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Everything posted by Chlipouni

  1. @@Berneer, I have a similar sequence which works in the custom I am making. As in your example, the first occurence of the repeated chord is not the starting one of my handshape phrase. By chance, this is a result of the resnap function I have used on the starting chord of the handShape phrase (as EOF automatically add new notes at the beginning of the HandShape phrase when existing ones are moved) I will try to investigate more this day to understand the mechanics inside ... Thank you
  2. Does your handshape phrase with all ghost gems contain one note or one chord inside ? Can you give me the time position of this handshape phrase ?
  3. @@raynebc, In your example, everything is right for me. The second occurrence of chords is the first one with the chordId "4". The problem with this model is that all chords are fully displayed in the game (even these with the highDensity = "1"). I am looking for a way to use the handshape phrase feature with the repeated chord box functionality. EDIT : @@Berneer, thank you for this great illustration. Do you know if highDensity = "1" works inside a handShape phrase ? Thank you
  4. It works fine for me ! Maybe your antivirus is blocking the DDC executable. Can you deactivate it for a while and try again ?
  5. Hi raynebc, I am using FHP feature for a new song and I have a few questions about it : - Is it possible to have "highDensity" feature for repeated chords inside a FHP ? - Is it possible to force EOF to generate again the "highDensity" flags after removing all FHPs ? - It seems that the "resnap" functionality doesn't move the FHP starting notes. Does it ? EDIT : about the second question, it seems that EOF generates a handShape when a chord contains a ghost note (even if the chord is the same as the previous one). That's why the "highDensity" status is always set to 0 for these chords. My problem is that : - when I use a FHP, there is no way to obtain repeated chord boxes inside - when I remove the FHP and I use classical chords with ghost notes inside (to set the missing fingers positions), EOF forces the handShape generation for each occurrence of the chord In the second case, I can achieve my goal by modifying the XML file (I remove the repeated handShapes and I set correctly the "highDensity" flag on the chords). Thank you
  6. Do you obtain the result DDC files in the target folder ? Are you using the "psarc" or "XML" files to generate DD ?
  7. Hi SmellsLikeMonkey, There is only one executable file for DDC. It is the same for RSToolkit usage and command line mode. To use DDC in command line mode : - start a windows shell (cmd) - use cd to set the current directory as this which contains the "ddc.exe" file - then type "ddc.exe" and it will display all parameters you can use in this mode As an example : C:\Rocksmith\DDC>ddc ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- D Y N A M I C D I F F I C U L T Y C R E A T O R v 2.8 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ddc.exe <arrangement> [-l <phrase length>] [-s {Y | N}] [-c <config file>] [-m <ramp-up model>] [-p {Y | N}] [-t {Y | N}] Parameters : ------------ <arrangement> : XML arrangement input file (mandatory) -l <phrase length> : Length of phrases in number of measures (optional; default : 4) -s {Y | N} : Remove sustain for notes with length < 1/4 of measure (optional; default : N) -c <config file> : Configuration file to use for adjustment of internal parameters (optional; default : internal configuration) -m <ramp-up model> : XML file with the specific ramp-up model to apply (optional; default : internal ramp-up model) -p {Y | N} : Preserve the XML file name, so existing content is overwritten (optional; default : N) -t {Y | N} : Trace the DDC process and generate log files (optional; default : Y) Example : ------------ ddc.exe "PART REAL_GUITAR.xml" -l 3 -s Y ==> ERROR : Missing or invalid parameters Can you describe the problem you have with ddc in RSToolkit GUI ? Do you have an error ?
  8. @@Alex360, Thank you for checking these informations. You can download again the file ;)
  9. @@Alex360, I have found the issue about the product version information. The "ddc_v2.8.zip" link in the first post contains the corrected version. Thank you
  10. Yes, I need to investigate about the "Product Version" tag (I have this problem since the Windows 10 upgrade)
  11. @@SmellsLikeMonkey, The issues you have are related to the RSToolkit (DDC integration in the RSToolkit). DDC is an executable file which only manipulates the XML files to add DD inside ;) Personnally, I am using RST v2.6.1.0-d8960ca6 beta, and it works with DDC v2.8 (except the version number which is not displayed). When you add DD on a psarc file, at the end of the process, RST should display a message box to ask if you want to open the folder which contains the result file (sometimes, this message box is hidden behind other windows). DDC v2.8 is not yet officially integrated in RST, but we can alert RST team by adding these issues on github (www.rscustom.net)
  12. @@raynebc, The XML file that @@ShrillBear52 generates with EOF is not complete, a lot of tags are missing in the end (not valid for XML) Thanks
  13. Hi @@lilstrats, DDC v2.8 works well with these CDLCs. You can download the last release of DDC in the DDC topic. To install it, just unzip the files in a temp directory and copy all files of the "ddc_v2.8" folder in the "ddc" folder of your RSToolkit install. Thanks
  14. Hi ShrillBear52, The end of XML file is missing. If you have used the last hotfix of EOF to generate it, describe this problem in the EOF topic. Only @@raynebc can do something for you. Thank you
  15. Can you share the XML file which causes this issue ? Thanks
  16. Ok, these examples are good ones as they helped to debug DDC v2.8 ;) You can try the following result files : Comfortably Numb Book of Souls If you have other files in which you can't add DD, tell me which ones (may help to find other bugs in DDC ...)
  17. I agree with that idea. Use of events would be less verbose because we can define the time signature only when it changes.
  18. If the specific XML attributes are allowed by the RSToolkit Dev Team, I suggest to use namespaces to distinguish clearly the official nodes and attributes to those added by us. As an example : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <song xmlns:eof="eof" xmlns:ddc="ddc" version="7"> ... <ebeats count="593"> <ebeat time="0.000" measure="1" eof:numerator="4" eof:denominator="4" /> <ebeat time="0.537" measure="-1" /> <ebeat time="1.074" measure="-1" /> <ebeat time="1.611" measure="-1" /> <ebeat time="2.147" measure="2" eof:numerator="4" eof:denominator="4" /> <ebeat time="2.684" measure="-1" /> <ebeat time="3.221" measure="-1" /> <ebeat time="3.758" measure="-1" /> ... </song> @@Alex360, the "version" attribute in the "song" element has already been added for the Toolkit usage, isn't it ? What do you think about using a "rst" XML namespace for it ? For now, the tools seem to work fine with these new attributes (even if they don't use it). As expected, only the unpack CDLC in "SNG to XML" mode don't generate again these new attributes (works fine without "SNG to XML" checked). EDIT : @@raynebc, I would prefer an explicit attrribute like the following one to define the time signature : <ebeat time="2.147" measure="2" eof:timeSignature="4/4"/> Thank you
  19. I aleady thought to add specific attributes in the XML file, only for our tools. We could add an attribute on each main measure to define the complete time signature. These attributes should have a naming rule to distinguish them from the original ones. With the magic of XML, RSToolkit and DDC keep these specific attributes without error.
  20. Thank you very much for the advice of removing the note used to mark the handShape ;)
  21. Hi raynebc, I am using the [handShape][Mark] functionality in EOF and I have a few questions about it : - to create the handShape, we select the starting event and the ending event. - if the handShape needs to start before the first event and/or to finish after the endding event, we have to add ghost notes to mark the handShape. Is it the right way ? - to avoid the creation of too many ghost notes for the handShape feature, it would be nice to have the ability to set two optional parameters (for each handShape) like : - start before (in ms) for the starting event - start after (in ms) for the ending event These values could be used to calculate the starting and ending positions of the handShape With a negative value, the meaning could be change regarding the selecting event My ultimate goal would be to use the same event as the ending of a handShape and the starting of an another one. Thank you
  22. I thought that the "chordDensity" attribute was there for this ?
  23. Can you share one of these customs ? I need to analyze its content. Thank you
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