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Everything posted by firekorn

  1. http://customsforge.com/topic/901-how-to-use-custom-dlcs-in-rs2014/ make sure you have the dll in the right place with the right name.
  2. @@ghost lineage if you could report which one broke things for you, we could do investiguation to see why they do so and if we can deploy some kind of fix for it. But without information, we can't really do much.
  3. @@Amarillo114 The current mac patch should work on any mac OS, we have quite a fair share of user that had success with the updated patch. I don't have much info coming from user where it doesn't work so helping is near impossible and i don't have time to follow up on everyone situation either.
  4. You would need to alter the wwise audio pipeline to allow mods to the speed beyond what the software support.
  5. EOF doesn't support any version above GP5 but GP7 have an export option to save gp5 file anyway.
  6. the name of the dll should be "D3DX9_42.dll", are you sure it is set as such?
  7. Are you sure the dll is properly named? Are you sure it's in the right folder?
  8. @@nick_beat it's not a beta anymore, it has been pushed to all user already and most report indicate it works. We still have a few user with issue though.
  9. http://customsforge.com/topic/33889-how-to-add-custom-songs-on-mac
  10. @@TeeBee a screenshot of it all would work well too. Also the patch will means that file will fail to verify with steam, the reason of checking file integrity is to make sure you run with the default file cause runing the patch multiple times will make the patch fail.
  11. @@jimmortimer The patch should work on catalina. As always if you have issue, first try to verify the integrity of the game file and then apply the patch once. If you still have issue after, we'll need more info as to what is going on with your system.
  12. @@yaniv800 We are aware of what is lacking in our current search system. Yes, it's far from perfect and lacks some option but it's also a free tool made on people freetime, it can't have everything and we have to make choice as to what is the priority. The next version of ignition will surely cover some of your complaint and won't on others. We do with what we have and what we think is the best approach for as many people as possible. We have constant discussion on our staff chat about the issue you are raising. Our problem is the mean to make it all happen and few user have the potential to help us on that aspect.
  13. After verifying the integrity of the game files, when applying the patch, can you share the command window. I suspect the patch might not apply because of a path that isn't accurate to your specific installation path.
  14. For issue with the keyboard, i can only point you back to Ubisoft support, beside CDLC, i can only offer the usual "verify/install again" kind of option which is unlikely to solve any actual bug with the software while Ubisoft is still doing update to fix bugs on RS. And yes, get them out of your DLC folder and add them back in little chunk (by letter for example or whatever works for you to keep track of it). I know it's not a fun process but that's all i can really offer at the moment.
  15. @@mpoirier23 http://customsforge.com/topic/33889-how-to-add-custom-songs-on-mac/ same old tread has been updated for the latest update already.
  16. @@LickThat For the keyboard part, in Catalina, it is required to authorize access of app to the keyboard/mouse on first launched : https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthread.php/2120198-UPDATED-(10-08-19)-MacOS-Catalina-Known-amp-Fixed-Issues?p=14577336&viewfull=1#post14577336 As for problem with CDLC, all we know so far is that some specific CDLC can make all CDLC crash. We haven't identified the root of the issue so all we can ask for now is for people to add CDLC by small group at a time and try to find problematic CDLC this way for us to investigate more thoroughly.
  17. We have a lot of maintenance going on to restore CF properly after last weekend incident. You can read more about it in the announcement. Things should be better now than they were yesterday.
  18. For anyone that apply the path multiple times, it'll only break the game. If you have issue with the game starting, first verify the integrity of the game file to start on a fresh version and then add the patch once. If you still have issue, we will need 100 times more info than a simple "it doesn't work".
  19. The patch on the Mac tutorial is entirely up to date with the latest update to make RS compatible with Catalina. It has been available for 4 days already : https://customsforge.com/topic/33889-how-to-add-custom-songs-on-mac/
  20. @@Gibby076 sure, if you remove all those part, you can publish it.
  21. Everything in the previous week got deleted after we had to do a backup to fix major site issue. As to why we deleted that CDLC. This include riff that are available through official DLC and we don't feel comfortable with that CDLC being available.
  22. Those appear when there's no arrangement on the path you are on. So if you are on the lead path and there's no lead arrangement, the game will display a X.
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