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Chord error when playing custom song, but looks fine in EOF


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Hey guys,


So I've been working on my first CDLC and every chord has an error where the strings that aren't used are showing up within the chord in game and making everything look glitchy and not register note detection properly.


Here's a screenshot of said issue: https://i.imgur.com/RUXOmPl.jpg


I am running the most recent version of EOF with the Hotfix


I came across a thread from last year that said it's related to open notes in chords and the final comment said to replace the chordshapes.xml, I tried redownloading the EOF hotfix and replacing my files again with that version but the problem still occurs.


I had defined handshapes for 3 chords within the Guitar Pro file that I made, but one chord on the Lead arrangement only had the handshape added in EOF. Could that have anything to do with it?


How do I solve this problem?

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Nevermind, solved the problem. I use an older version of RS Toolkit and it was incompatible with the xml files from the latest version of EOF unless I changed the Abridged RS2 export in EOF preferences. Song will be uploaded soon!

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