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Locked Ignition4.7 Changelog

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  • Comment Overhaul
  • New Filter/Sorting Options
  • Comment Replies
  • New Mention System w/ Notification when Mentioned
  • Genres (Optional)
  • Subgenres (Optional if a Genre is selected and a subgenre doesn't fit)
  • Tags (Predefined Tags)
  • Major profile update
  • Activity Log
  • Gear Info
  • Social Info
  • Redownloading songs has been fixed, there is a separate button to remove from collection
  • Search Box Color Adjustment
  • Spotify Integration (now can manually set a URL, and URL is logged in DB instead of cache)
  • Links in Author Notes will open in a new window
  • Other various bugs/changes/fixes/enhancements
  • We have added the setting to have CDLC open the record pages instead of the download page (when clicking the Download Icon), this has been a long requested feature.
  • Fixed bunch of hover / text link issues


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"Just remember: when something breaks, kick it as hard as you fucking can"

-Trent Reznor
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  • Administrator

6/15/2023 Hot Fixes:

  • Author Notes has been updated to allow underline, the ability to right click, and now a scroll box if your author notes are long
  • Fixed modal date bug
  • Discord Update Embed has been fixed
  • Other various fixes

"Just remember: when something breaks, kick it as hard as you fucking can"

-Trent Reznor
Support Me (Via Patreon)

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  • 1 month later...
  • Administrator

6/16/2023 - 7/21/2023

  • CDLC you created will no longer show on the main search for yourself
  • CDLC that you downloaded will no longer show on the main search (you can always view this in your collection)
  • Columns that you hide will now save to your account
  • Improved User Reports Area that will show you a history of your reports & info on songs you reported
  • Changed how downloading a song works as it used to show json instead of an error page if you try to visit it directly
  • Comment & Discussion Updates
  • Fixed tags not being updated if you change them when editing a CDLC
  • Started groundwork for filtering/searching by genre, subgenres and tags
  • Fixed model issue not showing correct info
  • Started groundwork for Badges which will display if you are an admin, mod, or developer. 
  • Looking into adding Donation and Patreon badges for users
  • Fixed profile header photo
  • Changed Key design
  • Various backend updates
  • When setting a preferred platform (example: MAC) the main download button will direct to mac, and the PC button will now download PC when clicked on record/modal
  • Fixed spotify embed issue
  • Other various changes & fixes

"Just remember: when something breaks, kick it as hard as you fucking can"

-Trent Reznor
Support Me (Via Patreon)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrator

8/6/2023 Changelog: 

  • Genre, Subgenres are searchable
  • Tags are searchable
  • Multiple Tags can be searched but it will only look for CDLC with those tags applied
  • CDLC Creation form fixed when adding tags/genres/subgenres, it will now save
  • Added "X" to make it easier to clear out filters, remember to save after
  • Fixed issues with filters
  • Fixed Hidden showing by default
  • Fixed Windows being enabled by default which caused the filters to show there is a setting set even though it was a default behavior
  • Reworked multiple parts of Genres, Subgenres, and Tags
  • Fixed Modal & Record Pages with genre/tag issues

"Just remember: when something breaks, kick it as hard as you fucking can"

-Trent Reznor
Support Me (Via Patreon)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrator

Multiple changes on the backend have been released

  • When you visit a song, it will attempt to populate the song's spotify preview up to 3 times (1 per visit), then it will be blacklisted until the uploader manually sets the URL (This is to prevent the API from being constantly spammed)
  • We added timezone settings in the user profile that can be set, comments and other times will be updated in the future to use your timezone (comments currently do)
  • Setlists will soon be released to more users, but right now I am fixing some other issues before I focus back on setlists again
  • Your profile settings that are set on your forums profile will now be synced daily to your ignition4 profile


"Just remember: when something breaks, kick it as hard as you fucking can"

-Trent Reznor
Support Me (Via Patreon)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Administrator

Ignition4 Changelog (4.7.133):

  • Fixed issue with some users getting NULL when trying to download
  • Setlists are released for ALL to test
  • https://ignition4.customsforge.com/user/setlist
  • https://ignition4.customsforge.com/setlist
  • Released a major update reworking some of the code for a dependancy update, we're still working on fixing bugs for this update
  • Introduce new BADGE system which displays a badge next to your name if you are a staff member, developer, championship organizer, or have donated/contributed to our patreon.
  • Fixed multiple issues with filter system, especially with SEARCH ARRANGEMENT
  • Added multiple new options there
  • Fixed some setlist issues, added new last updated column on the search
  • Fixed KB loading issues
  • Improved User Profiles with multiple changes/fixes
  • Revamped error pages
  • Revamped how the navigation works on the backend
  • Reworked popup modal a bit
  • Adjusted modal font for dates to fit when the months are shown better
  • Multiple other fixes/changes


"Just remember: when something breaks, kick it as hard as you fucking can"

-Trent Reznor
Support Me (Via Patreon)

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  • 8 months later...
  • Administrator

Updates are always shown on our discord, but I'll update this thread on the latest updates:

DLC Builder CDLC Creation Support Import your data from your DLC Builder Project File! This will prefill out the form for you.
Featured Artists Instead of Title ft. Artist or Artist Ft. Artist, we added a field that supports multiple featured artists.
Workshop -> CDLC Creation - You can now convert a workshop item to a CDLC once it is completed
ALBUM VIEW - ALBUM view is here!! We still need to update some sections of the site but you can now go to any artists, and view their albums and see each title and cdlc that is available

Workshop & Wishlist Updates - We have updated and improved the design/functionality
Notification Fixes - I've deployed some notification fixes

Notification Count - This feature used to be live, but is temp disabled, it only updates on refresh.


  • Thanks 1

"Just remember: when something breaks, kick it as hard as you fucking can"

-Trent Reznor
Support Me (Via Patreon)

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