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Everything posted by Telboy

  1. I thought I downloaded your fixed version as well .......
  2. I also hear the GoGos bass is a little bit out of tune towards the end but I'm usually quite happy to get to that part without a Red Cross But we have the Pisrols to play as well now..... happy days.
  3. Then onto a great song both by the GoGo's and the Fun Boy Three with Bananarama , always loved it, and seen all three of them live, bloody winds me up when i see a couple of 99%'s go straight in and i struggled like hell to get through without the dreaded XXX's but something just clicked and i think i'll get into the 98%'s by Friday. loved playing this but i had to drag myself away to concentrate on my class night night all
  4. left on my own tonight, misses down TGI's, a few cans of Dublin's 'non improvement' so i had a few hours peace........ Fishbone first........
  5. @@missis sumner get that guitar out, you know it makes sense
  6. oops i forgot the others...... GO Go's Lead slowdown Bass
  7. some early scores...... thanks for playing my Oasis selection, i have played this a few times as you can see... but i haven't played it for a while.... heres todays efforts. and master mode.... i have done better in the past so i need to up my game a bit.
  8. this weeks slight improvements........ A 0.14% improvement is still an improvement :D and nearly 3% is a definite Improvement but with the Bad Brain lead i'm still trying to get into the 98% but just can't manage but i think i am learning most of the song as my 'Master Mode' attempt proves,,,,,,,, Got an hour to improve until Misses 'leave that bloody guitar alone' gets home and makes me assemble the babies play kitchen :blink:
  9. bad brains, bad slides, bad sound but getting there...... i have the same problem as you @@Vodka that funny little slide bit... this took a lot of tries before i got into the 90%'s but now theres just a little bit i need to improve on. As there is no INT Rhythm this week I tried the ADV but failed miserably, too embarrassed to take a screen shot just yet.
  10. First posts of the week...... plenty of room for improvement me thinks
  11. last scores of the week, a small improvement....must do better :rolleyes: i had a good run on Sonic Youth as well but no screen shot 94%..... bloody hard beginner song though off too the football now, looking forward to next weeks songs, see ya later
  12. a few small improvements this week, not giving up just a little update, a small attempt at the *beginner* song...... and bass..... Then, just to see what all the fuss was about, aching fingers, sore arms, painful right hand etc etc etc......I had a go at the Metallica song, but couldn't finish it because my arm pumped up like a balloon and my fingers turned into a soft rubber like substance, and i couldn't play anything after that for 2 hours. finished it later 74%, didn't take a screenshot because my fingers were not working properly ......
  13. @@Vodka I know travelling is a real pain, I drive 200kms a day just to get to work and back..... then another 45 minute drive to collect the Girlfriend up from work. This is obviously cutting in to important guitar playing time. Not using this as an excuse though
  14. ok some scores, early for me i know but i have no idea weather these will improve, i don't like D tuning, can't pretend to like the song but i'm not giving up....... it seems......I'm going to be a superstar ! however I very much doubt it, and I'll wake up with a hangover, misses will still scold me, my granddaughter will walk over me and I'll forget what scores I've posted, night night all
  15. Hospital visit done, baby sitting done, farm visit to see peppa pig done, house to myself and a case of 'non improvement', all to myself so a flying start to the week.... let's go
  16. some more scores, for some reason i had to swap guitars to get anything above 90% on this song, it seems to be very unforgiving so i guess the Sheraton II is a bit more accurate on the chord recognition, who knows. back to the Prophecy for this one... very enjoyable, i haven't managed to get through the Lead on the Cult song but done ok with this, good fun i hope this isn't my last post of the week but just night be due to other commitments nighty night
  17. @@Vodka I've had a shitty day today but thanks you have cheered me up
  18. Good Evening all, tonight was a mostly bass night as I use the bass to learn the Rhythm and feel of all the new songs.... then I get into it even more and forget to play the 6 string. so... some scores not too bad, just 1% behind @@fripponomic 's Bass night liking these songs so learning them should not be a chore, although i just know i can't play the Cult song after watching @@Vodka 's video...... i'm going to fail miserably later
  19. well i couldn't do any better in my class so i thought i'd have a go at the beginner song, and today my Prophecy loved drop D for some reason. so i went through my library of drop D songs and improved on every one first time..... must be the new battery, new week coming :D
  20. Here's some send of week scores, some improvements some not so good, some in dire need of Improvement...... hopefully ill get a bit of time later to up the scores a bit... can't beat @@Vodka on this due to inconsistent recognition issues. as there was no INT Rhythm i had a go at the others... couldn't leave the bass out, looks like i'll loose some pretty picks this week -_- but i tried..... good morning all
  21. Here's my Bass contribution....straight into second place...... The technical problem has been sorted but not before causing a lot of swearing and throwing picks about the room. The good news is that my guitar now works but the bad news is the smoke detector does not :blink: I was trying to play the Nachbarscaft song but kept getting really bad recognition issues and the sound was pretty shit, eventually I managed to get a score...... then I swapped the battery for my EMG pick ups with the smoke detector and tah dah....... I will get better at this I promise now the bloody guitar is working properly. night night all
  22. No posts last night due to a technical hitch but I did go straight to number 1 in the INT Bass but only to be beaten straight away thanks to @@guijappe However the week is young so I just might just be able to run through a few more times on Bass.....mainly due to struggling badly on the 6 string. (all my bass scores are using a pick, cos I cant do the fingering bit......... yet)
  23. Not much time tonight but i had a little go at the INT bass......... happy with this but will get 100% when the misses stops making do DIY stuff...... bloody menace, night night all, gotta drill some holes in the wall....... :rolleyes:
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