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Everything posted by Rodman

  1. -= weekly leaderboard update =- players listed: 97 leader changes: (maybe someone is waiting for that:) @@then3verend - MC Lead on fire: @@Gamut - Adv Lead @@missis sumner - Adv Bass @@albatross213 - MC Bass CONGRATULATIONS! http://i66.tinypic.com/2lwx7o5.jpg HAVE A GREAT WEEK!
  2. Yeah, MaZ! - You really should try harder here!!! Yeah, that was the reason i didnt shake my head and straight away to another try but nodded my head and spammed the score.
  3. +, lead http://i68.tinypic.com/14iop5d.jpg
  4. first try adv rhy http://i67.tinypic.com/2rzeut1.jpg
  5. very bad attempt on one great MDeth song http://i68.tinypic.com/x3flt2.jpg
  6. first tries http://i67.tinypic.com/dyazig.jpg
  7. yes - 1000 minutes of movies incoming... now! :)
  8. Donnie Darko i know.... The Rest needs imdb research but TTTHHHXXX Try not to read any spoilers for Enemy No, certainly not - i hate to be spoiled (i even do not let my gf tell me what we are goin to see when we go the theatre - she hates me for that ;) ) - i'm pretty tough at checkin out movies at imdb without getting the idea of the plot.
  9. WTF - all possible choices :) Thus i really have to force you to gimme your BEST/COOLEST list, too!!!!!!
  10. Hahaha... This one is a fix candidate, gr8 nev, i believe not tomorrow, but soon, THCS!
  11. Donnie Darko i know.... The Rest needs imdb research but TTTHHHXXX
  12. You won't believe it but yesterday afternoon i chose Whiplash as fixstarter (unless a recommendation here would blow it away)... And .. yes: i have allready been showing “ It might get loud “
  13. That is great ... and it was part of the last 10inarow :) :) :)
  14. @@Gamut - Thats the spirit!!!! Go kick those mc - cool kids!!!!
  15. So... i am quite a moviehead... but real life can be a pain when it comes to finding 2 free hours regularly esp. when you spend your free time jammin on some chords.... What i have done against that is bringing to life "10 in a row" which means 10 movies in a row me and a couple of friends celebrate 2 or 3 times a year (we have the 25th anniversary on saturday (!) if counted right). So thats two days and i havent had any time to browse imdb by now. We have one fixstartin movie which is always a running series - upcoming Poltergeist II (we had the child plays, the dirty harries, the death wishes ... :) ), the rest 9 are presented by the contestants - 6 including 2 girls - so there is a 50% chance for the second movie of everyone, one is for sure. So i need your recommendations for my share (2 flics). Gimme your best shot. Whats the coolest / best / strangest movie - you have ever seen and YOU would enter in that sort of happening. Rules - no rules - except none of the others must know the movie and max lenght 100min, but that is not strict, i got 200 for 2 movies and shortfilms are allowed. Usually i am the Tarrantino / Raid / Hostel / Wrong Turn guy but sometimes i even throw in a snowboard or music documentary, and doesnt matter - any genre welcome: please gimme title, year, and a short description whats its about and why its so good. THX!!!!
  16. Excellent guide! I have been thinking about start recording again for long, just never found the time to go through setting up another tool, and i was annoyed to have to turn audio exclu. off. Shadowplay is installed on my laptop, and the amd pendant (cant remember the name) on my RS machine - should work pretty the same way if there is an ingame+mic option..... No excuses left ;) thx
  17. -= weekly leaderboard update =- players listed: 99 no leader changes. on fire: @@diddie17 - beg lead, @@missis sumner - adv bass @@albatross213 - mc bass CONGRATULATIONS!!!! http://i67.tinypic.com/npp4r6.jpg HAVE A NICE REST OF WEEK!
  18. Weekchange is around 6-7pm CET on saturdays. You are however invited to post more than one, even a lot of screenshots for the same song as you progress - otherwise it is not so much of a competition. Ask for @spamman on that behalf.
  19. target destroyed. B) http://i68.tinypic.com/2mnoi04.jpg
  20. Hi - great u r here! yup, just post the image here (click on the blue image icon and paste url) Screenie has to contain accuracy and streak and DD has to be at 100% (= off)
  21. for the lead and the 97 http://i64.tinypic.com/2euqu89.jpg
  22. As there are those nice genrelists now it would be great to have those nicely presented in custom packs. +1 from me
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