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Everything posted by DropZone90

  1. Beginner L/R/B - need to work on R some and a little on L, but not bad for me with out RR, bass is too easy on this one. Rhythm: a little more work and I'll try for 100% Bass - No RR and straight to SA and I get 100% on the first try, what!! Maybe I'll try MM later on this one.
  2. Here is my second post for Lo/Hi lead, better this time.
  3. Start of the week with the Intermediate L/R/B Rhythm: Maybe a 4 at most because of the fast cord movementBass:
  4. Intermediate level L and R: I think the L is a 3 and the R is a 4. Rhythm:
  5. After getting my computer updated, configured, I finally can sit down and play with my new Kiesel Zeus ZM6, having a blast. Beginner L/R/B Lead: Rhythm: Bass:
  6. Decided at the last minute to not use this song. Sorry for the mix up. No advance bass this week
  7. Thanks for your work! It is much appreciated! The advanced bass song link doesn't seem quite right, I'm not getting anything with it anyway. I just checked it and it's working, CF is slow
  8. I had difficulties getting the links working and formatted, busy week and computer problems took a lot of my time this week. I got a new computer and I'm still setting it up.
  9. Week 317 is a wrap, week 318 posted, had problems with the links this week, but it works. Leaderboard will be updated soon.
  10. Working on week 318 having some difficulties, hope to have the week posted soon.
  11. Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship! -= Week 318=- FAQ: => How and Why join the Championships? => Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules Last week's winners: Lead: Beginner: @RcraiIntermediate: @diceslingerAdvanced: @meeloMasterclass: @NacholedeGod of Guitar week 4/4 leader: @NacholedeRhythm: Beginner: @RcraiIntermediate: @diceslingerAdvanced: @meeloMasterclass: @watrobaciemnosciGod of Rhythm week 4/4 leader: @MaZtoRBass: Beginner: @KJParsleyIntermediate: @theholydevilAdvanced: @diceslingerMasterclass: @SnakewizardGod of Bass week 4/4 leader: @SnakewizardCongratulations to all winners! Well done! Lead Path: Beginner: Eisbrecher - Eiszeit chosen by @Nacholede (2) Intermediate: Pendulum - The Island chosen by @ZeroPingNZ (4) Advanced: Amorphis - We Accursed (6) Masterclass: Intervals - Sweet Tooth (9) Rhythm Path: Beginner: Eisbrecher - Eiszeit (2) Intermediate: Pendulum - The Island (4) Advanced: Amorphis - We Accursed (5) Masterclass: Intervals - Sweet Tooth (9) Bass Path: Beginner: Eisbrecher - Eiszeit (2) Intermediate: Amorphis - We Accursed (5) Advanced: Ska-P - Tio Sam (6) From week 54. Choosen by @NoonyDeloony Masterclass:Intervals - Sweet Tooth (9) Let us know your opinions on the accuracy of the difficulty scores (1-10) for this weeks songs. Honorable list Diehard Member: (draft - to be updated after CCL update) Angelina27AnwynBirdassasinblejuscaBounoursCymbrogidiceslingerFandarufjonfkbackpackfmsjamesHughmontymackaybreMaZtoRmeeloPinKushinRdGkARodmanRSjeffSebbStark_KnightTelboyvjohnalwrentheseedlingZeroPingNZMellonfarmerToni-Wan KenobiClassless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police: 2groggy
  12. Start the week with Beginner L 99.41%, R 97.56%, B 96.7% Lead: Rhythm: Bass:
  13. I played for 2 years and it was a struggle so I quit. That was back in 2013, this last Christmas I decided to try again with RS and it's great and with RSCS it's even better. Thanks for the awesome competition. My goal is to make it to MC. I'm working on No More Tears and hope to have it in SA by the end of the week. I tried the GOG Gloryhammer song, but it's seems like to much (57min), maybe the next time around I'll be ready. I was thinking of suggesting Bucket Head Gold Dragon which is 26 min and seeing if anyone would be interested? Sure, and you will, but define the road your target. Don´t you agree its a blast to compete exactly on your level right now and see that progress so fast? Naming MC your target suggests losing your target when MC reached - just a short comment. Rock as hard as you can, and you can! Advance is the next goal, and it will take a while to get there. Yes, intermediate level is enough to keep me busy and the competition is tougher then at the beginner level. Advance the competition seems very tough with very good players. I have a long way to go to get there, but it's a fun ride. :D
  14. No more Tears, intermediate B and advance R, working on the lead.
  15. I played for 2 years and it was a struggle so I quit. That was back in 2013, this last Christmas I decided to try again with RS and it's great and with RSCS it's even better. Thanks for the awesome competition. My goal is to make it to MC. I'm working on No More Tears and hope to have it in SA by the end of the week. I tried the GOG Gloryhammer song, but it's seems like to much (57min), maybe the next time around I'll be ready. I was thinking of suggesting Bucket Head Gold Dragon which is 26 min and seeing if anyone would be interested?
  16. Congrats, I keep a guitar playing journal and track my time every time I play, I miss a day here and there. I'm currently at 619:10, I've been using RS since January. Did you play guitar before January or are you starting from zero? I played for a little while and did the Metal Method basic guitar course then quit. I started again in Dec/Jan with RS. RS is much more fun then doing scales and exercises.
  17. Congrats, I keep a guitar playing journal and track my time every time I play, I miss a day here and there. I'm currently at 619:10, I've been using RS since January.
  18. Intermediate L 96.66% /R 96.64% /B 99.06%: I would like to move up on the leaderboard to Intermediate R & B, I'm at intermediate for the lead. Rhythm: Bass:
  19. Beginner bass for this week 99.73%, I think it's time for me to move up on the leader board to the intermediate level for bass.
  20. A Tear for Eddie L - hate those Xs, hard song. Pushed my limits on this one.
  21. Intermediate L/R/B, need a lot of work on the lead, mostly on the last part mainly the legato ! OUCH. I think I'll get to the Advance this week for a change. Intermediate Rhythm Intermediate Bass
  22. I know the new week starts at that time "(start it at 6-8pm CET on SAT)" I always thought it ended at 7pm? I've never known this to be the case? Though, I've been away from the champs for a while. If @@Rodman @@MaZtoR or someone can confirm this, then sure, post count until 7pm. But for now, not unfortunately OK, didn't realize. On to week 314.
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