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Everything posted by MentalSharps

  1. She's a really talented guitarist to be fair to her.. looks like she's a lot better than most of the "hot female guitarists" that get popular on YouTube. Also to be fair Rock and Roll has always been equally about image / looks / attitude, as well as the music. Ever since Elvis..right through until now. But yeah those videos are a little odd...don't think she needs to focus on specifically trying to be sexy, makes it feel artificial. Focus on playing with attitude..and the rest will sort itself out on its own. Still.. great player! I'll be happy if I can ever play half as good as she does.
  2. Hi, and welcome! You can choose the class you want to be your primary challenge. You can choose one class for each path (lead, rhythm, bass), but you don't have to play guitar if you don't want to (example). You are allowed to play every song you want but you won't be awarded points for difficulties below your class. Cool okay. Well I'll start with easy anyway and see how I get on.
  3. The Black Keys songs are nice and easy as a starting point I have found. The Thrill is Gone (BB KIng) is great too as something a little more intermediate, I'm trying to find more of that similar kind of difficulty..
  4. I play scales while I watch Netflix. Or riffs that I've been working on in game. Even really slowly so my fingering is always correct, it's good to just be repeating them over and over while not even thinking about it because I'm focusing on the movie. Slowly it seems to be helping me be a little more comfortable
  5. Hey, was just wondering about this track from RS1. Is it possible it can be allowed as CDLC, seeing as it's not able to be played in Rocksmith 2014 at all even after you've officially imported all the songs? I have a new PC and really don't want to have to install RS1 again just to play it!
  6. Hi, it's my first time. How does the difficulty work, Do I just pick whichever category I think I should be in, or do I start from easy then after 3 weeks go up? (if I even can)
  7. I've started to do the same Alex on non-multitrack versions with my guitar volume much louder over the music and it's really helped me to improve a lot by actually hearing what I'm playing and trying to make it sound good and musical, rather than just hitting the notes on time like a rhythm game. But by just turning the guitar volume up over a standard track, I sometimes find it's difficult to keep the rhythm as my guitar sound drowns out the bass / drums too much on certain songs and I struggle to keep the groove, and then I end up playing by eye, using the note highway and it defeats some of the benefit of trying to listen to my guitar sound and play by ear. Now that I've just discovered the multitracks I think they're amazing, to get the best of both! It's so useful to be able to hear what I'm playing properly, but also still being able to play within rocksmith with the speed up / slow down features etc. I've noticed though that many multi-track versions of the CDLC are down though, they seem to be on a Mega account that has been deleted. Most of the Metallica ones anyway, and some others. Also It would be cool if there was a search option for Multi-tracks / Stems or something, seems like right now I think it depends on the authors all labelling the same way and I wasn't sure if I was finding all of them.
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