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how to assign a tone


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recently joined the list of CDLC makers...


but for the life of me I cannot assign a tone to the tracks..


youtube vid says select the first note of the track and name it to the tone you want to set..(both by pressing N and by selecting

beat - rocksmith - RS Phrase)


eg  the lead tone i set it called "lead" (no inverted commas).

import the tone i want set to it in RSTOOLKIT

name them exactly as set in EOF


test the song... no tones assigned.

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I'm not sure what vid you are referring to but this is not how tone are handled by EOF.


You set a tone change by pressing CTRL+T which will be added to the place where the play marker is. That's only required if you need multiple tone in the same arrangement.

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@@fetal_icecream You don't need to add a tone change if there's no tone change during the song. You can change the default tone per arrangement in the toolkit but that doesn't require anything to be done over EOF.

Firekorn's workshop
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I've had issues with tone changes as well and want to make sure I understand the process, so you are saying:


Let's say in your EOF project, you want to set a tone change a 01:30, then you change to another tone at 02:30, then change back to the original tone at 03:30.   Lets say it starts out as distortion (0:00), solo (01:30), fuzz (02:30), then back to distortion (03:30) right?


How do you do that?   I believe you add the tone changes in EOF at 1:30, 2:30, then 3:30.   EOF does make you pick a default tone, you're saying that doesn't really affect things? 


What would the toolkit look like?  Three tones?  Four?

Guitar (distortion, solo, fuzz) or

Guitar (distortion, solo, fuzz, distortion)?

'From first to last, the peak is never passed. Something always fires the light that gets in your eyes.'

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I believe you add the tone changes in EOF at 1:30, 2:30, then 3:30.




EOF does make you pick a default tone, you're saying that doesn't really affect things?

It's just that this can easily be changed in the toolkit if you desire or need to, it's still better to choose what will be the actual default tone for simplicity sake but it's not mandatory to still make it work as you want it to.



What would the toolkit look like?  Three tones?  Four?

Four because the default tone can't be switch back to within RS so "distortion" will be in both the "default tone" slot and a tone slot from A to D (which iirc will be A for distortion, then B for solo and then C for Fuzz).


In a case where you don't actually have any tone from A to D but only a default (so no tone change in EOF), then it's only a matter of setting that default to the tone you want in the toolkit and has nothing to do with EOF.

Firekorn's workshop
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  • 1 year later...

Hey everyone. I am attempting to make my first CDLC, but I am having trouble with making the tones work. Both the rhythm and the lead tracks have 4 separate tones and they change multiple times in the song.  I am naming the tones the same in both Editor on Fire and the RS Toolkit. I am saving my tones in the toolkit, but I am finding the box that reads "If checked, tone slots are disabled to prevent multitone failure."  I've changed this setting in the configuration to be off, so why is this still being selected? Is there something I am doing wrong? I'm really not sure what to do here. Everytime I generate a new version, it only has the one tone throughout the entire song, and sometimes it isn't even the one I have chosen to be the default tone.  Thanks for any help or insight you might have. 

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