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Any tips for DLC creation?



I am dying to create DLC for some of my favorite bands/songs but every time I try it becomes such a complicated mess.  I've tried following the tutorials.  I watched videos on YouTube but I can never complete anything.   I get as far as mapping the audio, tempo, tabs/notes in EOF but then it all falls apart and I get frustrated.

I see people posting 5, 10 or more DLC songs per day and I wonder how they can crank them out that quickly!  Is there an easier way?  Am I doing something wrong?

Any advice or suggestion would be welcome.  Thanks in advance.

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1 hour ago, Drewk86a said:

I see posting 5, 10 or more DLC songs per day and I wonder how they can crank them out that quickly! 

A lot of us wonder how they are cranking out that many. Just accept that they are either a machine or some sort of freak.

On a serious note, (no puns intended) you have to take into account a few things. First, quality of the cDLC being uploaded. (cynicism? envy? snark?) In this line of thought, Are they pumping out 4 tracks of lead only, or 5 tracks of bass, or 1 track of all three paths, lead/rhythym/bass and then add lyrics, doing lyrics add a .... ton of time. They have to also be tapped out to the path after going in and marking pauses or held words.

Next, those that release with a good quality custom:The amount of times that those creators have already made a custom. The more they create, the easier it becomes. With practice and repetition of using the program the easier it is for that wizard to work their magic. No joke in this.

In the same vein, those that have years of experience doing so along with years of experience with instruments can hear all of what is going on better than a beginner. The beat is easier to find, to map, as well as incorrect notes in tabs, plethora examples can go in here. They have a more developed ear.

I recently saw a comment where someone said it takes on average depending the song 8 hours for a custom to make. Obviously, not every song, nor every creator takes as long or does it in the same pace.

This is why we have or should have such respect for those that go find the source track, download the mp3, then contribute their time and wizardry to make the customs.

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