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Everything posted by BubbleWrapDragon

  1. Rhythm and gog improvement - My fretting arm/hand tendons need a rest now
  2. I'm still somewhat of a novice but what I'd like to add is that always moving the strumming up and down even when there are no actual strums and also counting out loud 1&2&3&4 or 1e&a2e&a3e&a4 will do wonders to the time feel and picking up new patterns more easily. Of course, starting slow at something like 60 BPM or even lower is always the way to go
  3. Improvement but it's still hard to sustain all the notes for each arp phrase - But I'll keep on doing it that way to learn the song properly
  4. I haven't played the rhythm one yet, but the Lead one has similar things happening, with like 5-7-10 which I can reach with index, middle, pinky but 3-5-9 is definitely impossible for me too. My guess is that either the guitar players really have huge hands or they play it differently from the transcription and 3-5-9 is 3-5-x-4 instead skipping the D string, which would go for most other big reaches as well. I'm advanced and suck at it too. It looks quite learnable to me and compared to my rank up song and other similar songs in that score range I think 5.5/6 is a good score - Just sometimes songs have arpeggios/patterns that we have to learn first but then they get easy Any intermediate player who is able to get 99%+ this week definitely belongs to advanced I think. I can't tell if it should be in int or adv. But maybe a song like this is perfect to be in both categories at once? So both classes can compete in it (Might be a good idea for more songs in the future toothat have scores like that too - I'm not tempted too much to grind a good score at a class that's lower than my own) One caveat might be that I don't know how Rodman's Ratings would be affected by this, but in general if it's 5.5 it should be still good for adv. bonus as well? ---- For me, I should probably nail the Backstreet boys song well and it'd be good practice. But I'm so tempted on focusing on the MC song instead because that solo looks like a great challenge that's learnable (Maybe not quick enough in a couple of days but we'll see) === First plays of the week
  5. That's a huge streak of playing Rocksmith each day - So impressive And what a coincidence, earlier in the week I was reading through our da capo week 330 and you were talking about just having hit the 700-day mark ====================== Polk Salad Improvement
  6. Improvement just before my bass battery died and I don't have any replacement right now
  7. This slide recognition is inconsistent and feels kinda unfair I'll keep trying some more to find an approach that's more consistent, but I'll probably move on, learning something else
  8. Improvement - Highest Acc. was 92.25% in week 330 At least one of us has to beat it
  9. Just 39 Missions is surprisingly low for such a high playing time It almost looks like you were actively dodging the missions- at least for me, I oftentimes get the 'play 1-3 new songs' one But now I understand why everyone is so good in the RSC, I have a long way to go to catch up
  10. I'm not 100% sure if it's the best way, but whenever you start RSMods it'll save a folder into 'Profile_Backups' that you can restore if your save gets corrupted. If you sync that folder to any cloud service I think it'd be one of the easiest ways for automatic profile backups
  11. oh haha, I'm at 500 hours in Steam now but only have ~250 hours of in-game playtime ===== Happy new week! First playthroughs lead: The advanced song seems to be quite a bit easier on first glance, but we'll see how it pans out
  12. Definitely hitting a wall on this one. I've gotten better at it and I can play each part with 100% accuracy most of the time but putting all of it together is out of my reach for this week
  13. Improvement - I might not be able to get to 99%+, but I'll do my best to practice some more and win this week
  14. Just hit this RS milestone! Improving slowly but surely
  15. Lots of chord shapes I still need to learn
  16. The first bass song I was able to fully sightread obligatory Isn't She Lovely attempt
  17. One of my suggestions made it into a week A perfect excuse to try learning the song!
  18. Happy new week! Played the low tunings with .008s on my beginner Epiphone guitar - Felt like a toy but also easy to fret - Maybe I should go down from 10s to 9s on my regular guitar
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