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    Ibanez 4 string - fretless conversion

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  1. Awesome, I am all set. Now I just gotta figure out this 'Your audio input device is not configured for Audio Exclusivity.' I don't think I've seen this before. and a G search didn't seem to find anything. I did play a couple of songs through, seemed ok.
  2. Hello to all. So I am building a new pc and want to get my new install of RS14 Re on my new pc setup for CDLC and was curious if the 1st post in this thread is still effective even after the recent updates. I remember a little while ago reading on Reddit of people having issues with an update and I have been playing RS14 in 'offline' mode in Steam to avoid the updates so I may be a bit out of the loop. I'm just trying to avoid any delays so I can spend more time playing and not diagnosing some issue I could have avoided with a question here. Thanks in advance to all.
  3. I can't seem to get the D/L to work, I've tried all the clickbait links on the D/L page. Could someone please help me. TIA
  4. Ok. So if I purchase it from Steam, then just follow those instructions then? The 2014 remastered edition is the correct one?
  5. I was looking on the Steam page and noticed this on it. Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo Anti-tamper 5 different PC within a day machine activation limitRequires 3rd-Party Account: Uplay
  6. Hello, I was looking at taking advantage of the steam sale currently going on and was wondering if the instructions at the beginning of this thread is still working. Seems almost too easy. PC is on W10. TIA
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