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Everything posted by raynebc

  1. If you want, I could probably make a user preference to launch the edit pro guitar note dialog automatically whenever a new gem is placed. I don't want to make that the default behavior because I'm sure it will annoy some people. Let me know if that would work for you. Right clicking isn't used to select a note in EOF though, it places one. In EOF, the input modes that add gems via right click do so by toggling the gem on/off, not just adding it, and this is intentional behavior. By any chance are you using left hand style mouse controls? EOF has no way to check whether the mouse is configured right hand or left hand style in the OS. You might want to consider "Rex Mundi" input mode in the preferences though, that changes the right mouse button to bring up a context menu instead, and you place a gem on any of the lanes (lane 1 is the bottom string) by pressing the normal (not numberpad) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 keys. I probably would prefer not to put a delete control in the edit pro guitar note dialog, its logic is already pretty huge and complicated (over 700 lines of code). This is more of a workflow preference. I wanted people to be able to open the dialog and just type the fret values they wanted without having to delete any of the numbers first (a leading zero is fine, EOF will treat input of "010" the same as "10"). Especially for chords this is preferable because they often need a different fret number on each string. If all notes in the chord have the same values, it definitely saves time using the CTRL+# shortcuts. Do you mean raising/lowering the number in the input field that's in focus? That's an interesting idea, but it could be complicated to implement. If that's what you had in mind, I could look into how easy or hard that would be. That could be complicated. Would it perform the OK or the cancel command? I don't want it to be too easy for users to perform controls unintentionally. That could probably be done without too much difficulty, but should it copy and then apply the changes (leaving the dialog open), or should it copy and close the dialog? I never personally use EOF to author with only one hand free, but I don't mind trying to make it easier for people to wield an axe and a mouse to pump out the charts. There's a "Feedback" input mode that somewhat imitates the controls of a Guitar Hero era chart editor, which was entirely keyboard driven. It's pretty alien to me, but I added it at the request of some folks that were really used to that editor. There are details in the manual (Editing Songs > Edit modes) about each of the input modes. I have to fix a bug with this though, because EOF won't let you open the edit pro guitar note dialog without explicitly selecting a note first, even though in Feedback input mode, note manipulations are supposed to be able to implicitly select whatever note is at the current seek position if none are explicitly selected.
  2. I guess I can't tell what you mean, I couldn't cause any strange behavior to happen for repeated chords when I enable or disable the ignore tuning/capo option. Is it displaying the chord name instead of "/" in EOF? Is it displaying a chord box for each repeated chord in Rocksmith, instead of displaying repeat lines? Could you post a screen capture of the display issue?
  3. fabianosan doesn't think they're supported in RS2 either. I'm just waiting for confirmation from him before I remove the RS2 popup export logic from EOF.
  4. Years ago, EOF's original developer added the lyric preview lines to the 3D window. He was great at adding feature requests, and his willingness to do so kept my interest in creating custom charts for Frets on Fire. How the time does fly. That should work just fine, when the mouse is being held over the lyric display area of the vocal track, a gray rectangle is displayed at the bottom of the piano roll to indicate a newly added lyric would be pitchless.
  5. You could try it this way: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/raynebc/chordwithhammeron_zps31b79ee3.jpg In order to force the sustains in that 9-9-9 chord to display, apply the "sustain" status to the chord (you could use a tech chord for that, but that's not necessary). Since you want the fretting to change part-way through, the best and possibly only way to author this in EOF is to author it as a second chord (11-9-9) and use linknext to have the A and D strings combine the notes from the two chords so they are each played once instead of twice. If you use tech notes to apply the linknext status, it won't affect the low E string, and the note head for the hammer on should be displayed. The linknext status in effect on the first chord causes the following chord to be broken up into single notes during export, so you don't have to worry about placing the sustain status on it. You do want the hammer on status to apply to the note on the E string though, so use a tech note to apply that. The resulting XML looks like it should have the desired results: <chord time="0.500" linkNext="0" accent="0" chordId="0" fretHandMute="0" highDensity="0" ignore="0" palmMute="0" hopo="0" strum="down"> <chordNote time="0.500" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="9" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="0" sustain="0.250" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0"/> <chordNote time="0.500" linkNext="1" accent="0" bend="0" fret="9" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="1" sustain="0.250" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0"/> <chordNote time="0.500" linkNext="1" accent="0" bend="0" fret="9" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="2" sustain="0.250" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0"/> </chord>... <note time="0.750" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="11" hammerOn="1" harmonic="0" hopo="1" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="0" sustain="0.250" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0"/> <note time="0.750" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="9" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="1" sustain="0.250" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0"/> <note time="0.750" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="9" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="2" sustain="0.250" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0"/>Let me know if you have any questions.
  6. By any chance did you author the bass part in a guitar track? If you play back the chart in EOF with the clap sound cue enabled (press C), you should get an idea if they are synced. If you can post the project and audio files, one of us here could probably take a look at it.
  7. Works great! Thanks a bunch!
  8. Admittedly EOF's vocal authoring features are pretty limited, but you should be able to get pitchless lyrics to work in Rocksmith 2014, you will want to add lyric lines though. You should be able to lengthen or shorten lyrics the same as with other note types though (click and use scroll wheel or [ and ] keys), unless there was some reason preventing it (ie. a lyric can't overlap another lyric). If you send me a project file with the lyrics, I could see if there are any problems.
  9. EOF doesn't have a way to do that. I'm sure I could add that functionality, but it would potentially take tens of hours and I really don't think I have the patience for it right now since there are still so many things I have to work on. It may be something I work on some day. If somebody knows of a simpler intermediary format (a less complicated tab file format for example) that can be converted to Guitar Pro format, I'd be interested if that would be a quick thing to program in. The toolkit either has been or soon will be updated to support the creation of text-based tablature for arrangements in a Rocksmith custom though, and you could try importing this into a tablature program like Guitar Pro. Otherwise your best bet may be to enter it into the tablature program manually (ie. have both EOF and the tab program open at the same time so you could read it from EOF). This is the most labor intensive method, but chances are you would have had to make edits from a text tab import anyway. Edit: Ninja'd. MIDI is pretty limiting because it can't define most guitar techniques and can't specify which string is playing each note, etc. However if Guitar Pro could import a MIDI for note rhythm/timing and get the tablature from a text file, that would be an interesting solution. I sort of doubt that it can do something like that though.
  10. EOF will let you copy and paste notes from other pro guitar/bass tracks and even from another EOF window. Here's one way you can do it: 1. Open your project in progress (ie. the one that has all of your work so far) in one EOF instance (we'll call this EOF instance 1). 2. Open another instance of the same EOF executable that you used to start instance 1 (we'll call this instance 2). 3. In instance 2, import each of the tracks you are interested in from the Guitar Pro file. 4. In instance 2, find a part you want to use for your combination arrangement. Select those notes (you can click one note to select it and hold SHIFT when you click another note in order to select all notes from the former to the latter) and copy them (CTRL+C). 5. In instance 1, seek to where you want the notes to go. You can seek forward or backward with the Pg Up and Pg Dn keys in order to get the seek position lined up just right, because you want notes that start on beat markers in instance 2 to end up that way in instance 1. If you need to paste notes starting from part-way into a beat, you can set an appropriate grid snap value (with the , and . keys) and use CTRL+SHIFT+Pg Up/Dn to seek in intervals of a beat (ie. 1/8 is a half beat, 1/48 is 1/12 of a beat, or you can set a custom grid snap value with "Edit>Grid snap>Custom"). 6. Once you have seeked to where you want the notes to go, use the paste command (CTRL+V). If the notes didn't paste the way you wanted them to, you can undo it (CTRL+Z) and try again. Keep in mind that the paste function will space the notes out so that 4 beats of notes from instance 2 will paste as 4 beats of notes in instance 1. Depending on the setting of the "Erase overlapped pasted notes" preference (File>Preferences) if you paste on top of existing notes they will either replace the existing notes or merge with them (ie. if you paste a note on string 1 onto a note on string 2, they will combine into a chord). 7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 as many times as needed to create your combined arrangement. Let me know if you have any questions.
  11. Only with the paid version of it.
  12. There probably is, but I can't find it or it's been nuked from Smithy Anvil or something. To place a tone change in EOF, seek to where you want the tone to change, use "Track>Rocksmith>Tone change>Add" (or just press CTRL+SHIFT+T) and type a name. Do this at each point the tone should switch. If you refer to a tone more than once, make sure you type the name exactly the same. When you're done, you can review the tone changes with "Track>Rocksmith>Tone change list". If those all look correct, go to "Track>Rocksmith>Tone change>Names" and this will help you make sure you didn't make a typo on any of the tones (ie. if you called one "Distortion" and the other "distortion", they will show up as two separate entries and you could rename one of them here to make it the exact same name as the other). When that looks good, you can select one of the tones in the list and make it the default tone (the one in effect at the beginning of the song). This should be all you need to do in EOF for the tones, the rest of it is in the toolkit.
  13. It shouldn't be any more complicated than this: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/raynebc/fret24slide_zps334791a0.jpg Just add sustain to the chord to reach until where you want the end of the slide to go, add downward slide status (ie. CTRL+Down arrow) and set the end fret position of the slide to be where the next note is being played.
  14. EOF tries to repair errors in Webtabplayer's Guitar Pro files, but sometimes they can't be easily repaired. I imagine you'll find that .gpx.gp5 file won't open in other tab programs.
  15. Depending on the song, it may not be that quick and easy to add DD manually. Ideally you want to define the phrases so that each phrase is an identical or similar small part of the song (ie. a particular riff). If you wanted to try DDC, you just have to place section markers and it will try to find matching note patterns and place phrases automatically.
  16. Chrome is acting stupidly. It flags it as malicious even though it contains no viruses, for no reason other than it's not a file with a largely-known reputation. If you use a less paranoid web browser like Firefox, it should let you download it more easily. You can then scan it with an antivirus program that works properly. Scan results from 50 different antivirus solutions: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/d7b8741568f5b0b0484edcd2906e29a23ac2673b0e8505987e03ac2ce628bbc4/analysis/1394236179/
  17. I've fixed this. It should be working in the next hotfix.
  18. When you make a post, there are some toolbars with formatting controls. If you click the one at the top left (it looks like a light switch) it will disable the graphical representation of the quotations and just show the raw forum tags. I usually find it easier to cut out parts of text from quotes that way.
  19. If you can project the EOF project file I'll take a quick look at it.
  20. I'd suggest you try to contact the original chart author to ask permission to modify it. If he allows it or if you get no response for a week or two, it should be fine to modify it. But if you post it here you should credit the original author and indicate what you changed. If create the entire project from scratch, no credit needs to be given to other people.
  21. Repost from SA: There's probably not a better way to do it, but the handshape isn't always the length of a chord. As I understand it, all chords in close proximity to each other are meant to be in the same handshape so that the chord repeat lines are drawn. For this reason, it's not always a good indicator for a chord's length, that's not something that RS1 era charts notate. For RS2, it's probably OK to assume no chords have sustain unless the chordNote tags indicate they do.
  22. EOF can import many different lyric formats (see the manual for more details), but if you can't find an existing lyric file to use it's not too difficult to create one from scratch. Many people here have taken a liking to a lyric editor called Ultrastar Creator.
  23. The original Rocksmith supported 4 tunings (E standard, Eb standard, Drop D and open G). I think E standard is likely the most common, but there have been many Eb and Drop D customs so far. I never really remember seeing any open G customs.
  24. Rock Band 3 had a mechanism like this called a "strum area", where they would specify which strings were scored for chord heavy parts. For example, the high strum area meant the higher pitched strings (G, B and high E) were scored and the others weren't so important, such as when downward strumming in an alternate strumming part.
  25. Hi, folks. The latest hotfix (r1302) is in the first post. Changes are as follows: *Updated MIDI tones to take the track's capo placement into account. *Added the ability to open the "Edit pro guitar note" dialog by clicking the middle mouse button (ie. scroll wheel). If no notes are selected, the dialog is opened for the currently moused-over note if any. *Fixed a bug where operations that move all notes (ie. add leading silence, changing the midi delay or first beat position) would cause non pro guitar notes and lyrics to move twice as far as they should. *Fixed a bug where notes with linknext status couldn't extend beyond the next note even when crazy status was in use. *Fixed some problems with how linknext and crazy statuses interact with each other and with tech notes.
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