4-5 guitar parts, each one by itself wouldn't be super fun to play for the entire song, so I gotta combine them into 2 more playable arrangements


Thanks! I just realized replaying it today that the main distortion tone is quite a bit louder than the song volume. Should probably go back and dial it down a bit. 


Should hopefully have Perfect up today. Finished arrangements and chart, just need to come up with some good tones which is actually a bit challenging for this song. 

After checking out some of the live performances, the live versions would really be a lot more suited to RS than the album version, so may do one of those in the future. The live acoustic would be especially good.

Edit: Perfect uploaded: https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/58967


Formatted the original post to reflect where I'm at with SP songs and what I'm doing... So if you want an easy way to keep track,  will continually keep the OP updated with progress.

On 2/13/2021 at 9:20 AM, arrov said:

Starting a topic just to share the SP songs I'm working on, as I plan on doing several & maybe this will help avoid any cross-work.

Geek USA https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/58823
Mayonaise https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/56220
Stumbleine https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/56364
Porcelina of the Vast Oceans https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/58856
Perfect https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/58967
Ava Adore https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/58875

Currently in process:
Siva tone update

Songs I plan on doing eventually if no one else does:
Hummer new version
Soma new version
Zwan (Billy Corgan's former project)- Jesus I Mary Star of the Sea
Hello Kitty Kat
Fuck You (An Ode to No One)
Tales of a Scorched Earth
For Martha
Blank Page
Glass Theme
Cash Car Star
In My Body
SPeed Kills


Wow that is a great list.I know it doesn't get talked about alot now but i loved Zwan when they were a thing.


Some stuff from Machina would be cool.


Good luck i will be keeping an eye out for your work.


Just realized To Sheila isn't on my list... well it is now. May have to bump that one up to the top


Redoing the tones for Siva today, hopefully will have that finished sometime this afternoon. Doing a careful comparison of the guitar sound & trying to match their real world gear (Marshall JCM800, 1960A cabinets, Roland JC-120 for clean sound) but of course the JCM800 was modded with different tubes & guitars were run into A/DA MP-1 preamp and then into the JCM800. Billy got the specific guitar sound by putting the JCM800 volume on full and using the A/DA MP-1 preamp  to control volume levels going into the amp, which isn't really a setup option in RS.

*edit* Got the Siva tones sounding good I think, but noticed the rhythm part is missing during the interludes so I am going to add that in. Also the beatmap looks a bit sloppy so I am going to go through and make it more accurately timed for the whole song. I think the lead part tabbing looks good as far as I've checked it over. So going to fix the beat timing & add those missing rhythm sections before update.


I've also been working on my custom arrangements for Eye and its getting close to ready. Right now its a custom lead & bass arrangement I put together. I just saw the live performance recording of this song with Marilyn Manson and its really good, this would be worth doing another CDLC for as well.. but I may use some of it to base a rhythm guitar part on for the album version:



OK just uploaded V2 of Siva with all new tones (except bass, sorry bassers) and I entirely redid the chart mainly because the timing was slightly off in the old one.



I can't decide if I'm entirely happy with the main overdrive tone bc I've heard these riffs so many times in the last 24 hours 😄


After playing Siva some more, I like the tone mostly but its just a bit harsh when played loudly - I've had this problem consistently when trying to make accurate sounding tones in Rocksmith. I'm not sure if its something I am doing or if its just the quality of the sims in Rocksmith not handling distortion in these ranges very well. I have this issue with the tone I made for Mayonaise as well - I like it but its kinda harsh. Or maybe my ears are just more sensitive from years of blasting...

Would appreciate if any of you find this to be a problem as well or any suggestions


Adding to the list:



Window Paine



Gish was released May 28, 1991, so that will be 30 years ago this May 28! I will be trying to get these songs finished before then so we will have the complete Gish album in CDLC. I need to also see if any of the other previous versions could use improvement.

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