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Everything posted by Necronomy

  1. Anything from the band OM (I'm really disappointed in all of you bass players out there)
  2. I didn't find a similar topic, so I'm making this one. The "You gotta hear this" topic! Feel free to post band`s that are not known in general, but are phenomenal to you. ..and for the first one..this is Electric Moon, for me, one of the greatest bands to walk the earth (at least for me). Electric Moon`s Theory Of Mind http://i.imgur.com/M5HeE7M.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLzMmvLNcPE
  3. Ok, It seems I cant find the way to run CDLC. - Bought today Rocksmith 2014 Remastered on Steam - Ive put the new .dll in the rocksmih directory - Ive put my custom songs in the dlc directory - run the game, but theres no custom songs in it, just the default ones PC user here Anyone got an Idea what to do?
  4. Hi ppl. As many of you I use Rocksmith to have fun with my guitar by learning custom songs. I'm a total beginner in the guitar world. As I progressed I wanted to learn some songs that weren't custom made here because not many people listen to this band, so I looked for tabs, and now I need your help. I need to replicate this guitar sound, but I really know nothing about guitar effects. Can anyone with some guitar/rocksmith knowledge/ear give me a screenshot how to setup this? Links to some of the band music on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXkib8qr-y8 Oh yeah, If you are in this stoner sounds, check this band out, It is my favorite. Thnx!
  5. Interpol - Evil

  6. I had that ringing sound when I was realy stressed out (family problems), I had it for a month and half, and than it disapeared. That was three years ago.
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