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Locked State of CustomsForge 10/15/19


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  • Administrator

I'll be writing a more in-depth post about what happened and what we are doing in the future to fix the website.

At the moment we are still working with our host to try to recover our backups as they are all failing.

To recap the last few days: The website was having multiple issues all around including random errors, pages not loading, records not showing up, and other various issues. We first tried to optimize the website and run repairs on the website. Unfortunately by fixing these issues we caused new problems to occur such as records not loading at all. After that we tried to recover from multiple backups. The backups failed and one of the major problems is that it took 16 hours to run the backup due to the amount of files the server has. 


After asking for donations so we could launch an additional server while we tried to recover the server. We launched a new server and recovered what we could, and after 18+ hours of hard work I was able to get the website running again. Unfortunately there are several issues I am working around the clock to resolve.


  • We are aware some pages are not correctly working(fixed)
  • Email is not working (this is a separate issue with Amazon SES that we are working on)(fixed)
  • Any posts/CDLC posted within the last 7 days have been lost. You'll need to edit or recreate whatever changes you have made in the last 7 days. 
  • Issues with images not loading(fixed)
  • Login loop errors

We will be working on getting all of the features back up asap.


Thanks for all the support in the last few days, I'm sorry for the downtime but it means a lot that so many people care about this community. 


- Unleashed2k

EDIT: View full post here:

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"Just remember: when something breaks, kick it as hard as you fucking can"

-Trent Reznor
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  • Administrator

Could you maybe elaborate on what exactly caused these issues? Is it something in the programming or?

I'll be writing a more in-depth post about this in the next few days.

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"Just remember: when something breaks, kick it as hard as you fucking can"

-Trent Reznor
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