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Help Downloading CDLC On Mac



Anyone in here using mac? Any tips on the steps to download the content?


I have been trying for almost a day with no luck. The instructions are very confusing and weird, not only that but I felt like I had to dig and search all over their stuff just to get the information I needed in order to solve the puzzle. I have RSinjector and the toolkit, i also have converted the pc format song into a mac version and it doesnt appear on my game. HALP

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It sounds like you didn't update the ID on the CLDC.  In the Toolkit, on the Converter tab, you probably listed "Source" as "PC" and "Target" as "Mac."  Immediately below that is a drop-down menu that is by default set to "The Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock - 248750."  This is the default ID because many people own that DLC (it was free at one time).


If you don't own that song, you must use the dropdown to choose another legitimate (paid) DLC that you do own.  If you don't own any DLCs, you must purchase at least one legitimate DLC, and then choose that DLC in the drop-down menu anytime that you do a conversion.


Hope that helps.

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I did everything, but I dont see the song i downloaded on my rocksmith library 


Hey I don't mean to be a dick here, but two people have tried to help you out in this thread and you're not really providing enough info for us to give you any real help.  RSInjector and the toolkit work fine for hundreds (thousands maybe?) of Mac users, myself included.  So, there's something unique to your computer or what you're doing that's leading to the error.


It's pretty easy to take a video screenshot on Mac and post that to YouTube.  Take a brief video of you converting a CDLC and trying to play it.  My money is on one of the following:


1.  Didn't change the app ID to match a DLC that you've purchased

2.  Downloaded RSInjector, but not actually using the RSInjector to launch Rocksmith when you're ready to play

3.  Not placing converted CDLCs in the correct folder


I'm happy to help you keep working on this, but you're gonna have to provide some more detailed info.  A quick video showing you complete the conversion in the toolkit, moving the converted file to the proper folder, and launching the game using RSInjector would be allow us to give you some more help.

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There are multiple and conflicting instructions on this site for mac users. I got confused by this as well. It would help to know which version of OSX you're using.


There are also bogus RSinjector apps out there that just don't work at all, and there's no error message when it doesn't. Let us know if you've made any progress but FYI, I wasn't able to get it working as easily as on windows. I had to download Cherub Rock although all those other songs allegedly work, and I know that at least two of them work on windows. I also had no luck at all until I got the correct version of RSInjector.

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There are multiple and conflicting instructions on this site for mac users. I got confused by this as well. It would help to know which version of OSX you're using.


There are also bogus RSinjector apps out there that just don't work at all, and there's no error message when it doesn't. Let us know if you've made any progress but FYI, I wasn't able to get it working as easily as on windows. I had to download Cherub Rock although all those other songs allegedly work, and I know that at least two of them work on windows. I also had no luck at all until I got the correct version of RSInjector.


Yeah thats the first thing I noticed, I had to jump from one section to another and then to their video in order to get a clear understanding of all the steps as well as to what versions to download. But I will try again, now that I know Its not just me. Btw, im using el capitan, I downloaded the RSinjector that was supposed to work with it. But when I tried to download a song i noticed that it wasnt the same as the video explained. When I downloaded the file it was for pc only, I couldnt find how to download different versions so i had to convert it. I used tame impala's dlc instead of cherub rock's since the instructions stated that it was fine. Maybe thats the problem? Im not sure but Ill try again. 

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When I downloaded the file it was for pc only, I couldnt find how to download different versions so i had to convert it. I used tame impala's dlc instead of cherub rock's since the instructions stated that it was fine. Maybe thats the problem? Im not sure but Ill try again. 


Do you already own the Tame Impala DLC?  None of the CLDCs will work unless you change the ID to match a DLC that you already own.

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