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Rocksmith crashing after tuning



Hi all,

So I've been wanting to learn how to make my own CDLC for a bit now and I finally got around to doing it, but when I put it into Rocksmith to test it, the game crashes after the tuning screen and I'm not sure how to fix the song (all my other songs I downloaded from here work fine, it's just the CDLC I made that's crashing). I also tried using 'default showlights' in the Song Creator Toolkit and it still caused it to crash.

Would anyone have any potential clues on how to go about figuring out what the issue is? Some help would be greatly appreciated to get this figured out


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7 hours ago, Hikikomori said:

songs that crash at start usually are due to having more than 5 arrangement paths.   if you have rocksniffer on this can help diagnose what the direct crash is.  RSmods also has some anti-crash features.


Thanks for the response.

Firstly I only have 3 arrangements (Lead, Rhythm and Bass) so it's not the 5 arrangements issue.

I downloaded Rocksniffer to have a look at what was happening. I don't know if I was looking in the right place but I was using debug_addon.html to see what was happening and it looks... fine to me for the most part? I did two attempts at this, one on the tuning screen, and one after relaunching the game and playing a few other songs in the right tuning to jump straight into the song from the song select screen, and I noticed it changed the game stage in the two .txt files that I copied everything from the html file into (which feels like it makes sense). However the arrangement ID on the line above the game stage also changed, which is probably the biggest thing I found odd. It also removed the names I gave my phrases in EOF and replaced them with things like "p0 15", etc., and I'm not sure what caused that.

I'm not sure if there's anything else that I'm not picking up quite yet since I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for. I've included a Google Drive link to the .txt files if anyone wants to have a look to see what else might be going wrong. Also do let me know if there was a different html file I needed to be looking at in Rocksniffer too.




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My suggestion is to try rebuilding the song using DLC Builder instead of Song Creator Toolkit. The toolkit has been outdated for quite a few years now and is probably causing you more trouble than you need.

If you need a download link, it's available on Firekorn's CDLC tutorial here or by clicking the Create CDLC link on the top of the page

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10 hours ago, BluesMcGroove said:

My suggestion is to try rebuilding the song using DLC Builder instead of Song Creator Toolkit. The toolkit has been outdated for quite a few years now and is probably causing you more trouble than you need.

If you need a download link, it's available on Firekorn's CDLC tutorial here or by clicking the Create CDLC link on the top of the page


So I grabbed the DLC Builder and I honestly do prefer how it works over the Toolkit, so thanks for the recommendation!

I rebuilt it through DLC Builder as a test and also decided to test out the other arrangements which I hadn't done yet (I'd only bothered to check Rhythm). Rhythm still crashed when loading the song, and Lead only had one phrase that actually loaded in; the rest of the song had no notes or phrases load in. Bass worked completely fine, however for some phrases it didn't have a purple bar on it (I'm wondering if it's just coz it was that easy where it wasn't picking up; those phrases are just groups of four notes lasting two bars each).

If there are still problems after a few more replies/suggestions I might just start over to give it a fresh start and new attempt. I'm sorry this hasn't seemed to be getting anywhere.



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