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Hi, All


  Any Classic Rock Coalition Guests that want to Quickly learn to chart Custom DLC's, and become a Magna Charter, this is your chance. I have a few members and Guests that want to learn to chart customs, so I have volunteered to give a crash course in the way I chart tunes. If anyone is interested and wants to get on the list leave a message here at the Become a Magna Charter Forum at the Classic Rock Coalition Social Group. I plan to start in about a week from now, around July 6, 2015. The crash course will be at your own pace and by CustomsForge Group Message Max of 20, 16 spots available.


Later, avdocatwork


List so far as of 6/29/2015








  • Like 2

Kewlness!  Hopefully this is something I can do even though I ain't that good at playing yet...




EDIT - I also need to learn to do one of those really cool signiture splash thingies....

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Hi, KJParsley


I have you on the list. And Manchot66 came up with the cool signature idea and provided most of the images for the CRC Members. I am sure he would be happy to help you out in setting one up.


Later, avdoc

Hi, All


  Last Chance to sign up for the Crash Course on Charting Customs.   Any Classic Rock Coalition Guests that want to Quickly learn to chart Custom DLC's, and become a Magna Charter, this is your chance. I have a few members and Guests that want to learn to chart customs, so I have volunteered to give a crash course in the way I chart tunes, along with info on all the short cuts to make charting Custom DLC's easier and quicker. If anyone is interested and wants to get included on the list leave a message at the Become a Magna Charter Forum at the Classic Rock Coalition Social Group. I plan to start in a day or two, around July 8th or 9th, 2015. The crash course will be at your own pace and by CustomsForge Group Message Max of 20, 16 spots available.


Later, avdocatwork


Hi, manchot66


  I'm glad you stopped by this page. I have been meaning to ask you if you would help out with the Crash Course in Charting Customs. And walk us all through the way you import the Guitar Pro Guitar paths after you sync the BPM. I have tried to do it a few times and had no luck in getting it right. The following is how you explained it a while back, to refresh your memory.


Syncing in EOF by @@manchot66 :


In my opinion, a properly synced tab from the get go, will save you immeasurable time down the line.


I sync all my tabs in EoF.  Here's how I do it:


1) Hit F5 to bring up the waveform graph

2) Click Beat > BPM change, and enter the bpm listed in your tab.  Or you can click Beat > Estimate BPM and enter that amount on your first marker.  I usually start with whatever is on the tab, because EoF may say the bpm is 120, but the author of the tab did it in half-time 60 bpm.

3) Line up your first note on your GP tab with wherever it is in EoF.  If the guitar doesn't start until the 3rd bar, then line it up so it is on the third bar in EoF. (a bar is however many beats are expressed in the time, i.e. a bar in 4/4 time will be 4 beats, 3/4 is 3 beats, etc.)

4) Then line up all the next beats.  I usually use the drum beat to line up the beats.  Drums in rock will usually fall on the 1st and 3rd beats or the 2nd and 4th beats of a bar, sometimes all four beats, sometimes in between beats.  But it's usually relatively obvious.  Use the waveform graph to try and find the crests/spikes in the wave from the drum beat and drag your beat marker there.  Just keep repeating.  On a song with a really accurate rhyhtm, you might only have to line up every 8th beat and the others will fall right in line.  Some songs might need every second beat lined up because the beat is kind of messy.  You can hit 'm' for the metronome which will add a click on every spot you have a beat; you can get a feel from this to see it you're on the right track.

5) With many songs, the bpm will change in a song during a bridge, interlude, etc.  You can click on Beat > BPM change and enter a new bpm, or if that section is not too long, wing it until you get back to your original bpm.

6) Once you have all your beats lined up, now you can import your GP5 tab.  All the notes will fall exactly where they're supposed to be if the tab is correct.

7) I also suggest locking your tempo map once your beats are synced so you don't accidentally drag a marker half way across the screen.  Click Song > Lock tempo map


I've also used GoPlayAlong and it cuts down on time and guessing, but it places the beat marker at the crest of the wave rather than where the trough begins to rise into the wave, probably a matter of 1/16 to 1/8 of a second and it wont be noticeable.  I'm an asshole and I don't like looking at the beat marker in the middle of the wave, and that's the reason I do it in EoF.  Usually doesn't take more than five to ten minutes to sync up a song once you get the hang of it.


This guy's tutorial for syncing with GoPlayAlong: Tutorial

Brooklyn Sounds' GoPlayAlong Tutorial

PCPlum's syncing videos

FK's syncing tutorial


Later, avdocatwork


I'd just like to add (and I only learned this in the past few days) that the Spectrogram view of the song in EoF is better for syncing than the Waveform graph, though the Spectrogram view is definitely more intimidating. It's especially useful for songs that get "busy" or have compressed audio (unlikely to be a big problem in classic rock, though).


In order to be able to use the spectrogram view, it's useful to know what you're looking at. As usual, time scrolls left to right, vertical represents frequency (so the low end of the bass and bass drum are the very bottom square, vocal range is roughly in the middle), and shade represents intensity (deep red is most intense, and the bluer you go along the color spectrum the less intense it gets), so it's usually easy to identify when the bass drum gets hit and there are often easily identifiable vertical lines whenever there's a beat or chord change.


Motive had some useful posts showing properly and improperly synced beatmaps using this view in the Championship here and here.


Just spreading the word, because while the waveform works pretty well for syncing, the spectrogram has been much easier to use for some songs and saved me from going way off sync in some troublesome songs.

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