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Everything posted by then3verend

  1. @@Azrael I'm glad someone agrees with me, I was afraid of making more enemies with this post than friends, means a lot. I would also add that you and the mod should at least HAVE to contact/notify the author via PM(preferably in a group PM) before you take over the custom and explain why, and give him a time period (28 days) to respond and have the mod give a ruling. I also like the request to adopt idea, maybe even have it as a button after some downtime from the author. Even if the author is active member, if the cdlc hasnt been updated in lets say 28 days, the button appears. The biggest problem I see with that idea is what to do if multiple members want to adopt the cdlc at the same time.
  2. Only if they once made the decision to share the content at one time. I'm not going to break into people's computers and rip cdlc from them. but by all means, I know I'm going to meet some opposition, and thats okay
  3. So I've been on here for a year, and I've made some friends and pissed some people off, its the internet, that kind of thing happens. This post is a rant and nothing more, if you want to discuss this and want a response, be civil please :) Making a cdlc is a lot of work. Especially creating a truly authentic custom with full DD support, proper tones and tone volume levels, and 100% accurate tabs across all instruments with vocals synced and added(the tutorial vids are ~ 30 minutes just for 60% of that process). So what really starts to grind my gears is cdlc that has been made before that A: the creator that shared it once decided to pull it with the intention of never putting back up again because reasons... or B: something tragic or sudden that pulls the author off of this site For people that fall under reason A. You are all murderers of content. You created something, shared it with people, and you killed it for everyone. I understand some people can piss you off, feel disrespected, or have your content get stolen by someone else. However, once you publish that content, if you don't want anything to do with the cdlc, the site its hosted, some asshole pissed you off, or youre just too frustrated with learning. Whatever the reason may be, you still put a lot of time and effort into making that one song. Do you just want to say F*** that and murder it? because seriously, If i could just kill my free time like that, then say F*** that id rather it have been time spent doing nothing. I'd be living in paradise. These are some quotes from people I've seen/heard from all around: "I dont want to share my content SPECIFICALLY with you anymore." Good, I'm glad the author of the ToolKit or EoF doesn't feel that way, or else you wouldnt be able to make anymore, or update your current ones. "People keep stealing my own content." You have the original files right? you know your computer saves the date on that and thats all that you would need to verify that it is your own content. "People keep ripping on my custom tabs" Welcome to the internet, people are going to hate it no matter if you're the original artist that wrote the song and you know how its played. Maybe work in a co-op with some people, since a lot of people are creators on this site. who knows? maybe you'll learn a thing or two. "I'm not getting enough downloads/likes/thanks/support/feedback" Does it have one download? Good, you made somebody's day better by making this song, you win. They may or may not tell you, but that download says you did. I'm 100% fully against murdering content thats been shared. If at one time I can download it and tweak it and share it in an open setting, then it shouldn't die. Ever. Period. I see about 10 creators on here today that would be more than happy to restore that song and give your name the full glory and credit as you ride off into the sunset onto your next chapter of your life. To the people that fall under Reason B: If you are able to come back or can come back, please dont be pissed if you see your work re-shared. about 95%(oh and by the way the mods can and will delete posts) of the people on here will be more than happy to give you your work back, and hopefully work with you. It does fall upon us to keep that CDLC alive. I do wish there was a way to archive(I know a couple of them but the selection is limited. all the cdlc(the ,psarc download) ever released, but I believe that would be a massive undertaking that idk if the site itself could handle. I would say there are about 1000 CDLC's(that arent official) that exist that are not on here or are dead. That number should be zero. Thats roughly 500 hours of time that was just wasted. If it takes extra time to revive the cdlc, then revive it. So I'm taking a stand TODAY against dead CDLC, if I see one that is dead or abandoned, I'm bringing it back and leaving credit if I can. IF you are the original creator, you may have it. I'm tired of watching this and I'm doing something about it. Sorry for the book, but thanks for reading anyways!
  4. I know this song is original and came way before the others, but I see/hear a couple of songs/artists Lead(The Wicker Man with a Rush solo) http://s30.postimg.org/y9rahfw8x/2015_07_19_00002.jpg Bass(If Justin Chancellor and Cliff Lee both had a baby bassist) http://s12.postimg.org/omvqt19ot/2015_07_19_00004.jpg
  5. @@albatross213 pc is currently all over my floor and I need a new cooling unit before it'll work again. I've been busy this week too :/ still need to post a rhythm score so I can go for the triple crown on Rodmans ranking. I'll probably retire into the freebirds after that, schools about to start up again and I just got an interview for an internship. There's a couple of styles(southern rock and jazz) that I want to learn that I would suck at on a beginner level. I'll mostly play advanced and mc songs and try to stay competitive to make you and others better.
  6. @@Rodman You heard it from me first, you will win MC lead on week 163
  7. Was making the video when this happened !!!! * http://s11.postimg.org/povs5uoxf/2015_07_16_00001.jpg *Unfortunately it was the facecam video I was doing(I do them seperate mostly because capturing the screen is a beast in itself, and I dont want to forget anything), and I was quite surprised, you'll see my frustration after the solo, and my surprise at the end. EDIT: NEVERMIND IT SAVED THE TRACK I LOVE THIS THING SO MUCH IT MADE MY CAPS LOCK STUCK Edit Edit: got to make sure something is okay with @@bernixix first before I upload
  8. @ the newer stuff is tighter for sure. but I am selecting bands that were also known in the 80s. Modern Death Angel seems to have much better vocals as well. Thrash has come a long way since the "lets see how fast we can play" era has died. Don't get me wrong it's still fast but I hear more than just a blues scale being implemented and used in modern songs. Pantera kind of introduced the breakdown and groove that the modern stuff has today. It's also easier to discern the rise and fall of the climaxes in the music than the older stuff. A modern slayer clone today would be Evile and they have their own formula seperate from these groups. then again, I'm that young frustrated demographic that genre appeals to.
  9. Cats outta the bag then :/ yeah ive been practicing that song
  10. @ that scares me, idk what I would do if that kind of aggresive and fast thrash metal became boring to me. Dont get me wrong, I like other kinds of music, but thats been my bread and butter for the 22 years ive been alive. @@Mortalo I need to go get a time machine and see what I was thinking then :/ I dont think I tested v2 though. Then again, I think I selected that before we had stuff like Orion and Domination, I've also played that one tricky riff so much its second nature. I do believe its the hardest of the bass songs though, if that helps :) You're awesome at what you do
  11. Missed the slide and a random note http://s17.postimg.org/uj7bugez3/2015_07_12_00002.jpg I think I gave this a 6 on the diff when I first rated it. Yeah it has those tricky sections in the chorus and that one slide from 2-17 but wheres the rest of the difficulty in this song? Tone: listening with headphones the tone sounds great, fits with the song well, although different devices will produce different sounds 9/10 Sync: the two notes I missed were my error, not because of the sync, I dont have to worry about it either so... 10/10 Tab: my bass ears suck, but I dont think I heard anything wrong, if I did it was in the verse with the fills. 9/10 EDIT: my first difficulty review was on v1 of this, the counter reset on bass, im at ~5 runs on this
  12. I have no idea where that X came from http://s28.postimg.org/o870du5t9/2015_07_12_00001.jpg
  13. Like the Free Bird award idea, but I'll be staying in MC :P but uhh...yay for Death Angel
  14. Waiting for the new week be like http://cdn.meme.am/images/234069.jpg
  15. ^ Never played any games about Star Wars, so no, Darth will never be coming near me > Working on my resume(Never wrote one before) v will correct me on how I didnt play this game right
  16. Anyone else having trouble with the first note recognizing on the Act Like You Know? I know its not that big of a deal, but I mean...its annoying if you're going for 100% runs and the first note hits 10% of the time
  17. I saw Shiroo's Post on one of his songs(HEADBANGERRRR!!!!) Today
  18. @ It was a fun challenge though :/ I guess if the sync wont be "good enough" then I cant really argue for it. Still waiting for RR to be availble for Schism too, but I'm a Tool fan, I'm used to waiting for stuff...*cough* new album *cough*
  19. We're getting the Tool back next week right? http://s8.postimg.org/ipcs8uc9x/2015_07_10_00002.jpg
  20. You probably see my name cluttered on ratings for SSL MC songs, but updates the day before or last second songs I cant exactly run. I could in theory go for every song on there and review and place comments on there but that is about 45 songs to go through(and yeah, people change them almost every other day). On my SSL i put good quality customs, including a Maiden masterpiece haha :D Yeah, I saw that :P
  21. You probably see my name cluttered on ratings for SSL MC songs, but updates the day before or last second songs I cant exactly run. I could in theory go for every song on there and review and place comments on there but that is about 45 songs to go through(and yeah, people change them almost every other day).
  22. I prayed a little harder this time http://s2.postimg.org/b7pnper8p/2015_07_07_00003.jpg
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