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Was just looking at coldrampage's post in this thread below, but apparently I cannot reply there to add this question of mine:

I must have CDLCs in my collection that are affected by the "dead tone" problem, but it's hard to figure out all of them, especially because playing the bass means that often tones aren't very different from no tone at all. So I usually notice the tones have died only when I start playing a CDLC that has been pitch shifted, and hear that the notes are now all wrong... by which time who knows what was the previous CDLC that killed everyone's tones 😅

coldrampage suggests that such CDLCs can be fixed by adding tones using the CFSM. But can you also spot such problematic CDLCs directly from the CFSM list, when you don't know which CDLCs have the issue? And/or is there a batch repair that would fix all dead tone CDLCs?

51 minutes ago, Shroud said:

coldrampage suggests that such CDLCs can be fixed by adding tones using the CFSM. But can you also spot such problematic CDLCs directly from the CFSM list, when you don't know which CDLCs have the issue? And/or is there a batch repair that would fix all dead tone CDLCs?

The dead tone bug is mostly caused by having a blank tone with no parameters, since you have to add a tone manually it doesn't really work too well with an automatic repair system. There also doesn't seem to be any option to list/quarantine ones with dead tones for manual repair either though which is kind of a shame.

According to github there was a fix for null tones in version of the toolkit, so you might be able to sort by toolkit version in cfsm to find some of them.

There's also an option in rsmods that tries to prevent the tone system from dying instead but idk how effective it is.

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