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  3. both types are accepted. however, if you have i.e. 90% in "learn a song" mode, and someone else got 90% in "score attack" they wins as SA is prioritised over LaS. it is considered to be more precise is getting the hit and miss. all described in rules point 2 and 14-16. read here.
  4. Index and ring, yeah. (The way i play powerchords on guitar also)
  5. that gets booked under "improvement over last time".
  6. sigh, my dear friends the arpeggios... why not Ratm
  7. OK, I assume that 2 is the index finger (because according to RS it is the middle finger, but it would be impossible to play like that). I meant how you catch the D and G strings and catching them with little finger seems the most logical, but you need to have some strength in this finger to press them properly and I have a bit of a problem with that. Thanks for explaining.
  8. Ok.. bass in my hands - for fretting i go fingers 2 and 4, and on right hand i go fingers 1,2 and 3
  9. That's what I assumed, anyway I entered missing scores for rhythm and bass. There is no winner in the beginner bass anyway, but in the beginner rhythm @ lowender won, so @ aNDESmASAMUNE please update the winner list.
  10. Thx!!! Actually i cannot tell without a bass in my hands - i am gonna investigate. In any case - no pick used - i play bass fingerstyle only as you know. Rod.
  11. Dammit! I found the typo - fixed it BUT ONLY IN LEAD (!). Thx for investigating and fixing! Great work! Rod.
  12. It's a difficult week, I'm not sure which song I want to focus on yet Also got the 100% Mastery bug on all the songs for some reason
  13. Yes, it's strange, in the leaderboard there are no scores for the Cruachan song in rhythm and bass paths, but there are for lead. I don't know if it's related to some typo error that Rodman modified, but then it's strange that only rhythm and bass have an error... In any case, it is possible that the scores will have to be entered manually.
  14. pretty challenging for a begginer song i realized i forgot to take picture a bit too late for bass not sure if its the tuning but also pretty hard to 100 also pretty hard xd i think this song for rhythm and bass should be int.. not that hard. the lead definatley advanced for the solo dang looks like i didnt take picture of bass either smh intro is wild. not sure how i could get 96 and 98 at same time? pretty weird yea.... i think im gonna struggle for a couple weeks in master class xD but ill accept the challenge
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