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BoojiBoy last won the day on September 22 2014

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    Fall River, MA
  • Bass
    2003 Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray, many others

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  1. Awesome collection BoojiBoy -- especially cool to see after seeing your frequent bass playthrough videos! Only question is ... all that hardware and no 5 string? I've got an Epi Thunderbird Pro V, and I like it a lot except for improper grounding buzz. Does your Pro 4 do that? Thanks, took me a long time to amass these babies.. I was going to buy a 5-string and tried it at my local music store. I guess my fingers are too short or something because the neck felt huge and I just got frustrated with it (I should get one and just keep at it). As for the buzzing, my TB sounded great right off the shelf and I never had an issue.
  2. I think any beginner will struggle with "Everybody Wants to be an Astronaut" on bass. Because bass and guitar difficulty can vary wildly on song (ZZ Top, for example; easy on bass, hard on guitar) maybe bass and guitar championship songs should be different?
  3. My first entries: Black Sheep (bass) 100% - 728 streak [sharedmedia=videos:videos:387] Hypnotize (bass) 100% - 638 streak Forsaken (bass) 88% - 226 streak (I'll probably give this another go later)
  4. I started with RS2012 on PS3, then I got RS2014 (I have one or two vids from PS3 playthroughs). Then I got the PC version, way easier to edit and upload videos.
  5. here are my main basses; from left to right, Steinberger Synapse, Epiphone Thunderbird Pro IV, Line 6 Variax 700, 2003 Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray, Fender Classic Series 70's bass. I have a few more since this pic was taken.. Here's the rest (from left to right): Schecter Custom 4, Ibanez Soundgear SR300, Warwick Corvette $$, G&L Tribute JB-2, Yamaha BB424X, 1984 Rickenbacker 4003.
  6. a slightly strong compulsion to make play-through videos

  7. well, I started putting all my videos back up. I'm acknowledging 3rd party content and they are still available, so I guess that's a good sign. http://www.youtube.com/user/DishpanHands thanks
  8. So, if I do decide to re-up my videos. Should I put a disclaimer that I do not own content.. blah blah? Some times I get notices that a third party owns content "but it's still available on YouTube". I guess I'll just delete the ones that get blocked everywhere.
  9. PewDiePie even has a Rocksmith playthrough of a Muse song (with the music)... not many YouTubers bigger than him
  10. Thanks for the info guys, I already got one copyright strike against me for that. I would always dispute the claim "Fair Use", and all that bullcrap. I guess I should have just acknowledged 3rd party content.
  11. I have received a threatening copyright notice from YouTube about one of my videos (Muse "Hate This and I'll Love You"). So in order to protect myself, I have removed all Rocksmith videos. I still enjoy playing the custom tracks and appreciate this site. Thanks for your views.
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