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missis sumner

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Everything posted by missis sumner

  1. Yeah, I've used that excuse myself. ;) Seriously, changing strings is dead easy. There are pretty comprehensive instructions here: https://www.studybass.com/gear/bass-strings/how-to-change-bass-guitar-strings/ If it's your first time, take photos of the headstock before you start, then you'll have a record of how the strings are wound on the pegs on your bass. Then all you should need are wire cutters/snips. Take care to get the right string in the right position before you cut anything (V.O.E. - after doing it so many times, it's easy to get blasé, and cut one too short). The only other thing maybe to cover the body of the bass with something - tape/cloth, so that when you pull the strings through the bridge, you don't scratch your finish.
  2. Yo, it is 99.5+ bass (99+ guitar) on a song with the highest diff on a class (so 3 for beg, 5 for int and 7 for adv). If you reach that level still you can beg and throw your whole unworthyness in the pot to stay in your old class if your classmates and the orgas agree. If you are unworthy :P and do not reach 99.5%+ (or 99% guitar) you still anytime can call Scotty (or one of us) to beam you up. Errm, didn't I get 99.52% last week, on a song that was rated a 7?
  3. Can someone just remind me what the rules are again, for ranking up (bass). 'Cos I've just read the rules and it says rank up for >=99.5%... I thought it was 99.75/99.79, for some reason?
  4. Okay. I said no more spam, but @@JuneBeatle80 wanted pics, so nuts... The Peavey, nice bass, bit of a shitty nut: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKOXNGUVVhdDljWE0/view?usp=sharing It looks like an afterthought that's someone's cut straight, too low and sloppy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKWDFkTWVJT2FzRmc/view?usp=sharing The Yamaha, and the nut that was. I glued it back together as a template: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKSUtXREpJdDdfUUE/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKMG9jRmJxZ3l1czA/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKTTVPTWpMSFplV00/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKN1V3emxxS1o4QVE/view?usp=sharing The new nut may be a little high, but it's not uncomfortable to play. It's a lot thicker, front to back than the original, but with the heavier strings, I don't think that's a bad thing. I had to adjust the intonation on the E string, but that was it. Edit: I forgot the obligatory bass picture: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKcUtWWnRTSTl2ekE/view?usp=sharing It's only a cheapy, but it's my first and I still love it.
  5. :o Curses! *mutters under breath*...something about it's about time @missis-sumner got promoted! *cough cough* :P :D :lol: I am trying. You never know. I just might crack 99.75(?) on Aria. I've got a bit of practicing to do on it yet though, and not just that widdley bit at the beginning. :lol:
  6. Last spam of the night. Tired now. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKejI0M0JCOVhBQkE/view?usp=sharing
  7. There are a couple of awkward little bits to this song, but I really like it. It took a fair effort to beat @@Fraggle Baggle's score, I was stuck on 98% for a while, but then it all fell into place. :D https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKTHQ0T29ZWm5sZ2s/view?usp=sharing
  8. @@JuneBeatle80 - pictures later, since pictures are quiet. :) I've been too busy Monster Truckin': https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKQTRrLXBRaDNBclU/view?usp=sharing
  9. I've just cut a new nut for my old Yamaha RBX 170. It's been sat for the last year with a cracked nut, because I put heavy gauge strings on without widening the nut slots first. The reason it's taken me so long to cut a new one, is that I saw the Yamaha nut and though "I've got no chance of making anything like that." But then I looked at the nut on my Peavey, and just thought "What the hell? I can do that" and I just got my files out and got on with it. :D It looks, and plays good, so far. I'll have to wait for the glue to set before I complete the set-up. But D Standard/C Standard - here I come! I think the next thing to do is put a decent nut on the Peavey... :lol:
  10. I like almost all of this week's songs, but I almost lost the will to live, whilst playing one of them. I'm not telling you which one, but couldn't we have some Fishbone instead? :lol: Anyway, first (and second) goes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKbDhRZDhQLVNjUGM/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKbWxybG1PNE5JY00/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKQS1RckpidDhqOHc/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKeU12TDE1bHN1UTA/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKcTdIUUJieEZkNEE/view?usp=sharing
  11. I don't think it was me, but the way things are going at the moment, you never know. I'm not changing my avatar. /shit day at work.
  12. As the title, really... Have I been a naughty girl, or something?
  13. No slaps from me but plenty of thumping plucking fingers. And my fingers are sore. I've had to play everything else this week with a pick. :lol: Mind you, should "Dosed" actually be played with a pick anyway?
  14. @@ItsHydraYT, what song? And is that the only song you're having problems with?
  15. Edging closer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKLUctXy1Md0gxeU0/view?usp=sharing This song isn't really a 7, though, is it? ;)
  16. I'm absolutely full of cold. I managed to stop sneezing long enough to do this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKeGRqQnRqc1hGRjA/view?usp=sharing
  17. @@Berneer, I think the way you've done it is the sensible way. I've only got small hands and the way I'm playing it, I don't have to stretch or move my thumb. I've yet to try it at full speed, now that I know what I'm supposed to be playing, but I was up 80% speed this morning, without really trying. :) Thank you for your effort!
  18. Me neither. Not that far up (down?) the neck anyway.
  19. @@Berneer - When that section first came up, I thought it was chords, then thought it was indicating sustains, then kind of realised it might have been a fret hand position. Could you play that same part on the 8th to 11th fret of the A and D string though? Forget that. I don't know what I'm talking about, do I? I think I'm subtracting instead of adding - this is what happens when I try to transpose notes away from my bass. :lol: I do like the song, so will give it another go tonight. :) Edit: I tried it over breakfast (without my amp plugged in ;) ) and it's not too difficult to play. I'm not holding that hand position throughout though. My index finger sits over the eleventh fret and thumb is in the same position as yours. I leave my thumb where it is for the whole section but swivel to place my second finger on the thirteenth fret, then my little finger on the fifteenth and sixteenth.
  20. First goes and improvements: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKazZOWFVIa2NTOTQ/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKcTN6UnY0OGxkRUE/view?usp=sharing (I liked this a lot, so had to play it again, first go was 98%) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKWGJJNFVIbEV3WFU/view?usp=sharing (I also liked this a lot, so gave it a couple more goes, first go was 97%) And yeah, I really don't know what's going on in this at the 11th fret when about five or six frets are shaded... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKMHZLb2w1RklkUGc/view?usp=sharing Anyway, I shall do doubt give it another go, as I also like it a lot. :D
  21. I'm home now... but I think I'd better give this evening a pass. I'm looking forward to some more RHCP though.
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