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Everything posted by Stark_Knight

  1. @@JokerTheAnarchist 0.07% off and closing. Also, I'm definitely not jealous at all about how the GOG award is sick af
  2. Great lineup this week, wasn't a fan of last weeks choices but I'm liking this week so far. Fun song to play as usual Mixed feelings on this one, I've really enjoyed playing songs by these guys and I'm really liking to play this one but at the same time I absolutely hate the vocals in this one as well The best way to summarize this one for me is try to play as many notes as you can and hope you get the right ones
  3. Been quite busy this week so I'll try and get a few more runs in. Been missing a lot of notes for some reason but I suspect that's because I just re-stringed my guitar. Was a bit confused as to why this was advanced until I got to the solo. Also it feels a bit customary to play one of your recommendations :D. I also highly recommend any other songs by Gary Moore if you're trying to learn or master bending. I improved my bending by playing "The Loner" quite a bit
  4. One thing I've realized is that for a while I wanted my suggestions to be picked when I won. But I've realized that if my suggestions kept getting picked I would have never found some of these songs which is a plus for me because I really dig the ending.
  5. @@Anwyn Is windows unhappy with the new drive partition or does it not like the processor change? If it's the partition, what software did you use? I've swapped the OS drives before and recommend using macrium reflect. If it's the new processor then you're best option might be to copy all files onto another drive and do a clean windows install then copy and reinstall any files that were originally there.
  6. Pretty good song and a great chart, only complaint I have is that the tones are too quiet. Will probably go in sometime and boost them myself
  7. Great song but I can't finger pick to save my life. Real busy this week again but I have tomorrow off so maybe I'll give it a try again. That or I'll try master of puppets but every time he says master you suffer even more
  8. Well, this seems to be about all she wrote for me. Seems I can only get so high of a score because the game doesn't like to register high bends for me so I can't hit the bends at fret 20 at the end of the song.
  9. Decent first run, which probably means it's gonna be close and competitive this week Once I hit 200% this song started to physically hurt me and my will to live. If we're gonna do a meme chart then lets do a full on meme week with crazy charts but without the "but every time..." one's.
  10. @@Gamut Don't worry about it, it's also my fault for completely forgetting that the original file was broken and suggesting it. I don't know how but I haven't been able to beat my score but I somehow managed to almost triple my note streak Also, I didn't realize some of us were weeb trash. But then again, so am I.
  11. Feels nice to win again after 2 months Note recognition seems to be a bit wonky since I seem to randomly miss notes occasionally. Although my score probably doesn't reflect it. Also, I can't believe I forgot but I just remembered that the original CDLC was kinda broken for me so I had to fix it with the RS toolkit. So if anyone wants my version let me know.
  12. I felt true suffering today when I was having one of the best runs ever and had a string break half way through the song forcing me to start over.
  13. @@missis sumner An old computer would definitely add to the latency problem along with the input method being mic with a generic cable. I would highly recommend you just get another cable. Fortunately, they sell it individually so you only have to pay £25. Real Tone Cable Also, I just saw that you said you've gone through two cables already. I'm not sure how you've done that but I would go with the splitter option then so you burn through regular £5 cables instead
  14. @@missis sumner How do you play the game? Because there are other variables that could induce latency. Plus, I've also heard that you'll want to primarily use the real tone cable since it works best but idk. @@MaZtoR you use a good pick, I use the JP edition for guitar which is a .4mm I believe. I don't play bass but I would imagine that it's thick and sturdy enough to use for it since there's no give to the pick
  15. @@Kosa Don't worry about it, it's still an overall good chart. From my experience I feel like if I don't switch chords immediately I'll get a miss. It could be me but that's just my opinion since the majority of my misses have been from chords. If you do want to change it I think removing the last strum from the end of the chord sections would make it perfect
  16. this song should be renamed to Opeth - The Funeral (for your score because the chords are spaced so close together that it's almost impossible to not miss one) portrait. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad chart, just needs some minor tweaking because even on the song I can hear slight pauses while switching chords.
  17. Nice to finally play something that's my style again. Although I'm already having a semi-hard time trying to avoid misses because most of them seem to be me not being able to switch chords fast enough so I'm missing the end or beginning of chords. Also, I don't recall changing my pfp so there's some treachery going on here
  18. Last week I suddenly got really busy after Tuesday. Now that its spring break for me, I should have a lot more time to try and see how well I can do this week while simultaneously trying not to get completely side tracked playing other games.
  19. @@firekorn Ok, thanks for the info. I've encountered the second error before and I've been able to fix it but the first one seems to be my problem. I can't edit it either because it creates an error in the tool kit. The songs are still playable so I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
  20. @@firekorn Ok, you know best. On another related note, as an admin have you ever heard of an error where RS sections are missing from a song yet the song is still playable in a way? I have that error with 3 songs and I have no clue how to fix it and I've already tried contacting the creator but never got a reply. I can show pics if needed
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