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Everything posted by Chlipouni

  1. I am going to investigate this issue as soon as possible. Thanks for reporting this problem
  2. Hi raynebc, Thank you a lot for this new release. As I am working on the new version of DDC, I would like to know if EOF is still able to generate the "dummy chord id" logic. If yes, can you explain what is the main purpose of this logic, and how to obtain it with EOF ?
  3. I think that it would be easier to read the XML file if all useful attributes were located at the beginning of the XML element.That should not change the logic of the tools that read the XML file if they correctly use the XML APIs. Another improvement would be to use a XSD schema to avoid the writting of attributes that have kept their default value.
  4. Hi raynebc, As the order of attributes in a XML file doesn't matter, it would be nice if EOF could generate the attributes by placing the most important ones at the beginning of their tag. That would greatly improve the readibility of XML files for those who need to analyze them. As an example instead of this : <note time="2" linkNext="1" accent="0" bend="0" fret="12" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="3" sustain="0" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> I would like to obtain this : <note time="2" string="3" fret="12" sustain="0" ... /> For the technics, I have no particular order to suggest, but grouping them by family would be nice. Edit : An other example is about the handShapes, the "startTime" should be generated before the "endTime" Thank you very much ...
  5. Hi, Did you try to use the "Decode Audio" checkbox in the "Packer/Unpacker" tab of the RSToolkit ?
  6. Hi, There are some video tutorials here : http://customsforge.com/forum/78-tutorials/ You can also use the first link in my signature (step by step tutorial).
  7. @@Berneer, I am working on DDC v3.1 in order to support the chordify technics. For now, I have just fixed a few bugs about the sustains of notes. Here is the DDC file of your "chordify" EOF project : DDC_chordify.xml I can't test it in RS2014 (because I don't have any guitar in my summer place). Can you give it a try ? Thank you
  8. Hi ! I have just broken my cable tone and I can't find my spare cable ! After a quick search on the various online stores, I haven' found anything to replace it with a reasonable price ! Do you have the same problem in other countries (I live in France) ? For now, I have repared my existing cable by replacing the Guitar plug ... So if you have any broken cables, don't throw them in the trash ...
  9. Totally agreed, but the chord tag doesn't appears in the display when i use handshapes in EOF. The arpeggios show the tags, but the handshapes doesn't do it, just the fingering To display the name of the chord in RS2014 you need : - a chord box of low density (ie : highDensity = "0") - a chord template with a valid name - the chord box needs to be linked with the chord template via the "chordId" attribute
  10. Thanks a lot @@firekorn That's what I was looking for ...
  11. As users can rate a CDLC with a 5 stars graduation, is there a way to search the best or most rated songs in the database ? Thank you
  12. Hi bdbrown4764, Did you try to reduce DD levels in the Riff Repeater before playing the song ?
  13. For my question, Case 3 is out of scope because I'm only looking for the cases where linkNext = 1 whatever its position ("chordNote" or "chord" tags) Thank you for the previous answer :)
  14. So if I understand well in these cases, the linknext status is only applied on open notes ?
  15. @@Berneer, Can you explain the reason of using linknext on the "chordNote" tag and not on the "chord" tag ? Thank you
  16. @@raynebc, I have used a period of 5ms for testing purpose. A shorter period of time would be able to work as well. The main objective of this time delay is to apply a linknext status between the chord and the single notes. In my opinion it should be better to apply this template for all chords with a "chordify" status, whatever the density or the presence of open notes in the chord. The main reason for this is about the DDC logic which already manages these cases of chord with linked single notes. Another reason is to simplify the code of tools with a unique template. I hope that @@Berneer testing will confirm this new way to manage the chordify status ... Thanks
  17. Introduction : This post is intended for @@raynebc and @@Berneer about the new "Chordify" status. The test case : When I define this in EOF : EOF generates this XML code : <chordTemplates count="1"> <chordTemplate chordName="G" displayName="G" ... fret0="-1" fret1="-1" fret2="0" fret3="0" fret4="12" fret5="10"/> </chordTemplates> ... <notes count="4"> <note time="2.000" linkNext="0" fret="0" string="2" sustain="0.375" .../> <note time="2.000" linkNext="0" fret="0" string="3" sustain="0.625" .../> <note time="2.000" linkNext="0" fret="12" string="4" sustain="1.000" .../> <note time="2.000" linkNext="0" fret="10" string="5" sustain="2.000" .../> </note> ... <chords count="1"> <chord time="2.000" linkNext="0" chordId="0" highDensity="1" .../> </chords>This template works in RS2014 but : - highDensity is forced to "1" to avoid display glitches due to open notes in the chord - single notes are displayed with a rotated effect in RS2014 which is not usual to display the chord notes After a few investigations, I think that I have found a way to improve this template in order to avoid its two associated issues. The modified template : The following code show the modifed template (made manually for now) : <chordTemplates count="1"> <chordTemplate chordName="G" displayName="G" ... fret0="-1" fret1="-1" fret2="0" fret3="0" fret4="12" fret5="10"/> </chordTemplates> ... <notes count="4"> <note time="2.005" linkNext="0" fret="0" string="2" sustain="0.375" ... /> <note time="2.005" linkNext="0" fret="0" string="3" sustain="0.625" ... /> <note time="2.005" linkNext="0" fret="12" string="4" sustain="1.000" ... /> <note time="2.005" linkNext="0" fret="10" string="5" sustain="2.000" ... /> </notes> <chords count="1"> <chord time="2.000" linkNext="1" chordId="0" highDensity="0"> <chordNote time="2.000" linkNext="1" fret="0" string="2" sustain="0.005" ... /> <chordNote time="2.000" linkNext="1" fret="0" string="3" sustain="0.005" ... /> </chord> </chords>The modifications are : - The "highDensity" of the chord has been set to "0" (as intended to display the full box) - Two "chordNote" tags has been added in the "chord" only for the two open notes (to avoid the display glitch) - The single notes have their start time setted to 0.005 later than the start time of the chord (to apply the "linknext" status) - The "linkNext" status has been setted to 1 for the "chord" tag and the two "chordNote" tags (to avoid the display of the single notes heads and the associated rotated effect) - The "sustain" of the two "chordNote" tags has been setted to "0.005" in order to keep the global consistency (but this may be optional) The final result : And the final result is :
  18. @ShrillBear52; As @@raynebc said in his previous post, you should never move the notes to sync them with the wavegraph. The right way, is to : - set the right BPM, - set the right time signature, - synchronize the first measure with the beginning of the song (by moving the vertical line) - import the guitar pro tab - from the beginning until the end, just move the main measures (if necessary) to synchronize them with the waveform (never move the notes). Then, when the rhythm markers are all in sync, you can import the other tracks and the notes will be correctly placed by EOF with no more fastidious work !
  19. @@raynebc, About the empty handShape, I think that it's possible in EOF if you follow these steps : - add the notes - select the notes and add a FHP - remove all the notes except the ghost starting chord But if I remember well, there is already a warn message about this case. When I talked about the first event, I meaned the first note or first chord in the phrase. I agree that this rule is strange but I had to add it in DDC to avoid RR crashes. I don't remember exactly why. About the same sequences of notes in each level of difficulty, DDC only takes care of the note pattern (ie matching frets and strings).
  20. @@raynebc, Here are the rules implemented in DDC that should also be respected when DD is manually authored in EOF : - A section or a phrase should start on the main beat of a measure. - The first section should start at the time position of the first non-empty phrase - The first note or chord should never start before the first anchor - The first chord should never start before the first handShape - The first chord of a song cannot have the highdensity status - A handShape should not be empty (ie no chord and no note inside) - A handShape should not be common with two adjacent phrases - The first event of each phrase should always appear in the first level of difficulty (to avoid a RR crash) - All iterations of a phrase should have the same number of difficulty levels and the same sequence of notes in each level
  21. For me the main problem is about the linknext status when a phrase or a section breaks the link between the notes. It might also have some issues when technics are set on the sustain which overlap a phrase or a section (slides, bends, ...)
  22. @@albatross213, FYI, DDC never creates a phrase on a measure if two notes are linked together before and after this measure.
  23. For your information, BPR Tool can also add DD (by using DDC) before packing the psarc file (On each arrangement : [File][save and Generate DD]) ...
  24. I was looking to split up the sections for some Coheed songs, such as The Running Free and Ten Speed, but it worked alright when I chose to 'Run as Administrator' in Windows Did you try to create an exception for the BPR folder in your antivirus tool ?
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