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This is probably the dumbest question you've had on here in a while but I couldn't find the answer on the board even tho its probably already there. 

Question is in the guitar pro file the tab is split into different parts, how do you get them all into the song? like the one i'm trying to do has "Muted guitar 1" Distortion guitar 1 distortion guitar 2 etc, when I import the tab it wants to overwrite what I already have in there. Thanks in advance for whoever humors my newbidity.


You can import each of the tracks from the Guitar Pro file into separate tracks in EOF, or if you prefer you can go into File>Preferences and disable the "GP import replaces active track", allowing you to import each Guitar Pro track into a different difficulty in the same track in EOF.  Then after they're imported, you can select notes and copy/paste to combine them as appropriate.  Pasted notes are placed starting at the seek position, so using the Pg Up/Dn keys to seek to a specific beat before performing the paste is necessary.  If the paste needs to begin part-way into a note, you can use "Edit>Grid snap" to define an appropriate value (ie. 1/8 represents one half beat length), then you can seek that amount forward or backward using CTRL+SHIFT+Pg Up/Dn to line up the seek position nicely.


If the tablature being imported includes certain notations (especially bends), additional "tech notes" (kind of like a behind the scenes second set of notes that overlays the regular notes) may need to be copy/pasted.  You can find out if this is the case by pressing F4 to toggle the display of these notes on/off.  While this "tech view" is in effect, note operations are performed on this set of notes and the normal notes are just displayed in the background.

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I feel dumb asking all these questions but I can't figure out how to do it..So dragging the beginning measure to sync the opening note, setting the bpm, 3 bars in its out of sync, so i drag that bar down a little, which pushes the measure before that down, pushing it out of sync, move those down then everything else is messed up. I know there's a better way to work that, the bpm is probably wrong or the tab possibly,  but the real problem that I'm running into is by the time i've worked 7 bars in the notes are all clustered into one group so instead of 8 notes in a section like the tab has i've got 12. or i move it too far and some just disappear.  i've watched a dozen tutorials on syncing with this program but it's clearly not working out for me. i don't necessarily want to give up on it cuz there are a lot of songs nobody else has made that I would love to be able to learn, am i being to anal retentive on the syncing? I don't necessarily want to go through the rest of the steps in making a cdlc if the song isnt' going to be playable anyway, how big is the margin of error on the syncing?


That BPM suggested by the Guitar Pro file indeed may not be very accurate, but it can also depend on whether that tempo reflects accurate time signature usage in the arrangement.  The time signatures don't matter much for the sake of gameplay, but they can affect how you author the chart.  Otherwise know that it isn't uncommon to have to sync beats as often as one or more times per measure.  I'm not sure what you mean by margin of error.  The game won't know or care if the chart is synced the way it should be, but it will not be as nice to play if it isn't synced well enough.  If you're syncing the beats after having imported a Guitar Pro file, you can re-import from the Guitar Pro file afterward and the notes will be replaced onto the beats' current positions, removing any glitches that could have occurred while syncing.  The re-import only works well if you left all notes as-is after the first import, and only moved beat positions.


If you can provide an example EOF project file with steps to reproduce a problem where clicking and dragging beat markers makes notes appear or disappear unexpectedly, let me know so I can see if it's a bug.


for some reason dragging the beat markers makes my brain melt. but at least for the first song I worked I was able to get it lined up changing BPM during the sustains. Dunno how well that is going to work when i try to do one without as much sustain but thank you for your help


Post screen shots or just upload your project files.


Screen shots would help tremendously in helping you.  Shots of the beginning of the GP file and the beginning of the EoF project.


Too many notes per beat usually means the wrong time signature.  When importing the GP file select the option for EoF to use the time signature of the GP file.


To answer your initial question, editing GP files takes far less time that copy/pasting notes about in EoF.  If you have GP5 then load up the file, copy and paste everything you want onto 1 "lane", then import that lane to EoF.

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