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Posts posted by jellisjenius

  1. Gamut suggested a move up to intermediate, so why not? I'll give it a shot. 

    A nice chill post rock tune...too bad only the middle third had any bass parts:



    TDaGARIM is an amazing album and I enjoyed playing this one:

    This one did not go so well. I started off strong but lost steam at the end and almost failed out. Not my favorite song but a nice bassline for sure...I'd say a 7:


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  2. @diceslinger @Rodman

    Quick question and apologies if I've missed this somewhere else: What function does an extra or bonus arrangement serve, eg, last week's "Bass2" arrangement at beginner level was "Rockin' All Over the World". I had the highest score on that one (100%) and tied for the highest on "Sonne" but didn't win. I thought both counted but apparently that's wrong? Just want to make sure I understand for future weeks.

    Edit: Also I thought SpankNass was competing at Intermediate level?

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  3. [Beginner Bass]

    Sounds Like Balloons hit the sweet spot for me of easy but engaging - had a perfect run on my sight read until the unexpected little fill at the very end: ?imw=1024&imh=576&ima=fit&impolicy=Lette

    And just for fun I tried the intermediate and advanced songs. What's New Scoobie Doo was tricky but a good practice for string skipping, and Tears Like Diamonds was a fun challenge. Amazingly I had never heard of The Sword despite being a fan of similar bands. 



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  4. 2 hours ago, diceslinger said:

    The upload space is very limited on the forum, so I don't recommend using it.  Some people put links from their Steam album, but I prefer uploading the screenshots to a photo sharing site like Imgur and pasting the links to the pictures in the post that way.  All of the screenshots show up in the post without clicking on any links that way.  

    Hey, thanks for the tip. I saw it after I posted the Steam links, but next time I'll try a photo sharing site.

  5. Hi All - I'm a noob and entering for the first time on Beginner Bass. When I try to attach my Steam screenshots I get the following error (note: the screenshots are under 200kb so that's not the issue):

    Sorry, an unknown server error occurred when uploading this file.

    (Error code: You can only upload a total of 500 kB.)

    Can anyone help?

  6. 2 hours ago, JamesPrestonUK said:

    I'm on it.

    James you really are a machine! I'm an aspiring bassist (at 43) and just recently got the Steam version of RS2014 so I could partake in CDLC. I was blown away by your prolific CDLC production and also your presumably very diverse taste in music. I love the fact that you have so many deep cuts in your CDLC portfolio. Thanks for the amazing work you've done that is already enriching my bass learning path!

    Anyway I did want to request a few songs from bands that are underrepresented or not represented currently on CF:

    The Flaming Lips - Flowers of Neptune 6
    (they have some great basslines and their new album American Head is amazing IMO. I'd go for just about anything from that album or The Soft Bulletin, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, At War With the Mystics, or Embryonic.)

    Mutemath - You Are Mine
    (amazing and criminally overlooked band that has the finest rhythm section I've seen live - Roy Mitchell-Cardenas is a virtuoso on the bass. You Are Mine is a chill but mesmerizing tune and one of my favs but I'd be thrilled with anything from their catalog. Typical from the same album is maybe their most popular song and has a more active driving bassline.)

    My Morning Jacket - Only Memories Remain
    (another overlooked band that puts on an incredible live performance. more known for memorable guitar riffs, eg, One Big Holiday, but they have some solid bass grooves as well)

    Those are the top three but here are some others that are underrepresented:

    Blood Orange - Charcoal Baby

    Deerhunter - Agoraphobia

    Foxygen - Shuggie

    Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks

    Hooray for Earth - No Love

    Janelle Monae - Tightrope

    Little Dragon - Another Lover

    Local Natives - When Am I Gonna Lose You

    Low - What Part of Me

    The National - The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness

    Neon Indian - Slumlord

    OK Go - The Writing's On the Wall

    The Roots - Right On

    Rx Bandits - Ruby Cumulous

    The Shins - Australia

    Spoon - Inside Out

    TV on the Radio - DLZ

    Unknown Mortal Orchestra - So Good At Being in Trouble

    The Walkmen - The Rat

    The War on Drugs - Holding On

    Wye Oak - Civilian

    Yeasayer - O.N.E.

    Young the Giant - Mind Over Matter


    Well, a longer list than I intended to make. I don't expect anything specific - if nothing else, I hope at least this will expose folks to some new music. I'm kinda looking out for the underdogs here. If even a few of these get turned into CDLCs I will be ecstatic.

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