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macjm last won the day on June 16 2017

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  • Guitar

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  1. didnt do too great with this so it was good to work on! definitely improved a bit but those patterns are so weird
  2. not too bad, this song was pretty easy but that solo is rough on the pinky
  3. had a good week with this, couldnt nail the beginning of the solo but the rest came pretty easily, glad I've been able to keep up with the advanced songs :)
  4. happy with where I got relative to the time I put into it, wish there was a longer solo on this one. Never really got into the 80s hair type stuff but its really fun to play and learn
  5. not my best week but glad I could still do the advanced stuff, got really close to being able to do that solo on the high strings but couldnt get it fast enough, comfy at 90% speed but 100% tripped all over, still fun though
  6. Not much time this week because of getting ready for Christmas, Happy Holidays everyone. This was really easy but I couldnt get the game to recognize that little chord at the 12th fret consistently
  7. had a pretty good week with this, went from not being able to play the beginning parts and the up and down parts at all to being able to play them so that was good. One problem I had was the game wouldnt recognize the octave chords unless I played the D string open, not muted like it notated but totally open which was weird to play. Not really into this style of playing or music so it was good to work on.
  8. first official advanced track, had a lot of fun because with the int tracks it was usually like me being able to play it by just watching the screen and getting at least an 85% then seeing how far I could grind it to be a perfect score, this was a lot better because I actually had to learn the individual parts, coulda done better but I ran out of time, pleased with what I got
  9. Since there's no intermediate lead this week can I move up to advanced? feeling a bit too conformable with the int leads lately and I really want to push myself.
  10. this is all I have for this week, got pretty decent at the main children of bodom pop song cover solo, but the second part I dont have enough frets for
  11. happy thanksgiving to all the other americans so much metal lately lol
  12. all I have for this week as it was a bit of a crazy week, forcing myself to do some theory and piano as well
  13. this song was fun classic
  14. Hmm I didnt have that problem with this one, the trick if you have this issue is to remove the DD using the most recent RS toolkit, then it works fine seems to be an issue with the DD
  15. worked a lot on those fast runs and got them mostly down but not totally, otherwise really easy, pretty fun
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