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Everything posted by Viltaire

  1. First couple of run throughs. Speed is the issue for me. I have fat slow hands lol Graveyard INT. LEAD https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925926048612435285/153EA764A1AA598F9EFC713D967C1F90A335D4F6/
  2. Tiny smidgeon of progress. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925925732346623377/22B95F1A2682E43DE868445BBF4BCE64B541AD4B/
  3. I downloaded the only one I saw available through the championship. I'll redownload it and check. I even check the cdlc search and it's the only one that comes up, but I'll double check.
  4. Howdy, Long time no post, but I've been plugging away at it. I'm just a slacker when it comes to focusing on one song. Rocky Horror https://steamuserima...7295EED9D4C85A/ All my friends are huge rock Horror freaks. One of my friend in high school some 25+ years ago even played Riff Raff, I think, in a live weekly production or whatever it was. It was a long time ago, so I don't quite remember all the details. Anyways, Cheers!!! Somehow I posted this under week 227.
  5. Howdy, Long time no post, but I've been plugging away at it. I'm just a slacker when it comes to focusing on one song. Rocky Horror https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925925732333765866/C0658E14DA3EB8695B6D50B7AB7295EED9D4C85A/ All my friends are huge rock Horror freaks. One of my friend in high school some 25+ years ago even played Riff Raff, I think, in a live weekly production or whatever it was. It was a long time ago, so I don't quite remember all the details. Anyways, Cheers!!!
  6. Beginner Lead http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/276226315521734696/978A8B625899600C3AA77BAD2D171261CA800612/ Progress at least...
  7. Beginner Lead http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/269470772197828367/0911315D588EE8B5B5F735D043E3297CE00C9BDE/ First forays in playing it. Now if I could play without looking at the fretboard :P I'm hoping to give truckfighters a shot as I love stoner metal, but working on the beginner lead first.
  8. No score for me couldn't get above 75% due to time constraints. I played guitar, but just through my amp since it was like 20 minutes intervals when I could.
  9. @@RoR I've felt the same way last two weeks. What's worse yet is I feel like I'm not making any improvement. I'm sure I probably am, but I don't see it or feel it. It takes a long time to become proficient at guitar let alone good.
  10. Intermediate Lead http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/269469113550813805/1CC8BF12B777280B517E8627BCC425FDDFBB6C3E/ tiny bit of improvement.
  11. Beginner Lead http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/269469113547008407/0EB9ADF1FC3AB467F8E6DEB9554856EE689404B0/ I had to slow it down, hopefully I'll be able to manage it at speed before the week is over. Definitely don't see myself doing this one under score attack :( It's times like this where I don't think I'll ever be any good. Intermediate Lead http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/269469113547003419/3267E6FF9087D74F63978C47B01580FD97A2D94F/ Little bit of improvement. Hopefully can spend some time in RR on the solo.
  12. Intermediate Lead http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/269469113542476355/35E7B70A19BD571F2B0E6B7D36AE502BFCA69882/ First play through just by sight. I didn't do so well on beginner lead. That one I'll have to put some work into. To me this seems easier than NYNY. I don't know why I can't shift without looking at the fretboard :( has me a bit discouraged.
  13. Beginner Lead http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/269469113535080608/64199778CB1639D4CC350E7C07D0DF69C114347C/ Almost 98%, so good improvement and I beat my high score.
  14. Beginner Lead http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/269469113531017233/039DD77BAA0E2FC817919085ADF6AF3E486EF310/ Little bit better on accuracy, but I beat my high score, so yay?
  15. Beginner Lead http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/268342479507894310/ACB22C2566B1A2F3BFC7711D17785971EA74D518/ Didn't improve my accuracy too much, but passed on hard mode with no strikes. :)
  16. Beginner Lead http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/268342479505716130/13D7C387D0A6106888D1FE9FE0B703ACCE41964D/ Made some improvements.
  17. Slaves - Ninety-nine http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/268342479499807736/C2D9005407774AFD5D868E47E433404F2AF33DAF/ After a miserable six months of real world problems I can play once again.
  18. I won't be posting any scores this week. I'm not a christmas like person. I'll still be practicing, but taking a week off from posting scores.
  19. Beginner Lead http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=575761831#_=_ Intermediate Lead http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=575762636#_=_ First play through at 100% difficulty. I'll work on it in RR this week. I had a good chunk of the chords down, just a bit slow changing them really.
  20. Beginner Lead http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=574542240#_=_ I've not been feeling the best over the past week, but doing what I can do.
  21. Beginner Lead http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=571059944#_=_ Made a bit of progress accuracy wise and beat my high score for hard mode. Intermediate Lead http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=571061570#_=_ Gave it another run through and will spend some time in riff repeater either tonight or tomorrow. Doesn't look too bad if I can memorize a good chunk of it.
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