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I have a problem that when I use my noise clamp every time I play my first note or start again from a pause I get a pop/thump sound, once i'm in full flow this goes away. It only does this when I use my noise clamp in conjunction with my OD pedal. I have tried my OD pedal without the noise clamp and it works fine so I know it is the noise clamp causing this. Any suggestions how to solve this? it's not a major problem but it is slightly annoying.

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When you hear that pop, closely look at the wires located in the back of the amp and see if theres a spark coming off of a wire back there. Maybe it's drawing too much power to the amp for how small the wires are? Not sure what amp your using etc. but I remember having this problem a while back...ended up having to replace the 2 wires in the back with thicker ones and it seemed to have helped

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I can't really see much as everything is pretty well enclosed and I would prefer not to take it apart as it's only coming up for 1 year old and has a 2 year warranty on it, so don't want to void anything. It's an Orange Crush 100BXT amp that I have. As I said it works with all my pedals fine it's only when I add the noise clamp that I get the noise.

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I did think that was what was causing it and wandered if there was a way round it? My chain consists of my noise clamp (4 jack version) to which I use my OD pedal in the noise clamp loop then out of the noise clamp loop I have my Compression Sustainer then my amp. I then have my chorus pedal in the dedicated effects loop on my amp.

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Interesting. My amp has a noise gate built in. It is my understanding it is right at the input,, so it is dead quiet when not playing. I don't have any experience with external gates so I'm curious. There is no pop or anything when I start playing. It just goes from dead quiet to HOLY SHIT, if I have the volume up. I'm wondering if putting the gate up front and putting all your effects in the loop would fix this. But Turtles image makes sense as well.

 I'm Allergic To Stupidity. I Break Out In Sarcasm.

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Interesting. My amp has a noise gate built in. It is my understanding it is right at the input,, so it is dead quiet when not playing. I don't have any experience with external gates so I'm curious. There is no pop or anything when I start playing. It just goes from dead quiet to HOLY SHIT, if I have the volume up. I'm wondering if putting the gate up front and putting all your effects in the loop would fix this. But Turtles image makes sense as well.


Some pedals will also add noise so you can also run them through the noise gate of the FX loop but, if your gate is at the input if your amp and you have no FX loop then everything for you will be suppressed. That is great is you just want to play clean, driven, or distorted. You start having issues if you want to use an external delay/reverb or any other pedal that you do not what to shut off early. Almost all higher end amp heads come with 0 built in effects like mine for example, so what happens is the suppression pedal would cut off that delay or reverb once a string is muted and to get around that you do not include that in the suppression loop. It turns into a puzzle lol.

So for my signal chain I have something like this:


Guitars - DI BOX - ABY pedal - Input of Boss NS2  - NS2 send to Peavey 6505+ head input - FX loop send - EQ pedal - Flange - NS2 return - NS2 send to DD7 Delay - RV5 Reverb - FX loop return - Marshall MX412A cab - Shure Beta 58 - MG12XU Mixing board


I use the DI box to send the signal to a mixing board that runs into Rocksmith, the ABY is used for if I just want to play on my smaller practice amp.

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I seemed to have fixed the problem. I had also noticed that I was getting a scratching sound while adjusting my pickup blend pot which initially I thought might be caused by a poor ground on my guitar but to cut a long story short I have changed from using my wireless guitar system back to my my planet waves custom series cable on my guitar and all problems have gone.

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